
Showing posts from December, 2017

One of My Favorite Bible Stories, a teenaged girl named Mary, the mother of The Messiah

Listen to what you need to hear. Last Days. Jerusalem Rapture Tribulation

Trump Antichrist Watch

This Blog was originally written and posted on December 2, 2017. See date time stamp below. A few days ago I had a vivid dream about reading an email a Christian friend sent me. The entire dream entailed me reading an email about Donald Trump. The email was entirely about the intriguing history detailing Donald Trump's family tree. His heritage, ancestry going back hundreds of years it was fascinating.  In the dream I read it thinking how much there was to know about this man. On the  last page of the email in very prominent bright red letters was written " HE IS THE ONE " I woke up immediately looked at the clock.  The time was 12:34 exactly. I got up made some notes so I would not forget. "He is the one"  was definitely clear to me to mean THE ANTICHRIST.  The next day I went and researched the number one two three four  in strongs Bible reference and found that it certainly matches detailed description of the identifying the Antichrist...