Most Short Term Mission Trips are a Scam. Do not be deceived.
This Blog is not directed to Saints who've truly been called by God to go out into the mission fields, wherever that may be. I myself was personally called to go to Vietnam in 2005 and in 2008 I moved there and lived among the people for 73 months. Where God calls he provides. I did not ask for any funds. Although I received $2,000 from an individual who told me the Lord told them to send me the money immediately. I supported myself entirely for the entire time. What I want to address here are the sickening number of short mission scams run by charlatan reprobates. wolves fleecing the flock, mostly young people on fire for Jesus. I am a retired military officer and have travelled all over the world. I have worked and traveled as both a civilian as well as military. When I was only 18 years old I traveled to Germany and backpacked all over by myself. When my funds ran low, I worked. I never asked people to crowd fund me. Here's how the scam works. A fake 501c3 corpo...