The Roots of NAR New Apostolic Reformation #Laodicea #EndTimes
Ephesians 5:11 “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them .” King James Version (KJV) Background Studies: A Deep Looking inside the APOSTATE NAR The Woman Rides the Beast NAR Christian Nationalism #ZIONISM #VATICAN #AntiChrist #EndTimes A Rebuke of Bill Johnson of Bethel Church NAR APOSTASY The Tale of 2 Christians - Jacob and Esau; and the temptation to be as gods The Church of Philadelphia VS The Church of Laodicea The Children of Israel Part 2 Identification #End Time #discipleship The Children of Israel; Identification Part One The Case Study of the Perfect Christian Nationalist #Zionism #Politics #Judaism #Noahide #antichrist KINGDOM 320 is BEYOND Dominion Theology #EndTimes #Antichrist Mike Johnson The Pope of the Evangelical Christian National Movement The Trump MAGA Evangelical Christian Coalition - Jesuit Vatican Coalition - The Kabbalah 3rd Temple Masonic Jewish Coalition and The Global Luciferian Elite