
Showing posts from November, 2024

The Roots of NAR New Apostolic Reformation #Laodicea #EndTimes

  Ephesians 5:11 “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove  them .” King James Version (KJV) Background Studies: A Deep Looking inside the APOSTATE NAR The Woman Rides the Beast NAR Christian Nationalism #ZIONISM #VATICAN #AntiChrist #EndTimes A Rebuke of Bill Johnson of Bethel Church NAR APOSTASY The Tale of 2 Christians - Jacob and Esau; and the temptation to be as gods The Church of Philadelphia VS The Church of Laodicea The Children of Israel Part 2 Identification #End Time #discipleship The Children of Israel; Identification Part One The Case Study of the Perfect Christian Nationalist #Zionism #Politics #Judaism #Noahide #antichrist KINGDOM 320 is BEYOND Dominion Theology #EndTimes #Antichrist Mike Johnson The Pope of the Evangelical Christian National Movement The Trump MAGA Evangelical Christian Coalition - Jesuit Vatican Coalition - The Kabbalah 3rd Temple Masonic Jewish Coalition and The Global Luciferian Elite

A Deep Looking inside the APOSTATE NAR

  Mounting Evidence Mainstream ‘Apostolic/Prophetic Movement’- Is Apostate Persecuting Church – scribal well Disclaimer: Although the preceding study on the NAR is exemplary in its scope to expose the outrageous apostasy of the NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION, the author goes into philosophy to describe areas of his investigation - straying away from doctrine.  Be advised of not getting caught up some of his rhetoric such as right/left brained Christian thinking etc.   Commentary from Sister Ursula: I am finally done with my ROOTS OF NAR study and wow, what an eye opener that was for me!  I also have  grief in my heart to see so clearly my involvement in the Charismatic movement after I first got saved and ran away  from the harlot churches  only to enter into the destructive company that seeks to destroy the harlot with its false fire (and is itself an even far worse harlot!). I have tried to make the study as concise as possible to only focus on where...

When is it Time to Put the Mantle Down and Go into Quiet Devotion?

CASE STUDY OF WHEN WE OUR BRETHREN TELL US TO  LAY DOWN THE MANTLE AND GO INTO QUIET DEVOTION.   Note. I have my dear Sister's permission to use her commentary in this video.  ONLY 47 VIEWS at the time of this Video The Time Cometh that whosover killeth you will think that he doeth God service #Endtimes #Rapture The Time Cometh that whosover killeth you will think that he doeth God service Associated Study Links for this Video The Church of Laodicea racing to embrace the AC To Deny Paul’s Gospel is to Deny Jesus Christ Occupy and Work while it is day; the night cometh Why We need to understand the Bloody City of Ezekiel 22 #EndTimes #Rapture #Tribulation Stand Down Marine! The Davidic Covenant and what 2 Timothy 2:4 KJB Looks Like in This Realm Commentary from Sister Creina in Ireland: I wanted to add that I feel Jesus is near or completed the sealing.. I don't think there are any others than He wants on the first shi...

The World Has No Idea What the AC will do to them WAKE UP Time #EndTimes #AntiChrist

1 Thessalonians 5:9 “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,” King James Version (KJV) Understanding the End Timeline - #Rapture #Tribulation #Millennial Reign of Christ Rebuking Chaplain Bob Walker on his denial of The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Woe to you that desire the Day of the Lord; Why I believe The NON PRE TRIB Believers will get what they want Let's talk seriously about Revelation 3:7-12 KJB AntiChrist Rising; Let’s Talk About Trump through the Lens of the King James Bible #AntiChrist #EndTime The Church of Philadelphia VS The Church of Laodicea   Daniel 11:38 KJV 1611 “But in his estate shall he honour the god of forces: and a God whome his fathers knew not, shall hee honour with gold, and siluer, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.” In my hardcopy 1611 there is a comment in verse 38 "the god of forces" "or munitions Heb. Mauzzin or, as for the almighty God in his seat she shall honour, yeah he shal...