
Showing posts from 2013

Longing, Yearning for the Rapture; MARANATHA

I had to share two letters below that really touched my heart, both on the same theme of Longing and Yearning for Christ's Return.   One is from Dr. Reagan and the other is from my brother in Christ Tom Gaston.   Lord I pray you give me such a yearning to be with you and to seek your Kingdom.  PRAISE GOD M A R A N A T H A EVEN SO COME LORD JESUS Are you yearning for Christ's return? By  Dr. David R. Reagan Founder & Director, Lamb & Lion Ministries Happy New Year! At the beginning of each new year, I always find myself experiencing a refreshed sense of yearning for the Lord's return. The prayer of my heart each New Year's Eve is, "Lord, let this be the year You will send Your Son for His Church!" How about you?  Do you ever find yourself yearning for the return of Jesus?  Really yearning with all your heart? Yearning with a passion beyond words? Yearning like a lost man in the desert yearns for a sip of water? I fear that mos

Watchman On The Wall

The Omega Letter Intelligence Digest Vol: 147 Issue: 30 - Monday, December 30, 2013 The Watchmen on the Wall   Note:   This Letter  gives us a detailed outline of what the Bible predicts the world will look like in the last days.  Pete Garcia's " The 'Church of Christ' in the Last Days " points out even the smaller denominations that refuse to believe what the Bible says today, will easily fall for the lies in the future. There are three pillars upon which the Bible says the antichrist will build his global government. Revelation Chapter 13 describes his absolute control over a global government, a global religious system and a global economy. To accomplish that, a number of things must already be in place. After all, he only has seven years. While there is a global government system, there is no genuine centralized global government. The United Nations has proven itself under pressure to be a paper tiger. The idea is sound, the resources are there, as is t

Thus says the Lord : ----to EVERY Minister in America

Report: Major Middle East Peace Agreement To Be Signed By January 2014

The False Teaching of The Church has replaced Israel / Replacement Theology

The Omega Letter Intelligence Digest Vol: 147 Issue: 28 - Saturday, December 28, 2013 Christian Supersessionism   Replacement theology, also called supersessionism or fulfilled theology, is an interpretation of Bible doctrine that says in essence, that God can both change and that God can lie. The proponents of this worldview don’t specifically say that, but it is the only way that it can work.  There are a lot of branches on the replacement theology tree, but they shoot off from two main trunks. Israel’s role as the people of God was completed when the Messiah came 2,000 years ago.  A transition took place at this point and the Church became the people of God.   This is called  economic supersessionism. Israel forfeited its place as God’s Chosen people as a Divine punishment for the rejection and crucifixion of the Messiah. This view is called  punitive supersessionism. In both cases, all the promises made by God to the Jews have been passed to the Church.   The ethnic Jews

The Overlooked "After" Revelation / Rapture of the Church

The overlooked “After”                                                                                                                                                       By Pastor F. M. Riley                                                                                                                                 December 28, 2013      “My son, if thou wilt receive My words, and hide My commandments with thee;      So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom and apply thine heart to understanding;      Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding;      If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures;      Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God.      For the Lord giveth wisdom ; out of His mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.      He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous: He is a buckler to them that walk uprightly.                                 

ALERT NEWS DANGER NOW BEWARE Canary Islands Volcanic Activity

Alert Status as Magma is Rising & 5.4 Earthquake Strikes Canary Islands

Big quake watch/Earth approaches...

O Holy Night - Josh Groban

Have a Very Merry Christmas;

Unto Us Jesus Note:  Jack's  message today  reminds us that during this time of year we need to heed  Matthew  5:16  with those we will be celebrating with.  But as Wendy Wippel's column, " Oh Holy Night " points out we should not be deceived by the progressive, emergent "thinkers" who's intention is to strip  John  3:16  of the saving power of the prophesied event  that literally changed the world. Please watch these 2 videos about amazing facts about the star of Bethlehem,  The Magi, The Birth of Jesus,  the 1st Christmas  and how Satan Hijacked Christmas celebration in 3AD. I'm updating my why I as a Christian celebrate Christmas Blog with this information.  Part 1 Introduction of the Star of Bethlehem signs in heavens the Magi Part 2: the star of Bethlehem and why Christmas is not based originally on a pagan holiday but Sa

Alien Invasion Staged When Rapture Happens

When millions of people mysteriously disappear Satan and his minions in the New World Order will be ready with an Alien Invasion (Aliens are Demons) that will fake the unsuspecting masses left behind. Don't be fooled. The people have been taken to heaven to be with Jesus. If you are left behind please go to for more information. Accept Jesus as your Savior Now. M A R A N A T H A  alien invasion rapture By Tom Gaston: Check out this Bible Code....." Resurrection ."     You will see that " Lucifer " is going to " stage " an  alien invasion  along with " military " influence.  Our secret military already has " spaceships " or " UFO technology ."  Joining the search term "Resurrection" is the phrase listing of..." Christians, eternity, city ."    Over to the left side of the matrixes you will see the terms..."Ascension, Bride peoples, The Lucifer


The Dragon, The Queen & The All-Seeing Eye

Bible Code for Christmas 2013 Rapture Watch

RAPTURE WATCH CHRISTMAS 2013 Merry Christmas God bless you and your family and may your Christmas season be filled with the wonder and power of our precious Lord Jesus Christ. I wanted to share this exciting Bible code Brother Tom Gaston found for Christmas 2013 as a "Possible" Rapture Date: God bless you M A R A N A T H A Following by Tom Gaston:     Jesus  is like the " Grinch " who comes like a  " thief in the night ."     Look below.   Tom G. Page 2: Page 3: Page 4: Page 5:

You Can't Have Our Christmas Just Yet


What God Reveals to Little Children Matthew 11:25

One of my Vietnamese students, a precious 9  year old girl from a non Christian background,  came to me after class and handed me a neatly folded paper and asked me not to open it until after class. I thanked her and asked her  what she was giving me. She said it was drawings of  MONSTERS  that were COMING. I Got home last night and opened her letter to find  these pictures below: The Lord has placed it on my heart to share.   Psalms 8:2:  Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings have you ordained strength because of your enemies, that you might still the enemy and the avenger. Matthew 11:25 At that time Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Matthew 21:16 "Do you hear what these children are say