
Showing posts from March, 2016

2016: Come Lord Jesus, get us out of here and break those 7 seals. #ccot #Maranatha #Rapture #Tribulation #2ndAdvent

Come Lord Jesus, get us out of here, and break those "seven seals."     [........................In 5776 and seven seals.......................] ב  ת   ש   ע   ו     ו    ש  ב  ע     ח  ו  ת  מ  ו  ת 400 6   40 400  6    8       70   2   300      6       6    70   300   400  2 / total = 2016   Tom Gaston

Joshua a foreshadow and type of Christ Jesus, #Rapture Watch 2016 Passover Season

  Reviewing the story in Joshua.      I want to share some new findings, but first I want to give a short of the story of Joshua ( Joshua chapters 5 and 6 ) when the children of Israel crossed the Jordan and marched around the city ofJericho.  I hope you all saw the significance as to "why" God had them around the city of Jericho in a circle ( circle = 360 degrees ).  And so I want to give just a quick review below. Nothing real lengthy. Then I will show some of my new findings.     Israel circles Jericho "one time" over a period of six days ( a circle = 360 ).  Then Israel on the "seventh day" marches around the city "seven times"...........7 x360 = 2520.    ( 1.)  The six days ( 1000 years is as one day to the Lord ) in which Israel marched around the city represents 6000...

New Jerusalem ready by 2016 #ccot #Rapture Watch

By Tom Gaston : John 14:1- 3.... “Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also."   Rev 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginningand the end, saith the Lord, which is and which was and which "is to come" the Almighty. Alpha /  α G0001 a / gemtria value = 1  Omega / ω G5598 omega/ value = 800 New /καινος  G2537 kainos / Gematria = 351  Jerusalem/Ιερουσαλημ  G2419Hierousalem =864     Alph...

The Ark of the Covenant reveals Jesus Christ #ccot #Yeshua #Messiah

By Dr. Reagan, Lamb and Lion Ministries : My favorite form of prophecy is symbolic prophecy. The Bible is full of it! You will never love to read the Old Testament until you understand that if you know how to read it you can find Jesus on almost every page, because there are so many symbols of Jesus in the Old Testament. There are symbols in events. Every feast in the Jewish calendar points to an agricultural event and to something in the past, such as the giving of the Law, and to something in the future, such as what would be fulfilled by the Messiah. Every event is prophetic in nature. Then there are people who are symbols. The Old Testament is full of people who are prophetic in nature, making them symbolic prophecies. Take Joseph, for example. Joseph is probably the greatest of all of the symbolic prophecies in the Old Testament. Joseph delivered a message from God to his kinsman, just as Jesus came to deliver a message of God to the Jewish people. What did his ...

The twins arrive before Niburu. Hopi end time prophecy     The two "twin comets" which just passed by us last week come right before Nibiru. FINAL HOPI PROPHECY SIGN BEFORE NIBIRUJUST HAPPENED!!! Friday, March 25, 2016 5:45   WE TOLD YOU FIRST about the hundreds of verified and peer reviewed Torah Codes declaring that NIBIRU and the Moshiach (Messiah) Lord RayEl were linked; you’ve seen them and been able to confirm them for yourself, and you’ve watched their prophecies come true, one right after another. Again, we will show you this first… THE FINAL HOPI PROPHECY before the arrival of Nibiru has just occurred… “THE TWINS!!! “ Most of you who follow the unfolding Nibiru (Nemesis) story, know IT’S DUE TO ARRIVE NOW, and know that it appears in the sky as a GIANT RED PLANET, this is the “RED KACHINA...

High Rapture Watch April 2016

   High Rapture Watch.  Submitted by my brother in Christ,  Tom Gaston ( Check out the gematria's below )    Hey everyone,    Sunset in Israel today is at 6:54 ( Israel time )  If the Lord doesn't come sometime between 10:30to 11:00 today ( my time central ), then we need to continue to be alert to the "window of time" which we are in right now as we head down to 1rst Nisanwhich is the "first day" of God's religious Spring calendar year. I said this before, and I will it again.  God NEVER changed Israel's calendar back to the "fall season" once He changed it to the "Spring season" back in Exodus 12:1-6.       Therefore I believe that God has been keeping track of time by way of the "Spring calendar" and not the "Fall calendar" which Israel is following.  I believe that t...

Current Muslim resettlement in America #ccot

WHERE MUSLIM REFUGEES RESETTLED IN YOUR TOWN IN 2015 and they are  all on Welfare!    Listing by state, city, and numbers:   STATE AND CITY REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT 2015     AK Anchorage 125  AL Mobile 125  AR Springdale 10   AZ Glendale 895 AZ Phoenix 1,459 AZ Tucson 935  CA Anaheim 175 CA Fullerton 10 CA Garden Grove 150 CA Glendale 1,420 CA Los Angeles 490 CA Los Gatos 144 CA Modesto 250 CA Oakland 615 CA Sacramento 1,276 CA San Bernardino 65 CA San Diego 3,103 CA San Francisco 5 CA San Jose 142 CA Turlock 120 CA Walnut Creek 90  CO Colorado Springs 138 CO Denver 1,690 CO Greeley 150 CT Bridgeport 100 CT Hartford 285 CT New Haven 205 DC Washington 15 DE Wilmington 5 FL Clearwater 200 FL Delray Beach 95 FL Doral 160 FL Jacksonville 895 FL Miami 1,056 FL Miami Springs 133 FL Naples 115 FL North Port 30 FL Orlando 360 FL Palm Springs 150 FL Pensacola 20 FL Plantation 75 FL ...

The false teaching of a partial Rapture

By Tom Gaston,  addressing the false teaching of a partial Rapture :  You stated in one of your articles at fivedoves that some Christians are going to be left behind at the time of the Rapture. This is unscriptural, and therefore according to Scripture ( Titus 1:9 and other passages ) I must take a stand against such teaching which is in contradiction to God's word.     I hope and pray that what I have written below will be helpful to you, and that it will give you more accurate insight and a better understanding as to "why" there is no such thing as a "partial rapture" of the Church which is just a "theory" promoted by those who want to believe it, and who believe that a true christian can lose their salvation. Those who teach such a doctrine obviously want to "get to heaven" based upon their "good works and good behavior."  The resurrection / rapture event is simply God "ending the ...

The 4 falls and ultimate destination of Satan #ccot

God is so amazing.  The number 4 represents the world.  Satan is the prince of this world, not  the earth,  but the world and the world's system of which we are not of, but in. (John 17). How amazing that God kicks Satan in the nuts 4 times as shown below and that 4 represents the world. Praise God!  Amen! Hallelujah! Maranatha! The 4 falls and ultimate destination of Satan. Glory to God. From glorified to profane (Ezekiel 28:14-16) ·        From having access to heaven (Job 1:12, 1 Kings22:21, Zechariah 3:1) to restriction to the earth (Revelation 12:9) ·        From the earth to bondage in the bottomless pit for 1,000 years (Revelation 20) ·        From the pit to the lake of fire (Revelation 20)

Why is #Israel persecuted? #ccot #IStandWithIsrael

The persecution of Israel is part of the satanic program to thwart and hinder the work of God . . . Israel is hated by Satan not because of any of its own characteristics but because she is the chosen of God and essential to the overall purpose of God for time and eternity." (Walvoord)

#Rapture Watch Spring 2016 #Passover #Purim #ccot

Will the "Covenant with death" be made by the opening of 1rst Nisan in2016?   ( Amazing gematria's below )        I have always believed that the most likely time that the antichrist will come onto the world stage and make a "covenant with death" with Israel and the "many" will probably be as Israel is coming into their Passover season. Jesus is the "true messiah" who "made" the "true covenant" in His blood duringPassover season.  And the covenant which Jesusprovided is a covenant which provides "life" andNOT "death."  And so therefore, likewise, I believe that Israel who has been and is waiting and looking for their messiah ( who is Jesus, but who has already came ) is going to be deceived, and that they will therefore receive the antichrist as their "false messiah" when he comes to "Isra...