Joshua a foreshadow and type of Christ Jesus, #Rapture Watch 2016 Passover Season
Reviewing the story in Joshua.
I want to share some new findings, but first I want to give a short of the story of Joshua ( Joshua chapters 5 and 6 ) when the children of Israel crossed the Jordan and marched around the city ofJericho. I hope you all saw the significance as to "why" God had them around the city of Jericho in a circle ( circle = 360 degrees ). And so I want to give just a quick review below. Nothing real lengthy. Then I will show some of my new findings.
Israel circles Jericho "one time" over a period of six days ( a circle = 360 ). Then Israel on the "seventh day" marches around the city "seven times"...........7 x360 = 2520.
( 1.) The six days ( 1000 years is as one day to the Lord ) in which Israel marched around the city represents 6000 prophetic years of mans rule.
( 2.) Israel circling the city of Jericho seven timesrepresents the 2520 days of the tribulation period (360 x 7 = 2520 ). The number 7 is the number which represents "divine completion" in Scripture.
( 3.) The "seventh day" in which Israel marched around the city seven times represents the "seventh millennium" ( 1000 year reign of Christ ) which will commence once the 2520 days of the tribulation period have concluded. And it will be "immediately after the tribulation of those days" that all the tribes of the earth mourn as they will see Christ returning in the heavens with great power and great glory ( Matt. 24:29 ).
So here in the book of Joshua God has given us a "prophetic mathematical riddle" for us to see, observe, and understand. It is very clear that Jesus is going to return at the END of the 2520 days of thetribulation period which is the conclusion of "man's 6000 years of rule" upon the earth, at which time Christ will totally destroy the remainder of all His enemies and the enemies of Israel and then setup His kingdom upon the earth for 1000 years. It will be then at that time that the surviving believingremnant of the house of Israel will finally go in and totally possess God's land and experience their "sabbath rest." They will no longer be scattered nor persecuted by the gentile nations.
Jericho therefore represents the "first battle" and "first enemy" which Israel encountered under Joshua( who is a type of Christ ) when they crossed over the Jordan and entered the land of Canaan for the first time. And Jericho also represents in "type" the "last battle" and the "last enemy" which Jesus ( Joshua ) Himself will fight when He returns to restore Israel and give them possession of His land.
7 = The number of divine completion.
7 = The seven times they circled Jericho.
7 = The "seventh day."
Here below are some new interesting Gematria findings.
5776 / Hay = 5 / Tav = 400 Shin = 300 Ayin = 70 Vav = 6 / total
5 x 4 x 3 x 7 x 6 = 2520 The tribulation days
Pyramid / triangle formula......base x height x 0.5
Passover = 148 x 9 ( 9 stands for finality ) x 0.5= 666
Nisan 17 = 837..........8 x 3 x 7 x 0.5 = 148Passover
The Church = 160
2016.......20 x 16 x 0.5 = 160 The Church
Nisan = 820...........8 x 20 x 0.5 = 160 The Church
Resurrection / Tav = 400 Cheth = 8 Yod = 10 Yod = 10 Hay = 5
4 x 8 x 1 x 1 x 5 = 160 The Church
Nisan 16 = 836.......8 x 3 x 6 x 0.5 = 144
Yeshua = 386.........3 x 8 x 6 = 144
Nisan 16 = 836.........8 x 36 = 288...Nisan 16 /Sunday April 24, 2016 is First fruits in 2016.
Nisan 17 = 837.........8 x 37 = 296...1 + 2 + 3 to the number 17 = 153...Which is the value for The Passover = 153
Nisan 18 = 838.........8 x 38 = 304...Nisan 18 in Hebrew = 838 / First fruits = 838 ( is Tuesday in2016 - the 3rd day ).
.........................................Total = 888 Jesus
Taking the days Nisan...... 16 + 17 + 18 = 51 x 3 ( number for resurrection ) = 153 The Passover
Now we will multiply these days.....16 x 17 x 18 =4896
Jerusalem ( in the Greek ) = 864
Saints ( in the Greek ).......= 864
2016 + 864 + 2016 = 4896
4896..( reverse )..69 + 84 = 153 = The Passover
4896....................................48 + 96 = 144
Nisan 16 = 836.......8 x 3 x 6 x 0.5 = 144
Yeshua = 386.........3 x 8 x 6 = 144
Nisan 16 = 836
Nisan 17 = 837
Rapture = 343
_________________ = 2016
In Christ, Tom Gaston
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