
Showing posts from February, 2020

High Rapture Watch 2020: Passover through Pentecost 2020 Look Up ^ Saints! Maranatha!

Saints Look Up^  Our Redemption is near. The Rapture of the Church is imminent and again this coming Passover season through Pentecost I am especially watchful. I look at Pentecost in particular as an extremely high Rapture watch time.  Important Update: June 21, 2020. Pentecost 2020 is listed online as May 31, 2020. However, there is stronger scripture evidence found after studying a few other Brother's in Christ who are waiting and watching for our Redemption like I have been these years, it now appears that the most "probable" Pentecost is not May 2020 but rather July 21 - 26 2020 because of Leviticus 23:9-16 KJV 49 days after firstfruits (April 18, 2020) plus 50 days = 99 days.  This is a good study: True Biblical Salvation:  Please read: link: Regarding those who look for Rosh Hashan...