So-called Star of David Confounds Dr. Andy Woods

If you can not get your head around the FACT that the Church, The Jewish Remnant, The Tribulation Saints, and the Old Testament Saints are ISRAEL, then you need to really study the KING JAMES BIBLE for yourself and not listen to REPROBATES like Andy Woods and the literally thousands of other false teachers. Start here Homework Assignment: Read Genesis Chapter 17 carefully and then read and compare Romans Chapter 4 and Galatians Chapter 4. Focus specifically on Genesis 17:7 and Romans 4:16. The land of Israel in future prophecy is for the TRUE ISRAEL and National Israel today is only the Prestage gathering to bring "UNREPENTENT - STIFF NECKED ISRAEL" into the Time of Jacob's Trouble - Daniel's 70th Week - The Tribulation. After the true Jewish Remnant comes out (only 1/3 ZECHARIAH 13:9) , they will join the Church, The Tribulation Saints, and the Old Testament Saints at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb Revelation 19 and REIGN WITH JESUS CHRIST in the Millennial Kin...