No, the Palestinian Flag does NOT have the Colors of the 4 Horseman of the Apocolypse
Is It Just A Coincidence That The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse Are The Same Colors As The Palestinian Flag?
2 Timothy 2:15
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
King James Version (KJV)
No, the Palestinian Flag does NOT have the Colors of the 4 Horseman of the Apocalypse. PALE in the King James Bible means PALE and NOT Green.
IF we look carefully at the root word back in Hebrew it means blade of grass that has been removed from the soil - dying withered pale. Compare removing grass to make hay to feed animals or pulling vegetables from the garden to consume.
This is interesting but sadly the author of this study got 3 put of 4 correct. But they used poor hermeneutics to misinterpret PALE for GREEN.
They use King James and then don't say what the King James Bible says. We see this all the time of hirelings trying for click bait and book sales by forcing scripture to say what they want it to say, but not allowing scripture to speak for itself.
See detailed study on Doctrine and How to Study the King James Bible
3 simple rules: CONTEXT, EXEGESIS (grammar-vocabulary) and HARMONIZE Scripture with Scripture.
The spirit of TRUTH and the spirit of ERROR. Doctrine Matters (
This is why I caution to use Strong's very carefully in CONTEXT and Harmonize scripture with scripture.
Yes, Strongs G5515 can and is translated as Green in context. But why did the KJB translators use Pale and not Green as the proper translation in Revelation 6:8?
And I looked, and behold a pale G5515 horse
Because the root word in GREEK is actually
From the same as Χλόη (G5514) Χλόη ((i. e. 'tender verdure'; Strongs didn't take it to the full meaning which if you go to a good Greek Lexicon ex: Liddell and Scott's, it will give you FULL Definition of the root meaning of this word in CONTEXT.
exfoliate (v.) from exfoliate: waste from a plant - withered pale
1610s, transitive, "to cast off, shed" (a surface); 1670s, intransitive, "to separate or come off in thin, leaf-like layers;" from Late Latin exfoliatus, past participle of exfoliare "to strip of leaves," from ex "off, out of" (see ex-) + folium "leaf" (from PIE root *bhel- (3) "to thrive, bloom"). Related: Exfoliated; exfoliating.
Here's every scripture that uses G5515 ALL use Green EXCEPT Revelation 6:8.
Let me know your thoughts
3And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
7And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
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