Enormous Comet Has Entered Our Inner Solar System; More Signs
https://share.newsbreak.com/1d2p5rki Enormous Comet Has Entered Our Inner Solar System, Heading Towards Earth https://interestingengineering.com/giant-comet-mount-everest-earth The PURPOSE of this Blog is NOT to enter into a study of whether or NOT Comets have been considered as SIGNS of impending Judgment. We seem to have historical evidence of such and seriously looking at scripture there are HEAVENLY SIGNS for sure. This Blog is posted for the sole purpose of posting a warning of soon coming judgement. The reader may do as they wish with this information. My purpose is to DOCUMENT as both a Witness and a Testimony. Amen! Maranatha! NOTES: Besides the 14 additional cometary images in Day of the Lord Scriptures, I have found evidence that 25 major events described in the Bible can be associated with the appearance of comets. These include the great flood of Noah, destruction of the Tower of Babel, annihilation of Sodom and Gomorrah, the plagues of Exodus, the Red Se...