Rebuttal of Bible Verses used by Trinitarians by Daryl Gass
The following article is written by my brother in Christ Daryl Gass, Rebuttal of Bible Verses Used by Trinitarians Part 1 The belief of the trinity goes back to Babylonian times. The belief is that there are three separate gods [persons] and/or deities that are united as one. The worship of the trinity god is that of Baal, who was also a trinity god and is the worship of satan. Baal has many names in many languages after God confused the peoples languages at the tower of babble. The worship of any god outside of the true God of scripture is considered Baal [Satan] worship and will cause one's soul to be sent to hell. As it shows in the verses below that, although the Israelites were as numerous as the sands of the seas, God only saved 7,000 who did not worship Baal! This is quite an eye o