The Bottom Line: The BLOOD of Jesus Christ; False Teachers will run from this teaching #EndTimes

Ephesians 1:7 King James Version 7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; REDEEM to save, rescue, deliver; to buy back; to buy back a thing formally possessed; to purchase and buy back that which was formerly held by another; ; to free from a charge or claim. to restore or bring into a condition or state. to restore, set right again THROUGH: Preposition expressing the relation of transition or direction within something from one limit of it to the other. Primarily in reference to motion in space, hence in various derived senses. from one end, to the other; usually implying into, at one end, and out of a at the other. In consequence of, by reason of, on account of, owing to; from; for; In all points or respects; wholly entirely, out and out; I've noticed a vivid reality of living in the last days. Never before have I seen such a disdain dis•dain dĭs-dān′ ► tra...