
Showing posts from July, 2015

Our Hope dear saints

Daily Promises Blue Letter Bible July 30, 2015 And our hope of you [is] stedfast, knowing, that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so [shall ye be] also of the consolation. (2 Corinthians 1:7) Christ reigns even now on His heavenly throne, yet the earth is filled with evil men. The adopted brothers and sisters of Christ reign even now by His side, yet their lives are of suffering. How can this be? It is the mystery of the cross of Christ Jesus! Through our weakness, we are strong. Through death, we have life. Through suffering, we are become the victors. And through persecution, we are blessed. Therefore, Christ tells us, rejoice in such troubles till the heavenly consummation, for great will be our apparent reward in that day. So do not fret, O believer, but trust that your suffering will produce hope. Hope in Christ. Hope in Heaven.

Truth immutable

God's wrath is coming. #Jesus saves

An startling Hebrew gematria below!   This gematria below suggests by its total value which = 2015 that God may be just about ready to bring his response of "anger" against "America" in the Jewish month of "Av" in the year 2015?   Today is July 17th / 1rst Av.  We are now in the "ten day countdown" to the important historical anniversary Jewish date of the 9th Av / July 25th.  I don't know if this gematria below will become a reality in the year of 2015 as I have no way of knowing for sure?  but nevertheless it is a startling one! We know that God's wrath is coming upon the world in the "Day of the Lord / tribulation period."   Therefore,  what might this gematria be suggesting?  Well,  if God's "wrath" is going to come upon the world "inside" the "Day of the Lord" as Scripture teaches,  then perhaps this gematria could be interpreted ( by way of suggestion only, not conclusive ) t...

God's soon coming wrath #Judgment

An startling Hebrew gematria below!   This gematria below suggests by its total value which = 2015 that God may be just about ready to bring his response of "anger" against "America" in the Jewish month of "Av" in the year 2015?   Today is July 17th / 1rst Av.  We are now in the "ten day countdown" to the important historical anniversary Jewish date of the 9th Av / July 25th.  I don't know if this gematria below will become a reality in the year of 2015 as I have no way of knowing for sure?  but nevertheless it is a startling one! We know that God's wrath is coming upon the world in the "Day of the Lord / tribulation period."   Therefore,  what might this gematria be suggesting?  Well,  if God's "wrath" is going to come upon the world "inside" the "Day of the Lord" as Scripture teaches,  then perhaps this gematria could be interpreted ( by way of suggestion only, not conclusive )...

After Iran nuke deal comes

Let's clarify "he who overcomes " Revelation 3:5

Note:  Although Tom Gaston makes a very compelling and truthful statement here, he's overlooking the simple explanation for this scripture and the word is Dispensation. Revelation is not written to the Church age Christians but rather Israel during the Tribulation.  Salvation during the Tribulation is restricted to works and faith and not by faith alone as it is in the church age.  For a detailed study on Dispensationalism please see this link:    DISPENSATIONS  By Tom Gaston Rev. 3:5......."He who overcomes shall thus be clothed in white garments; and I will NOT erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father, and before His angels." Wow!  What a verse of Scripture which has been butchered, misunderstood, distorted, theologically ripped apart, and taken out of context, and therefore which has produced "unjustifiable fear" and uncertainty in the heart and mind of so many igornant christians who have been te...

The church is not appointed for God's wrath

Listen!  This Scripture of  1Peter 4:17 is very misunderstood in the minds of those who think that the Church in America has to be royally persecuted, butchered, put in Fema Camps, suffer terrible suffering and hardship...etc...etc...etc. by the hand of God BEFORE Christ can come and Rapture His people.  This is totally false!   There is NO teaching in the New Testament epistles to the Church of a "pre-wrath program of God " which some are saying "must come upon the Church" before Jesus can come for the body of Christ.  And if this was the case, well then the Apostle Paul would have warned the Church and written about such a time in his epistles, but he didn't!  Those who believe that the Church is going to go through the tribulation period use this verse in 1Peter 4:17 out of context in order to use it for their arsenal of false teaching (  I will be commenting on this passage of Scripture a little later down below ).    Those who are...

America will not turn back to God

Below are powerful emails my dear brother in Christ,  Tom Gaston has sent to concerned Christians who've been caught up with "Kingdom Now Theology" also known as "Dominion Theology" "You need to watch this 8 minute Youtube on "political activism" which has failed.  This guy is "on the money",  Watch the video after you read my commentary." Tom G. An email Tom Gaston sent a concerned Christian: " Sorry sister, but  NO!   You don't have it right, and neither does the rabbi's and preachers who believe this.   These people who are always blaming the Church for the direction and path that America has taken are mostly all "kingdom now /dominionist thelolgy" people.  I call them the "2 Chronicles 7:14 crowd" who are taking a Scripture text out of context which strictly applies to Israel under the Law , and they tryi...

End time warning Run to Jesus Now Dru (29 Aug 2011) "Letter written by Pastor F.M. Riley on Planet X  ..."   Dear Doves, Below is a letter written by Pastor F.M. Riley with a Biblical perspective concerning Planet X that I, and others, have presented on 5Doves in the past. Many of you may find this information very interesting and helpful now in understanding today's events as they relate to Comet Elenin and Nibiru, also known as Planet X  ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Planet X by Pastor F. M. Riley, 2/1/11 Introduction In 2001 I began seriously studying and writing about Planet X and the role it would play in fulfilling end-time Bible prophecy. My interest in this subject was kindled by receiving documentable information sent to me by reliable sources at that time. After carefully confirming the information I received and studying what the inspired Scriptures actually say about the role the heavenly bodies have to play in fulfilling the en...