
Showing posts from May, 2015

Saints, your Affliction will bring Victory

By Charles Spurgeon: The king also himself passed over the brook Kidron. —2 Samuel 15:23 "David passed that gloomy brook when flying with his mourning company from his traitor son. The man after God's own heart was not exempt from trouble, nay, his life was full of it. He was both the Lord's Anointed, and the Lord's Afflicted. Why then should we expect to escape? At sorrow's gates the noblest of our race have waited with ashes on their heads, wherefore then should we complain as though some strange thing had happened unto us? The KING of kings himself was not favoured with a more cheerful or royal road. He passed over the filthy ditch of Kidron, through which the filth of Jerusalem flowed. God had one Son without sin, but not a single child without the rod. It is a great joy to believe that Jesus has been tempted in all points like as we are. What is our Kidron this morning? Is it a faithless friend, a sad bereavement, a slanderous reproach, a dark foreboding? ...

Why you have to Accept Jesus

Following is an awesome study provided by: Revelation, Chapter 20 This will begin by giving you the scripture from the King James Version of the Bible, then will go into our description of what the verses mean. You will be able to read various additional information contained in more specific files under "Research Materials". To skip the Introduction for Revelation chapter 20, Chapter 20 Scripture Begins Here Revelation chapter 20 is one of the most controversial chapters in the Bible, not because it contains anything essentially complex, but because it touches on a subject of preconceived bias. Now is the time when Satan will be taken, bound and put into the bottomless pit (abyss) where his influence will not have any effect on the Tribulation Saints who have lived through the seven years of Tribulation. Can you imagine a life where Satan isn't around to temp anyone? Do you think that the 1000 year millennium will be a time of paradis...

#Grace and #Guilt

The Omega Letter Intelligence Digest Vol: 164 Issue: 30 - Saturday, May 30, 2015 The Omega Letter Grace and Guilt Grace is one of those Divine topics that is so deep and wide and endless that there can never been enough said about it.  It is so complex in its simplicity that a full understanding of it probably cannot be had this side of heaven. Grace is easier to define by what it is not than by what it is.  Grace is not mercy or love.  In Ephesians 2:4-6 three doctrines are outlined in their individual and specific understandings; grace, mercy and love. “But God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)  And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:” God is rich in mercy.  He loves us with great love.  But we are not saved by mercy or love.  One can extend mercy with...

Outer Man Perishing, Inner Man Renewed

Day By Day By Grace Bob Hoekstra May 26, 2015 Outer Man Perishing, Inner Man Renewed Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. (2 Corinthians 4:16) Those who learn to live by the grace of God are increasingly protected from discouragement. "Therefore we do not lose heart." This truth was touched upon in an earlier verse from this fourth chapter of 2 Corinthians. "Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart" (2 Corinthians 4:1). The protection from discouragement there involved mercy and grace. Since we serve the Lord by mercy and grace (and not by our merit or by our resources), we have a built-in supply of heavenly encouragement available to us daily. In our present verse, encouragement comes from the contrast between what is happening to the "outward man" and to the "inward man." The "outward man" is the p...

The Time Is Now!

"And the time is now, I will tarry no longer, Pentecost May twenty fourth.  In the year of twenty fifteen the resurrection - Rapture of the church and the Bema Seat of Christ will take place. Yes, it's My Time = 2015" Below is a lengthy phrase which I typed into the A = 1 gematria program.  I have to show it in three different stages because the "character window" is not long enough to show the whole phrase at once.  It will just keep scrolling to the left and hiding what I have typed in as it moves to the left. I began this phrase with one of my Hebrew gematria's. The phrase is...."And the time is now, I will tarry no longer." Then I added..Pentecost May twenty fourth", and then completed the rest of the sentence. A=1  B=2  C=3  D=4  E=5  F=6  G=7  H=8  I=9  J=10  K=11  L=12  M=13  N=14  O=15  P=16 Q=17  R=18  S=19  T=20  U=21  V=22  W=23  X=24  Y=2...

Pentecost miraculous

Jesus coming like a thief on Pentecost

Look at this! Jesus the bridegroom is coming like a thief in the night for His Church on Pentecost!                                                     = 784 Pentecost Jesus the bridegroom is coming like a thief in the night for His church on Pentecost Look at this! Jesus the bridegroom is coming like a thief in the night for His Church on Pentecost!                                                     = 784 Pentecost           ...

Rapture notification Pentecost

Submitted by Tom Gaston for those Saints who are watching... Holy jumping Rapture Glands!  Hey everyone,  I was sitting here, and all of a sudden the thought came to me to run the following phrase below in the A = 1 formula program just to see what the gematria value might be.  To my shock and amazement the value of the following phrase = 784 The following is SPOOKY and unbelievable when you consider that the A = 1 formula and the English alphabet is setup on a total different numbering system than the Hebrew alphabet and the gematria values for each of its letters.  I ran the phrase below, not for the purpose of "tooting my horn", nor for any other haughty and self elevating reason whatsoever.  But I ran it only out of "curiosity" in order to see what the gematria value might be?  And the fact that I have been revealing and sharing my gematria findings of the number 784 in relationship to Pentecost to everyone online makes it even more mirac...

Pentecost Rapture May 24th 2015

Noah found grace, The Church found grace Pentecost

And Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.  And the Church found grace in the eyes of the Lord = 784 Pentecost English Gematria A = 1 Formula (letters A to Z assigned numerical values)                                                                                                                                      ...

May DAY Rapture of Church May 24th 2015

This program is spitting out the gematria number for Pentecost in the Hebrew which is the number 784.  And this program is the English and NOT the Hebrew, but yet it is showing continuity and synchronization with the Hebrew!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally amazing! English Gematria A = 1 Formula (letters A to Z assigned numerical values)                                                                                                              ...

English Alpha Numerics tell us Rapture Pentecost 2015

Enoch and the Rapture of the church on May twenty fourth, the day of pentecost = 775   5775 / Tav = 400   Shin = 300    Ayin = 70   Hay = 5 / total = 775 We are presently in the Jewish Shemitah year of 5775. English Gematria A = 1 Formula (letters A to Z assigned numerical values)                                                                                                                ...

First Fruits Rapture

The feast of First fruits and the forty nine omers and the rapture of the church This is a program which I designed and then I took it to a computer tech and he made up the program the way I wanted.  The English alphabet is set up on interval of A = 1  B = 2   C = 3 ...etc...etc.   Below I typed in the following phrase and it comes up with the value of 784 Pentecost in the Hebrew.  This is totally amazing and phenominal! Look below. Tom Gaston English Gematria A = 1 Formula (letters A to Z assigned numerical values)                                                                    ...

Assembly of Saints BEMA Pentecost

Check this out! [................................The assembling of the Church...........................] ה  ה  ר  כ  ב  ה    ש  ל    ה  כ  נ  ס  י  י  ה 5    10   10   60    50    20     5        30    300          5     2     20    200    5      5  / total = 727 Question: What is the next immediate event which will take place for the Church once the Rapture has happened? Answer: The Bema of Christ. Question:  Where are "our works" for Christ going to be laid on? Answer: on heavens altar where it will be te...

Pentecost MAY 24th 2015, 49 omers

49 days ( 49 Omers ) / Mem = 40  Teth = 9 / total = 49 May 24th / Mem = 40   Aleph = 1  Yod = 10 / Kaph = 20   Daleth = 4 / total = 784 Pentecost Tom G.

Kinsman Redeemer Coming #Pentecost

Submitted by Tom Gaston for those Saints who are watching for our blessed hope of Tom G. Ruth and Boaz, and the "Barley Harvest." [....................................Kinsman Redeemer Coming..............................] ג  ו  א  ל    ק  ר  ו  ב    מ ש  פ  ח  ה   ב  א      2      1        5      8     80   300      40         2      6    200  100       30     1      6    3 / total = 784 Pentecost In Christ, Tom Gaston Rapturetj@comcas...

Frustrating the Grace of God

The Omega Letter Intelligence Digest Vol: 164 Issue: 20 - Wednesday, May 20, 2015 The Omega Letter Frustrating the Grace of God . . "I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain." - Galatians 2:21 The Apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Galatians to address a heresy that put him into direct confrontation with the Apostle Peter. Paul was describing his recent trip to Jerusalem in which he was accompanied by Titus. Titus was not a converted Jew, but rather a converted (and uncircumcised) Greek, which had created quite a stir among Jerusalem's Messianic community. Those whom Paul addressed as "false brethren unawares" were 'brought in' as spies, hoping to "spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage." (Galatians 2:4) Paul was upset that Titus was being ostracized by the Jewish Church, and in particular, he blamed the Apostle Peter. ...

Remember, Saints, we're earthen vessels with heavenly treasure

Day By Day By Grace Bob Hoekstra May 20, 2015 Heavenly Treasure in Earthen Vessels But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. (2 Corinthians 4:7) We who serve the Lord under His new covenant of grace live with heavenly treasure in earthen vessels. We are "earthen vessels." Though we are born again through faith in Christ, we still have the same physical body that we had in Adam. "For we know that if our earthly house, this tent [that is, our natural human body], is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands [that is, our glorified, heavenly bodies], eternal in the heavens" (2 Corinthians 5:1). Though we are new creatures in Christ, we still live in the framework of ordinary human lives. "The life which I now live in the flesh [that is, in flesh and bones humanity], I live by faith in the Son of God" (Galatians 2:20). Yes, we are "earthen vessels." We ...

Divine Appointment #Pentecost

Pentecost / Shin = 300   Beth = 2   Vav = 6   Ayin = 70   Vav = 6   Tav = 400 / total = 784 [.........................Divine appointment day.......................] י  ו  ם    מ  י  נ  ו  י    א  ל  ו  ה  י 10    5      6    30    1        10     6   50   10   40        600    6    10 / total = 784 Pentecost In Christ, Tom Gaston Awesome Tom ▼ Hide quoted text On May 19, 2015 8:15 PM, "Tom" <> wrote: Pentecost / Shin = 300   Beth = 2   Vav = 6   Ayin = 7...

#Rapture #Pentecost

Feast of weeks Rapture

Rapture Feast of Pentecost

The Rapture When? Could the rapture happen on the Feast of Pentecost? Written By: Bob While it is becoming more and more widely accepted or believed that the rapture will occur on the Feast of Trumpets, there is another possibility to consider. I must state here that I also have believed that the rapture could occur on the Feast of Trumpets; but I cannot (now) rule out the possibility of the rapture taking place on the Feast of Pentecost. I hope to show you here that there is sufficient evidence for this to be considered a real possibility as well. We must start by considering Enoch and the fact that he is considered by many theologians and biblical scholars to represent, typify, or be a reflection of the church. Here is an excerpt related to this association (Enoch and the church) - Quote: "Most scholars and Bible prophecy teachers alike, label Enoch, the seventh man born from Adam through Seth's lineage, as history's first actual prophet. Enoch is a type of tho...