
Showing posts from January, 2016

The perverted NIV Bible.

  by Terry Watkins ". . . ye have PERVERTED the words of the living God. . ." Jeremiah 23:36 This generation has a hunger for perversion. What was perversion just a few years ago, is now "normal". What was "hiding" in the closet is now "parading" in our streets. Perversion has found a welcome home - from the living room, to the White House; from our churches - to even the word of God! Our friend Webster, defines "pervert" as 1. to cause to turn aside or away from what is good or true... 2. to twist the meaning or sense of: misinterpret (Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 1977, p.856). A perfect definition of The New International Version (NIV): "to cause to turn aside or away from what is good or true" and "to twist the meaning or sense of". If you doubt that, before you start reading this tract - get the NIV and check it as you read this tract! The NIV perverts the deity of Jesus Christ! I TIMOTHY 3:16

Best advice ever on friendship. #ccot

Before you consider calling someone your friend and hanging out with someone, consider carefully what God has to say about who you spend your time with: . .for what fellowship hath RIGHTEOUSNESS with UNRIGHTEOUSNESS? and what communion hath light with darkness?"2 Cor. 6:14

The truth about Billy Graham #ccot

Billy Graham General Teachings/Activities -  Billy Graham (born in 1918) has Parkinson's disease, a progressive nervous disorder that has already made it impossible for him to drive a car or write by hand. Graham, an ordained Southern Baptist (SBC), heads a $100 million a year evangelistic empire, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) (Graham is now paid $101,250 per year with a $33,750 housing allowance.) The BGEA also operates a 1,500 acre training center, "The Cove," located in Asheville, North Carolina. The Cove was started in 1987 and includes an inn and a Cove camp for youths ages 9-15. Approximately 5-10,000 adults are trained there annually in Graham-style evangelism. Graham's magazine, Decision, reaches 1.7 million people, his column appears in more than 100 newspapers, his radio program is on 700 stations worldwide, and several of his books have been best-sellers. (Angels, published in 1975, sold one million copies in just 90 days.) Graham has r