Why God Engineers our circumstances to test us FAR Beyond our Limit
All scripture is King James Bible Why the King James Bible Only? The True History of the King James Bible - all modern Bible Translations are Satanic (thethirdheaventraveler.com) The Laodicean - Apostate church operations of this day https://www.thethirdheaventraveler.com/2020/10/i-dont-go-to-church.html The Flood of Updates on The Apostate Fake Church of Today; Wake Up Christian! Come Out! (thethirdheaventraveler.com) Back in 2012 exactly 10 years ago I wrote this Blog in link about how Jesus requires "experimental" belief. Why does Jesus require "experimental belief" (thethirdheaventraveler.com) Over these past 10 years I've now fully come to realize in an even deeper way that are absolutely going to PRACTICE what we LEARN and LEARN by LIFE EXPERIMENTATION in EXPERIENCE. If you take a moment to read the Blog I wrote it would help give you some background. I know the reader finds in their personal walk with the Lord, as I've found, that we encounter one ci...