Messianic Psalms are Vital to our Faith Part 3
Prelude: I begin this study - Part 3 of the 7 Part Study on the Messianic Psalms and how vital they are to our faith - with commentary by Brother James Burroughs. While reading Brother James' commentary, it struck me like a bolt of lightning that the true Church of Philadelphia although we are scattered all over the world, we are the same as the underground churches I worked with in Vietnam and China. There are only a few of us a REMNANT of believers who hunger for God's word in the King James Bible and when I saw the connection of Brother James reading his Bible on the dairy farm I knew why I would spend days of my youth reading a King James Bible in the countryside on my camping trips alone with my dog and horse. It was the book of Psalms and Proverbs my mother would encourage me to read and understand. While reading Psalms I knew, even as a teenager that Jesus was there in those Psalms and we were so much a part. In this study I will focus on Psalm Chapter 2. The "C