When the Lost World gets it right about Christianity
Preface: When Jesus Christ returns with us - The Armies of Heaven - back to earth in the Battle of Armageddon and the millions are destroyed. Jesus will establish His 1,000 Year Reign on Earth in the New Jerusalem with the Saints. Background Study Links - The Armies of Heaven https://youtu.be/ypqJ1OJHcpo The Millennial Kingdom https://youtu.be/y-citBLFze0 We will RULE with Christ Jesus our Lord with a Rod of Iron in this Theocracy. There will be NO Democracy. For those who do not understand how a Theocracy functions please read and study this link. Theocracy - Oxford Reference For now we are "IN" this fallen World but NOT "OF" this World meaning. We follow the directions of government as long as it does not directly conflict with the Word of God. Read further: Trump isn't the real threat to democracy. Christian nationalism is Full Article: Trump isn't the real threat to democracy. Christian nationalism is (msn.com) What w...