Teachers and Parents don't know when the Kids are bullied, But the kids sure do
On Wed, Oct 3, 2018, 21:43 EMAIL from my daughter's teacher: Sorry for taking some time to get back with you about -----s behavior! Here are some things that I'm noticing at school. First off, I have had a few reports of ( daughter )in asked to stop doing something on the playground and then the same teacher finding her doing exactly what she was asked not to do. In class, I have had to take tags away because she has told me that she has completed something and then when I have asked to see it, she tells me that she forgot to do it. The other thing that I have talked with ---- out is coming to me for help. When she is upset with someone, she tries to solve it by herself. I have had a report that she has used unkind words to another student. When S----and I talked, she let me know that the other student was doing something to bother her. I told her that with problems like these, she needs to involve an adult instead of tr...