Understanding the End Timeline - #Rapture #Tribulation #Millennial Reign of Christ
In order to clear up a lot of confusion out there, here is the BIBLE BASED TIMELINE of the ENDTIMES. Matthew 24:5-12 is the foreshadow of what literally happens after the Rapture in Revelation Chapter 6 KJB. WE ARE NOT IN THE TRIBULATION at this time. We are in the last moments of this age for sure and what is confusing many is the SIGNS are here upon us. We are shockingly witnessing each of the signs Jesus described in Matthew 24:5-12 KJB e.g. Antichrists, Deception of false Christs arising (a super leader that will save mankind an antichrist), Wars and Rumors of Wars ( earthquakes, signs in the heavens, wars and rumors of wars, of the first SEAL Judgments. To wit: 1st SEAL: The White Horse = Antichrist. 2nd SEAL: The Red Horse = Global war. The Black Horse = Global Famine. The Gray Horse = Global Pandemic. Revelation Chapter 6. See full description and scripture in notes below. Understanding the End Timeline - #Rapture #...