Jesus' 2 missions are also mine
The servant is not above his master John 15:20 An email I sent my sister in Christ this morning: Praise God! You know Sarah, I just, this morning had a major revelation from the Holy Spirit. Just as our Lord is both the lamb of God and the Lion of Judah (lamb and king) , We also are here looked upon by grievous wolves as lambs and in the age to come we shall serve our Lord Jesus as kings and judges over the age to come Revelation 1:5-6. Romans 8:14-17; 1 Corinthians 2:9 When I woke this morning there were some things on my mind that were very disturbing when reviewing events of this past year. Then, the Holy Spirit told me, "The reason these things upset you is because you still have much "love for this world" in your heart. (1st John 1:15-17) Let go of these things, do not be concerned about the wrongs done to you but ensure you've done no wrong. Cast your cares upon Jesus, set you mind on the things of Christ which is in essence, Seek ye first the kingdom...