We the Saints Shall... Change... Praise God!
Below is only a small excerpt from a 3 part series by Pastor Francis Riley:
I chose this because of the tremendously powerful truth of the amazing age to come, this sums up in a nutshell what God intends for His true Saints very very soon. Hallelujah! Praise God! Thank you Jesus. Come quickly, Amen!
" When
the great Pre-tribulation resurrection and rapture “harvest” occurs, every
true New Covenant believer’s body will be instantly “changed,” [1 Corinthians 15:51-52] “that
it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body, according to the working
whereby He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself,” Philippians
3:21. Glory! Hallelujah!
Praise the Lord!
could write an entire Bible study [or
book] on the “change” alone, but I have neither the time nor the inclination
to do so. Note just these few points
gathered from the inspired Word, and let them encourage and motivate our
readers to a deeper study of the “change” we New Covenant believers
will experience when the resurrection and rapture occurs…..
resurrection and “changed” bodies will be like the body of Christ, Philippians
3:20-21; 1 John 3:2.
We shall be “caught
up” to New Jerusalem where Christ sits at the right hand of the
Heavenly Father, John 14:1-3; Hebrews 1:1-4; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.
We shall be “unveiled” to the whole creation
as “the
sons of God,” Romans 8:18-23.
We shall be
neither Jews nor Gentiles, neither bond slaves nor free [not totally independent], neither male nor female, but rather a
totally new “creation” [species of
mankind], James 1:18; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 3:28; Colossians
We shall bear
the “image
of Christ” in our new bodies, even as we presently bear the image of
Adam in the flesh, Romans 8:29-30; 1 Corinthians 15:49; 2 Corinthians 3:18.
We shall
return to “the days of our youth” [the
prime of life], Job 33:23-26.
We shall
never know sickness, infirmity, or old age again, 1 Corinthians 15:42-44.
We shall be
equal to the angels of God, Luke 20:34-36.
We shall be ministered
to by the angels of God, Hebrews 1:13-14.
We shall
inherit all things God has prepared for us as “sons of God” and “heirs
of God, and joint heirs with Christ,” Romans 8:14-17; 1 Corinthians 2:9.
We shall rule
and reign with Christ over “the world to come,” Hebrews 2:5-8.
We shall
serve as “kings and priests” throughout all of “the ages to come,” Revelation
We shall
commute between the earth, where we will reign as kings over the nations with
Christ, and New Jerusalem above the earth which will be our eternal home, Revelation
21:2; 21:24-26.
This list
just barely “scratches the surface” of what the Lord God has prepared for us
who are New Covenant believers, but these few points should thrill the heart
and soul of every true New Covenant believer.
If any reader claiming to be a New Covenant believer is not blessed by
these promises set forth in God’s Word for true
believers, then perhaps those readers should carefully study 2
Corinthians 13:5 and 2 Peter 1:10 again, and do some
serious heart searching. Only true
believers will enter into and
experience these glorious promises of God “in the ages to come.” Regardless of one’s “profession,” those who are lost in sin
will miss it all, and a vain “religious profession” won’t help a bit, Matthew
7:21-23. Every reader needs to
take heed!
Permission is granted to any true
believer or Bible believing Christian Ministry to reproduce this study
to share with others, or to quote from it in
context as written.
ministry is financed solely by the voluntary free will offerings of our readers
who feel led of the Lord to help us send forth the great truths of God’s
wonderful Word.
Please address all comments, questions, and correspondence to: Pastor
F. M. Riley, Last Call Gospel Ministry, 184 County Road 108, Harrisburg,
Missouri 65256, or I can be contacted
by email at:
Praise God! You know Sarah, I just, this morning had a major revelation from the Holy Spirit. Just as our Lord had / has (grammar tense expresses time and time as we know it has no constraint on God) 2 missions: 1 as a Lamb and 1 as a King. We too are here looked upon by grievous wolves as lambs and in the age to come we shall serve our Lord Jesus as kings and judges over the age to come Revelation 1:5-6. When I woke this morning there were some things on my mind that were very disturbing, reviewing events of this past year and the Holy Spirit told me, "The reason these things upset you is because you still have much "love for this world" in your heart. Let go of these things, do not be concerned about the wrongs done to you but ensure you've done no wrong. Cast your cares upon Jesus, set you mind on the things of Christ which is in essence, Seek ye first the kingdom of God... and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you>'" Amen! In other words we are NOT to focus on these temporal things as far as setting our hearts on them we are in the world, not of it.... We are to focus on the unseen, the age to come... Praise God.. Hallelujah! I think the acid test of a Christian is the question of "where is your heart? What things matter most to you?" Amen! May God grant us by His great grace and empower us by the Holy Spirit Through Jesus Christ to be in the world but NOT of it and to SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD... AMEN!