The sophistication of false teacher Todd White #Apostasy #Bethel #Fire21 #CFN
# For all Saints who are awake and aware of the NAR apostasy that includes the New age and horror show of the Copeland false teaching and the Bethel apostasy, their poster child Todd White has shown us his new upgraded and very sophisticated false gospel and false teaching. This new age movement called FIRE21 that is part of the apostate Christ For All Nations CFAN has invited Todd White as a guest speaker. I made it a point to watch the entire show. Focusing on Todd White I wanted to share how he has moved way past his fake healing and anointing and prosperity gospel junk and is now actually preaching truth regarding the work of the cross. However, he has mixed in heaps of leaven in with truth. See notes below on more regarding the NAR and False Gospel of Dominion Theology and Ecumenism that these people are caught up in. Here are the details on how Todd is deceiving the non bible reading sheeple. Beginning at time 2hrs30 minutes Todd Pumps his book and himself. Goes on to tel