The sophistication of false teacher Todd White #Apostasy #Bethel #Fire21 #CFN
For all Saints who are awake and aware of the NAR apostasy that includes the New age and horror show of the Copeland false teaching and the Bethel apostasy, their poster child Todd White has shown us his new upgraded and very sophisticated false gospel and false teaching. This new age movement called FIRE21 that is part of the apostate Christ For All Nations CFAN has invited Todd White as a guest speaker. I made it a point to watch the entire show. Focusing on Todd White I wanted to share how he has moved way past his fake healing and anointing and prosperity gospel junk and is now actually preaching truth regarding the work of the cross. However, he has mixed in heaps of leaven in with truth. See notes below on more regarding the NAR and False Gospel of Dominion Theology and Ecumenism that these people are caught up in.
Here are the details on how Todd is deceiving the non bible reading sheeple.
Beginning at time 2hrs30 minutes Todd Pumps his book and himself. Goes on to tell his audience that children are learning in his school ministry to heal the sick and prophesy, word of knowledge. etc... Pure NAR propaganda. His book he claims is complete scripture. 6 year old on page 60 of his book
Todd says he can't grow up in (referring to spiritual life) yet scripture says we are to grow up and mature in Christ. 1 Corinthians 4 KJV; Ephesians 3 KJV.
Then Todd tells us that we have to read his book and in doing so we will be compelled to evangelize. No comment.
2:53 Todd as the good snake oil salesman starts with the question: what is finished if it is finished? never answers this question until the end with false teaching but builds a strawman away from the truth of this scripture written in John 19:28-30 KJV. See time 3:19 below.
2:56 Todd says, "we've forgotten our place where we need to be and the church has lost her voice" . This is pure dominion theology. Right out of the pages of Bill Johnson and the New Apostolic Reformation. See notes below.
2:58 Todd says, "It's the "strong man's gospel" I will not water down this gospel." What is this gospel? A strong man is referred to in scripture as Satan. Read: Luke 11:21 KJV
2:59 Todd says, "Religion are still God's elect" (speaking of the Pharisees ) they just can't see it. and until they see. My comment: Wake up people! Todd is lying to you. He is telling you that God is calling the Pharisees and the same religious antichrist spirit of them as his elect.
3:00 Todd quotes his mentor Bill Johnson regarding those who call him out as false teachers: "Bill Johnson says if you don't run into devils once in awhile, you might be going in the same direction." My comment: Todd White, Bill Johnson, read John 8:42-47 KJV and see how the Pharisees called Jesus Christ the devil. Read what Jesus said to them. This is an open indictment to both Todd White and Bill Johnson and all who support these reprobates including the CFAN organization
3:05 Todd pushes the new age teaching of disengage your mind and only go by the spirit. (See teaching in the past where Todd embraces the Kundalini spirit movement. Here Todd says, " My brain is crashed. My mind doesn't get it. " This is not scripture but gnostic eastern mysticism. Romans 8:6 KJV Romans 12:2 KJV.
3:06: Todd tells us, " when I was saved , he took away all my sins and now there's no sin left in me.... Did you get saved from porn, hate, (gives list) ? (Yes) you did. You got saved from you because that's the real issue. " Here we see Todd sliding into his false teaching regarding sin. First, Salvation does not save us from sin. Salvation saves us from eternal damnation and spiritual death. Sin is a by product of our salvation . When we are saved, all sin is not completely eliminated from our lives as Todd keeps trying to tell us. The walk of Sanctification is a lifelong process. See links below about Todd being called out by many good Saints. Scripture is clear. IF WE SAY WE HAVE NO SIN WE ARE A LIAR. 1 John 1:8
King James Version
8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
3:07 Todd fakes his followers out by slight of hand. by saying, "Jesus doesn't mind if you have a following but he doesn't want them following you." Todd White is a liar. He started his teaching by telling us that he wrote his book that follows his teaching to be ... TODD WHITE Condemns himself. If you put Jesus first then you don't have to live in guilt, and shame and condemnation. You lift up... The Righteousness
3:09 Todd tells us that he ruffles people's feathers. However, he certainly can't stand it when true believers are calling him out. He gives us his pathetic sad tale of being picked on by people holding up signs outside of his church. I'd like to tell Todd and his kind that I ruffle his feathers and the foul birds that flock together with him.
3:12 Todd says, "Jesus set me free from me so that I can be free from you." ? Where is this is scripture? Then it gets far worse, Todd says, "when Jesus took away my (sins he lists many) I didn't read in the Bible that this was supposed to happen. why if I could read this in the Bible it would be works and not of grace.... The Bible says that the Lamb of God takes away the sin of the world. This means that when I get saved I have no more sin. It is gone!" What Todd is saying here is you don't need to read your Bible to understand sin and redemption. It is all spiritual. He then takes John 1:29,36 KJV out of context. Please email me for a complete study of John 1:29 see notes below. Also in notes below see where others have called Todd White out on his heretical teaching that we do no have sin after salvation.
3:13 Todd doubles down: quote: "this is very scary to the church (he indicts himself again because the church is the body of Christ and yes I as a member of the Body of Christ am terrified by these profane, heretical words.
Then Todd is visibly shaken as if to be saying to himself, 'whoops, I just exposed myself,' damage control asap: quote: "I am not saying I will never sin again. but what I am saying is my habitual nature to sin is GONE! " My comment: where is this in scripture? my old nature has been crucified with Christ Galatians 2:22 KJV? This does not apply whatsoever since Paul is telling us that we are dead to sin as he does in Romans 5. This means that spiritually we are not bound to sin, but since we live in this flesh we do still have sin in our members please read Paul clarify this in: Romans chapter 7, specifically verse 23 KJV.
3:14 Just when you've heard it all, Todd adds: "When I renew my mind and do NOT BE Conformed to The Church. (He realizes here he's stepped over the line and pauses and corrects himself in fear of being exposed, he says; " Oh I love the church but if you try to not be conformed to just the world you will be conformed to religion. Don't be conformed to this world, religion is in this world. Religion says you gotta read this.. (referring to the bible). This is past heretical but is blasphemous. You don't just read the Bible and say "I am free." My comment: Again we see Todd telling you not to read your Bible and if you do you're learning religion.
3:15 Todd says, "This (referring to a Christian walk) is not cerebral, it's all heart. Being renewed in the spirit of your mind is not about memorizing scripture but it is about." See my comments in notes and also listed above in time: 3:05. Again taking away using the mind and only operating in spiritual which is extremely dangerous and screams the occult.
Then at 3:16 Todd tells us that it is demonic excuses that keep us from reading our Bible. Todd's double talk and hypocrisy screams out here. He told us not to get our Spiritual life from reading the Bible. Now we tells us if we don't we're demonic.
3:17 Todd says as do all fake preachers: " The Gospel means good news. When I get into the gospel it transforms the way I think about everything. " My comment: Again as throughout his false teaching, Todd never tells us clearly what is the gospel. So let me tell poor Todd and his kind what the Gospel is: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
King James Version
15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
But sadly Todd never talks about this or reads this from scripture.
3:18 Buddy Todd tells us it's "satanic" if we complain or tell others about people attacking us." My comment: Well again Todd displays his hypocrisy because he spends a few segments crying about his and Bill Johnson haters.
3:19 And finally here Todd tells us what the "it" is in the scripture spoken by Jesus, "It is Finished." Todd says the it is "My Sin." . This is NOT scripture. What was finished is God's plan of Redemption for mankind or SALVATION PLAN as accomplished by Jesus Christ going to the cross, dying on the cross for our SALVATION. Please see my notes below to understand Salvation. Todd likes to keep it to sin and dealing with sin so he can keep you striving to stay sin free like he is and to be free.
3:20 If you leave it there you're done. We are dead to sin and alive unto him. " Here is a very sneaky heretical teaching of you have to work, you just don't rest in the finished work of Jesus. However, we see Todd scream out that we rest in the finished work of the cross. So which is it Todd?
3:21 Todd does not understand dispensations. Someone needs to tell him that this scripture in Hebrews does not apply directly to the age of Grace. Applies Hebrews 6 to the Church age which it is not.
3:22 Todd correctly says, "You must be holy and be right with God. You be right. When you see you're right with God." But then tells us that we have to build and build our relationship to get into that position. Here we see works.
3:23 Todd says, " America needs the Gospel." But never tells us what that gospel is, but alludes to his added and out of context scripture.
3:34 If we wake up with Jesus and go to sleep with Jesus you'll never have a guilty conscience again. Heretical. Scripture is clear we have . Dare to repent, you will be free from sin, free from guilt, shame and condemnation. Run to the front. Don't wait. Freedom of the gospel of the Jesus Christ. Freedom. Complete Freedom. You want to be free.
End sings: Quote: "We want to burn for you." I shouldn't have to tell readers that this is not only NOT scripture, but the satanic beating of drums and the repeating mantra like demonic chant is literally inviting people to "burn".
Why Todd White is the most dangerous kind of false teacher
Bill Johnson BETHEL and the heretical NAR Movement
Only a snapshot of Christ for the Nations and their kind
Additional links on Todd White heretical teachings
I Don't Go To Church
Original Word: ἐπιούσιος, ον
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: epiousios
Phonetic Spelling: (ep-ee-oo'-see-os)
Definition: for the coming day, for subsistence
Usage: for the morrow, necessary, sufficient.
Church building where it all started. The place I was kicked out of Sunday School class at about the age of 6 years.
I don't go to church: from a blood bought, born again Christian with over 50 years of going to church
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