As the Pendulum Swings; The Trump MAGA Evangelical Dominion - The Biden Left Marxist Evangelical Dominion Theology
For the entire Trump Presidency I decried the Trump Evangelical Christians who had fallen into the trap of Dominion Theology whereby the focus of body of Christ is political instead of biblical. Here's some of my background information:
People wake up!
Our call as followers of Jesus Christ is NOT to bring God's Kingdom here on earth. This will NOT happen until the 2nd Advent of Jesus Christ in which we Saints will return with Christ on white horses and Christ will destroy the enemy and establish is Perfect Kingdom on earth. We are also not to be joined together with other faiths in the hopes of establishing unity.
Read your Bibles. Read my extensive study on the subject. I pray your eyes be opened. This is NOT about who is President. This is about our true home which is our eternal home.
Trump MAGA Evangelical deception
The blind leading the blind
The perfect storm for civil war in America
Rebuking Lamb and Lion Ministries for promoting Dominion Theology
Do NOT be deceived by Dominion Theology
Dear General Flynn please give us the whole story
A rebuke of Bill Johnson at Bethel Church
And now we see the pendulum swing back to the Left Dominion Theology
HERE'S A Quote from that nails it: (Note: Reformationcharlotte is a strong right wing conservative that didn't see the errors of Dominionism from the Right but now he correctly has opened his eyes to the LEFT Dominionism.
...The funeral service — also referred to as Joe Biden’s “inauguration” — barely had any attendees save a few media outlets and global elites, the “new administration” had an unlikely fan base found primarily in the left-wing of the Southern Baptist Convention (TGC) and The Gospel Coalition (TGC).
If you’ve followed Reformation Charlotte for any amount of time, you’re probably aware of the leftward drift of the Evangelical Church — primarily, the Southern Baptist Convention. We’ve covered the phenomenon for years. Leftists, like Russell Moore of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) and various other seminary leaders have either actively promoted or turned a blind eye to the influx of cultural Marxism taking over.
Now, all blindfolds are off and there should be no doubt about who supports this movement and who is against it.
In the wake of the inauguration of Joe Biden, the country’s first fully Communist president, many of these Evangelicals rejoiced. Of course, there were the obvious; Thabiti Anyabwile, Lecrae, Jemar Tisby, to name a few. But the leftist outlets pretending to take a neutral stance to politics can no longer pretend.
For example, Brett McCracken, a prominent TGC contributor, gave glowing accolades to the Pagan performance put on by the new American Communist Party during the inauguration.
McCracken, whose material is promoted in Southern Baptist and Evangelical Churches all around the nation and who pastors look to and read almost daily, referred to the ceremony as “lovely” and “dignified.” The ceremony, the poetry, the pageantry, the prayer, and the peace came from some of the most God-hating people in the world — including the disgusting and filthy, foul-mouthed musician, Lady Gaga.
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We have seen McCracken’s version of false peace played out over and over in Scripture proclaiming “peace, peace, where there is no peace.” (Ezekiel 13:10, Jeremiah 6:14, etc.) The false peace and false unity McCracken proclaims is demonic, evil, and should trouble the spirit of any discerning, Bible-believing Christian.
But he isn’t the only one. Of course, there is Beth Moore, the Southern Baptist Convention’s very own lady gaga who, in turn, promotes the false peace and unity of the new Communist takeover of our once-great nation. Instead of seeing the sickness of the is demonic ritual for what it is, Beth Moore is able drool over these wicked murderers.
And then, as Biden proclaims the he’s going to be the president for “all Americans,” Beth Moore — who, along with the new American Communist Party — apparently does not believe that unborn children are Americans, or even people for that matter, continues her drool fest all over these wicked people.
While true Christians would mourn at the loss of life and judgment of God being unleashed on this nation, leftists masquerading as Christians rejoice. Russell Moore, head of the ERLC says “some things that President Biden has committed to do should please Christians.” And Thabiti Anyabwile, a Southern Baptist pastor, says that Joe Biden’s pick for health secretary — a transgender who can’t even figure out his own sex by looking in the mirror — is qualified and competent to execute the nation’s health policy.
While Joe Biden’s itinerary for his presidency reads like the antithesis to the Ten Commandments, these leftists want us to stand with the enemies of the Church. It is time for true Christians to stand up and begin purging these false prophets and God-hating ministers of darkness from the ranks of the Church. True Christians do not rejoice in wickedness.
Evangelical Leaders Rejoice in Communist Takeover of America
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- Southern Baptists Abandoning Social Justice Heresy For Heresy of Dominionism
© Reformation Charlotte. All rights reserved.
I do not go to church: from a blood bought, born again Christian with over 50 years of going to church
December 21, 2018
Dear People,
These 501c3 brick and mortar buildings (and even those run under private or limited liability corp) run by apostate trained CEOs called pastors are not BIBLICAL. They are literally making Merchandise of you and your children and your children's heritage. They are cursed by God under both Galatians 1:8,9 and 2 Peter 2:3... In fact 2 Peter 2:3, literally says these false teachers through feigned (study the word feigned: invented. fake. counterfeit. deception. fictitious. ) words make merchandise of you...
I've completed an 800 page Ebook containing over a thousand references, several thousand pages of source documentation titled: " I don't go to church. A 50 year testimony of attending church to say in agreement with Dr. Larkin, that today's churches are building the kingdom of the Antichrist. " see note 1 below... If anyone wants this open public domain book. I will email you a copy for free. Email me your request to Amazon lists it for $0.99. We wanted to post it for free. But Amazon requires a fee. If you order, please know any profit goes to sending out more free copies.
But this church-going issue has now become my focus. I'm a retired US naval officer, and finished a career in consulting. and recently retired from teaching High school as a licensed teacher. I also spent years living in other countries, including over 6 yrs in Vietnam sharing Jesus with the Vietnamese people.
Here's my testimony below:
To God be the glory Forever! Amen!
(1) "I Don't Go to Church: The Church is The Body of Christ not a Building"reading it:
(2) My 50 year testimony of going to church to know today’s churches are building the kingdom of the antichrist LINK
(3) Brick and Mortar 501C3 buildings called churches run by apostate CEOs called pastors are not biblical LINK
(4) Why Bible Translations are important LINK
King James Version Bible for Today
Why Bible Translations really matter:
(5) MEGA TRAP CHURCH TRAP Double Bind of the Nicolaitans LINK
(6) Doing the Math on the Kingdom Parables of Matthew 13 LINK
(7) Manna and Leaven: How the modern false teachers use it LINK
(8) Nearly 80 % of churches do not discuss Bible Prophecy even though 25% of the Bible is about Prophecy. This includes the importance of the Rapture of the Body of Christ.
The Truth about the Rapture of the Body of Christ BEFORE the Tribulation:
(9) Christian, You don’t have to pay tithes LINK
(10) Salvation is secure our Eternal Security is Scripture LINK
Our Sins (sinful nature before Salvation) are wiped clean at salvation. Eternal Salvation is NOT a process… working out our salvation in the flesh is... Know the difference. False teachers use this against the unlearned..... Be a good Berean... LINK
(11) Bible meaning of True Salvation LINK
Our Gospel for Today for Salvation
Entitlement = Imputed Righteousness of Jesus Christ our free gift at Regeneration LINK's%20Corner/Doctrines/imputation.htm
(12) Updates on the Apostate Church of Today
Additional Information: The Return 2020 DECEPTION
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