Zionism and its Elements; The End Game of Satan #doctrinematters
2 Corinthians 2:11 “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” King James Version (KJV) The Address to those Called to address the Lord's Vineyard and Warn of the Parable Zionism, Judaizers, The Kabbalah, Cabal NWO Jesuits, Masons, NAR. These are but a few "titles" that define the Beast System ultimately the Devil himself. The End Game and Why Christians need to understand the devices of the Devil in these last days of great deception. Disclaimer: In doing this study we want to make sure the reader and viewer of the video understand that we love the Jewish people and pray earnestly for them in accordance with Romans 10:1, 11:26 KJB and in that they be saved. God knows who are his chosen remnant of Jews and for these we pray for. As for the PEACE of Jerusalem - Psalm 122:6,7 KJB - we pray for this knowing it will not be until the Reign of Jesus Christ will the true PEACE of Jerusalem be established forever, Amen! We also wan...