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Who are you Amir Tsarfati? - My Brother in Christ or A Ravenous Wolf in 'Sheep's Clothing

Who Are You Amir Tsarfati?

Original post 6/4/2018

 How Does the Government of Israel Treat Christians? Christian Leaders in the West Should Care


The True Antisemites are the ZIONISTS

These things speak,and exhort, and rebuke with all authority.  Let no man despise thee. Titus 2:15. KJV

This Blog is written in accordance with 2 Timothy 4:2-3 KJV and 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 KJV

Note:  I love Israel and the Jews.  I am a born-again Christian who truly believes the Jews are God's chosen people and abhor replacement theology.

For the past year I've been closely following Amir TSARFATI on his BEHOLD ISRAEL YouTube channel.  I don't use Facebook, was basically thrown off about 8 years ago for posting content that spread hate (simply posted photos of Islamic thugs murdering innocent civilians) . I also don't use Twitter. Left after 10 years, nearly 10,000 followers, when new rules blocked my 1st amendment rights of free speech.

I've been extremely impressed with Amir TSARFATI. I've been thrilled by his ministry. He shares my conservative views, especially achieving peace through strength and not through appeasement.  He is very intelligent, articulate, handsome, courageous, charismatic, conservative, outspoken, fairly sound on basic Bible doctrine and Eschatology (although he repeats the same scriptures over and over again).  But most importantly he seems to be a strong believer and follower of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

So, what's my problem with him? Well…I keep asking myself this question, which leads to more and more agonizing questions.  Who is Amir TSARFATI, really? Frankly, my intuition has been screaming at me for the past 3 months. My Spiritual Warning Alarm has been ringing so loud I decided to research this mystery man. And now, in accordance with the preponderance of the following evidence and in the name of Jesus Christ, I strongly  rebuke Amir TSARFATI.  I need to promulgate this Blog as a written, living testimony, a witness to the strong appearance of deception of Amir TSARFATI whom I've called my Brother in Christ, but now clearly I see he is not for the following questions and evidence that hang over him.




His Blood by upon us and our children

Human Sacrifice


Thomas Massi's wife is dead 3 weeks after he revealed the Israeli government controls Congress through AIPAC. #ZIONISTS #EndTimes


Comment from a YouTube Subscriber:

the goal of fueling the Messianic Judaism movement who have another Jesus, whom they call Yeshua, and then because the Christians are so eager to see Jewish people saved, and have become so leavened with false doctrine, they allow "messianics" to teach them online or in churches, who then change their concept of Jesus to be Judaized and also change the name of Jesus to Yeshua. They then bring in the leaven, but the Christians are so mesmerized, they fail to notice. This is in my opinion and according to my research all being orchestrated by Chabad Lubavitch which is the viper's den of the last days tasked to bring their Moshiach. They planned all this carefully and a part of it is changing the true Christ into "Rabbi Yeshua" . As you yourself say in another video, they do not become Christians. Their aim is not to receive our Jesus, they will just use Kabbalistic sophistry for a while to acknowledge our Christian heritage, and then proceed to disinherit us by placing churches fully back under the Law of Moses through their endless Judaizing. What their secret Kabbalistic text tell the top sages is that they are to "swallow up" Christianity, like Moses' staff swallowed the magicians of Egypt's staff (they see Christianity as being like Egypt, evil). This means they will use "magic" to deceive the Christians to become part of them. That "magic" is the bewitchment Paul warned about in Galatians 3, the process of Judaizing. I cannot tell you how horrific it is, I pray our LORD will help you understand this evil plot.


What Amir (Arabic for ruler or prince) The Zionist Shill who uses American and Western Evangelicals as useful idiots, knowing they don't comprehend who a true JEW is, and that NATIONAL Israel is only the tenant of the Land that belongs to God and True ISRAEL Please read this study:

Blog and associated study links for this video

Update:  10/13/2023

Comment on this video I recently posted on Amir

I just googled and ask what Amir means.  Here is the first thing that came up.  "Amir, meaning "prince," is a male name of Arabic origin. For followers of Islam, Amir is a significant name that enjoys evergreen popularity across the globe. It originally signified the "commander of the army” before its metamorphosis to meaning “prince,” and was often the title given to a ruler's son."  I, too, told my sister from the first time we listened to him about a month ago that I think is an Arab.  His last name is another way of saying the jewish name Saftari.  Again, thank God for all the answers to my questions in this day alone!   Hallelujah!  Praise the Lord!!!  Why would a jewish mother name her jewish son Amir?   Ummm?


Andrew Sheets

Amir Tsarfati the ever-changing - Chameleon -The ever-consistent False Teacher

I had someone who knows him tell me his ethnicity is SUNNI MUSLIM and he was adapted by a Jewish family.  He's basically an ARAB Israeli. But has to take on the Jewish ID to pander and prey upon the Evangelical Christians.

Thank you for these videos! My sister and I had recently started listening to Amir's end time and Revelation Revealed series. We both are born again Christians and have a close walk with our Lord and Savior Jesus. In prayer, I always seek to live each day guided down His paths of righteousness. But then I started hearing words that I could only call heresy. 1) He doesn't use KJV as you have said. We both have only King James Version Bibles. 2) He said in one of his teachings that we were going to be gods in the Millennium. 3) We both caught him lying about being in the twin towers the night before 911. But then in another sermon, he said he was on top of the Empire State Building. Next sermon, he was in the twin towers the night before and claimed to have said the towers could be taken out by planes at the top. 4) Never preaches about repentance or turning away from sin. 5) Very quick to point out that we were "pagan bacon eating Gentiles." 6) I finally went to Telegram in the last two days. He claims in his teachings that he isn't afraid of the future. He was terrified on his telegram. No where does He use scriptures or call on Jesus during this last week. 7) I kept feeling such arrogance and no humbleness. 7) Some of his teachings were we are in the end times. Then others were Jesus isn't coming back right now and we all need to calm down. 8) Claims that Jesus and Michael the Archangel are the same thing. Etc, etc, etc. Then last night, I had enough. My sister and I started praying and both of us said we were through. I then asked God to show me where I could go to get more confirmation. After about 4 hours, I went to bed and felt in my spirit that I would find my answers today. Finally, in His sweet peace, I found your blogs then videos. Thank God!!! When she gets homes from work, I will be sharing these with her. I do know that I kept feeling in my spirit that he wasn't who he portrayed. As we talked about this, we had both been seeing and hearing the same things. Enough was enough! Thank you for doing what the Lord has asked you do to. May God bless you and yours.



Comment on my Blog

Amir Tsarfati left me with the undeniable perception that he is AGAINST the King James Bible once in an interview on Youtube. It was a livestream and questions were coming through the comments live. He picked one out which condemned the new versions when he suddenly got ANGRY at the commenter. His demeanor changed completely then and there. It was creepy. I was prepared for him to begin uttering profanity he was so angry. I thought to myself, what in the world is he getting so angry about? That God preserved His ONLY written word for the English speaking people of the last days of the age of Grace and He preserved only ONE written word? Or that he was guilty of defending it?
That has stuck with me since first hearing it. Also, as I learn and grow in God’s Grace and Knowledge, I keep finding MORE and CRITICAL changes that the new versions all stick to and which change the meaning of the text substantially. For example, in Revelation 1:6 KJV, "And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father..." God AND HIS FATHER. Or, Jesus Christ (God) and His Father, correct?
Look at the NIV: "unto His God and Father". All of the new versions do this except the Berean (as far as I could see). There are thousands more like this in the counterfeits. This is just another stamp of GUILT that the so-called "modern" versions COUNTERFEIT God's written word! Why are so many people who Name the Name which is above every name and claim to be lovers of TRUTH, not only overlook the controversies of the new versions (which I'm certain they know about) but CONDEMN those who point them out???
Many high profile Christian speakers in this age neglect that God's ONLY written word, which He has preserved by His Own HAND has been counterfeited so very many times and moreover USED as doctrine, dogmatically defending them against the only REAL written word. Every year, more counterfeits are published by wicked publishing companies like Zondervan, owned by HarperCollins which is owned by the evil media mogul Rupert Murdoch.
They are traded in the world market for filthy lucre; entire empires built with the proceeds. God's written word, the KJV Bible is FREE for the masses and was never intended to draw a profit, only souls. HarperCollins is the publishing company which prints THE SATANIC RITUALS which roll off the presses to the wicked. How can God's written word exist side by side in such wickedness? Answer: It can't. This is a continuous dilemma for me when hearing good teachers use corrupt versions and it compels me to ask the question, why?

Update 10/12/2023

Please see how Amir mangles scripture showing his ignorance to God's word and using a perverted Bible Translation

Update 7/30/2023

Received another email today from a born again - new creature in Christ Jew living in Israel. They know Amir. They were blessed and in agreement that I have exposed Amir Tsarfati. They were also amazed by how many Christians are brainwashed and blindly follow him.

Update 7/25/2023

Update 3/21/2023

Here's more proof why Amir Tsarfati told his group to stop
referring to themselves as Christian:

Update 2/4/2022

Update December 2022:

Modern National Israel is the Husbandmen of Matthew 21:33-40

     Modern National Israel is the Husbandmen of Matthew 21:33-40 (

Read the full study on Biblical proof that Anti-Zionism is NOT Anti-semitism

Anti-Zionism is NOT Antisemitism (

Read what a prominent Jewish Rabbi says about how Zionism has hijacked Judaism.

Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro says:

Highlights from Rabbi Shapiro:

The purpose of Zionism was to "normalize" the Jews against the effects of Judaism, essentially to change a nation of scholars and priests with religious aspirations, to a nation of warriors with nationalist aspirations. Judaism was the disease; Zionism was the cure. The Zionist character is the diametrical opposite of, and overcompensation for, the Jewish character.

Jewish are neither  nationality, nor a race, ethnicity, tribe, or blood family. Their only common characteristic is their religion. The Zionists however, falsely presented themselves - and still do - as the representatives of the Jewish people. Thus: Zionism was not the national liberation movement of the Jewish people but the national liberation movement of the Zionists; Israel is not the nation state of the Jewish people as it claims to be but rather the state of its own citizens.

Now compare the above with what Zionist News writer from Israel Today says about why Anti-Zionists are Anti-Semites.

Update November 1, 2022

I received a comment from some woman who worships Amir telling me I am not to touch god's elect - referring to Amir. 

 This is an Israeli believer in Christ who responded to this woman that must be read:

I am from Israel, and ive personally met him. He was always coming around to the tourist center i was working at, because he works as a tour guide. He has an act in front of his groups, showing himself as a believer. But when he was talking with some of the worker, you could see that it is all an act. He is not a born again believer, it is all a way to get money. His channel, his fake faith. Please stop defending people you dont even know.
End Quote.

I praise God for more that are coming out to EXPOSE THIS REPROBATE FAKE CHARLATAN who claims to be a Jew.

Update October 24, 2022:

A reader shared this link exposing Amir.  Take the time to read this please:

Based on the preponderance of evidence given in my Blogs exposing Amir and here's a recent independent study

I get a lot of comments from low informed, non-bible reading foolish souls defending Amir and it is obvious they have not read a word of this study.  Before commenting, please read this thoroughly. If you wish to remain an ignorant fool and follow this foul man Amir, I pray you realize you will be judged accordingly at either the BEMA Judgment IF you're saved or at the Great White Throne Judgment. 

Unless you repent (have your eyes opened and change your thinking to the truth) I will not delete your comments and ask you do not delete your foolish rants. Your words will judge you - and will stand against you as a witness and testimony against you on your day of judgment.  REPENT!

Update July 28, 2022:
Email from a reader regarding Amir Tsarfati:

I can't tell you how happy I was to find your older blog posts about Amir Tsfarti. Forgive me if that sounds horrible, its just that for many months now I have been watching him with a constant nagging feeling within myself. It's hard to explain, I guess I often don't trust people because life has been challenging for me. (God, however, has been faithful and beautiful to me thru it all). Nevertheless, I have battled on more than one occasion asking myself to "test myself" as to why Amir was rubbing me the wrong way. What about "ME" needed to change to accept this brother in Christ? -I'd pray for him, talk to God about my need to heal to trust others, and take away the thorn of my growing almost sickening distaste in my mouth over Amir. And yet I kept watching him and not for any value he was bringing, but to somehow prove my gut instinct about him was right. It's been a very UNChristian battle within me and this world is so ugly and angry and mean that I honestly keep to myself and avoid at all costs engaging. Besides, every Google search shows he's a great guy. 

I would watch him and he and his side kick Mike Golay (who also is a total fake) would call Christians pig eaters and imply lots of narcissistic back handed insults against non Jews to which the audience would laugh and applaud and I'm thinking, are you kidding? 

I posted a few comments on live youtube videos (to make sure people would see them) on how insulting it was for him to use these catch phrases and I referred to biblical passages regarding all food eaten with thanksgiving is acceptable to God, etc. Naturally, I was attacked for those comments but I purred with satisfaction anyway. (smile). 

Mike Golay is a supposed Navy Chaplain who on many YouTube videos is heard bashing America. How can someone soaking up a military paycheck do that? And for a brief stint, Amir used the title Pastor as a heading on a few videos, to which I was deeply angered. Everything inside of me screamed there is something wrong with this Mutt and Jeff team who travel all over without their wives and Amir's almost daily need to post selfies (filtered) and boasts about the number of attendees at his functions, or the number of his books sold, etc. He is one foot on the prosperity gospel the other on the doorway to hell. 

Anyway, after finding you I no longer feel guilt for these feelings I've had about him. I don't feel alone in my discernment. And of course I don't wish him harm, and I hope he gets saved. But I firmly believe he isn't saved at this moment nor is he saving anyone else in his travels. 

In closing, I also stumbled on your blog post about not attending church. I don't either. It's not that I haven't tried! There isn't a Pastor or a building anywhere in my area who teaches the truth anymore. I watch a lot of Pastors though (R.C. Sproul, John MacArthur etc. ), I enjoy old Grant Jeffrey videos as well as Chuck Missler. But mainly I read my bible daily and I spend a lot of time with God in the word.

Jesus is the ultimate teacher after all. 

I wish people who do love the word would do church on zoom. 

Update December 28, 2021

To give the reader insight into the mindset of an Amir follower,  read my response to a woman who defends Amir and tells me how wrong I am. In her misguided rant she says one of my readers and commenters - who is fully awake - doesn't make sense. This woman little mamma then tells me that Amir quotes scripture, he's a good jew military man, he travels the world, he's happily married, he's a dispensationalist, and he's a pastor.  

Here's my response:

The Ex Morman woman is awake and not walking in darkness. I pray the same for you. Amir is very intelligent? No comment. A Jewish military man? Are you sure about the Jewish part? Let's say Israeli Arab for now. The military part, did you even read my Blog? Amir quotes scriptures? So did Satan and my Grandmother's parrot. He travels all over the place? So does Mick Jagger from the Rolling Stones. He's a happily married man? Yes, that's what he says and you believe him. He's a pastor? So was the Reverend Jim Jones who appointed himself. He's a dispensationalist? Both you and Amir have no idea what that means. I should contact him? Okay, but we both know he wouldn't dare respond. I think we need to stop here little mamma. You've exceeded my threshold for pain. But I'm glad you posted your comment because people need to see the mentality of Amir followers. Thank you.

Major Update to expose the Zionist Agenda of Amir Tsarfati.  12/10/2021

Major Update to Expose the Zionist Agenda of Amir Tsarfati 12/10/2021 #EndTimes

 Original Blog exposing Amir Tsarfati:

Who are you Amir Tsarfati? - My Brother in Christ or A Ravenous Wolf in 'Sheep's Clothing (

Update March 2021 From a few readers that needs to be discussed:

There have been at least 3 readers who've told me they've witnessed Amir pushing the Vax, even berating those who had reservations. This is wrong people. Even if you personally believe in Vaccines, a person has no right or biblical stance to berate or push others to take a questionable vaccine. The reason Amir is pushing the Vax I believe is 2 fold.  He's part of the system and also he's a wanton charlatan and knows his Israel tours need vaxed sheeple to show up with their check books.  

New post: Regarding my video and blog about "It's time to discuss Zionism from a Christian perspective."

I received this comment:

Amir Tsarfati got so mad at the guy from educating liberals for exposing this. He went ballistic on him and couldn’t stop trying to discredit him. That really exposed Amir for who he is.

My comment: Amen! Christine, I've been writing about Amir since 2018 and pray almost daily that people's eyes be opened to see him for the charlatan, heretic that he truly is.  I hope you've had the opportunity to read my extensive study on this foul bird Amir Tsarfati. The man who tells young Christians in his overpriced tour in Israel that they need to stop referring to themselves as Christians. 

Major Update to expose the Zionist Agenda of Amir Tsarfati.  12/10/2021

As my long-time readers know, my blogs are not about Politics but rather the Spiritual Life of Jesus Christ in “us who believe on Him” those who are saved - and applying this existence to our physical world.   

I have written numerous articles exposing false teachers and Amir is leading many Evangelicals down the wrong path.   At the heart of this is Amir and the MAGA Evangelical ZIONIST machinery walking in Dominion Theology which teaches the Church must be actively engaged in politics and establish God’s plan here on earth.   If you’re new to understanding Dominion Theology, please read my links to understand.  

Most of Amir’s agenda is pure ZIONIST Politics when he’s not mixing in partial biblical truth and misguided mangled scripture.  So now let’s talk pure politics here to hopefully open the eyes of the reader who thinks The Church should be political. As I wrote earlier while deployed with the US 6th Fleet in Beirut in support of the US Marines, we were more concerned about being collateral damage from Israel than a stray bullet from Hezbollah. Why were the US Marines moved into barracks from their bunker at the airport? Amir pushed Trump like a mad political campaign manager the same way Netanyahu promoted and loved “past tense” Trump. Why? To get the United States to take care of Israel’s IRAN problem. For background, please read these Blogs: Remember the USS Liberty; Connecting the DOTS; Before getting into Iran can we discuss Afghanistan?  And “No matter who is in office, The Zionists are in control”. 

Remember the USS LIBERTY

The USS Liberty (

Connect the DOTS The Fall - Nimrod - The Pharisees - Zionism - Synagogue of Satan (

As the NeoCon Zionists get us into war with Iran, let's talk about Afghanistan 🇦🇫 (

Zionists have the power, no matter who is in the White House (

Here is a very revealing truth of how Israel only allies with the United States for not only their protection but to get the United States to fight their proxy wars for them.  If you’re still not convinced, please read this quote from former president Trump regarding him being cast aside by Netanyahu. I pray this opens some eyes.

Quote by Donald Trump:

“The first person that congratulated [Biden] was Bibi Netanyahu, the man that I did more for than any other person I dealt with. ... Bibi could have stayed quiet. He has made a terrible mistake."

— Donald Trump

"He was very early - like, earlier than most. I haven't spoken to him since. F--- him," 

"For Bibi Netanyahu, before the ink was even dry, to do a message, and not only a message, to do a tape to Joe Biden talking about their great, great friendship - they didn't have a friendship, because if they did, [the Obama administration] wouldn't have done the Iran deal, And guess what, now they're going to do it again." — Donald Trump

Following quote from: 

Trump accuses Netanyahu of disloyalty: "F*** him"

Barak Ravid Friday, December 10, 2021 12:01 AM Tel Aviv  Axios

Why it matters: Now opposition leader, Netanyahu is waging a continuous campaign to win back the Prime Minister's Office while on trial for corruption.

One of his primary political calling cards is his close relationship with key players in U.S. politics, and with one man in particular who remains hugely popular in Israel: Trump.

The big picture: For domestic political reasons, both Trump and Netanyahu cultivated the public perception that there was no daylight between them as they worked closely together on key issues. But by the end of his presidency, Trump had concluded that Netanyahu didn’t really want peace with the Palestinians and was using him on Iran.


UPDATE: May 18, 2020.  Since posting this Blog back in 2018, I have received a great deal of hate mail, mostly from low informed, non Bible reading foolish beguiled women who vehemently defended their "beloved Amir".  For the record, several of these women have removed their comments.  Praise God for answered prayers, that eyes may be opened and may the traditions and worship of man be proven liars and God be proven true:   Romans 3:4 KJV 

Powerful Update October 2020 from a reader that should be forefront:  Quote: At the start of my journey i did follow A. Tsarfati, but i found im only talking about a few verses and not really expanding nor go in the deeper meaning of the word of God. Right after the alleged gassing of Douma in Syria , Amir gave an update about the event and went full against Assad. It raised a lot of questions with me, why would a winning Assad gas one of the last strongholds, risking world condemnation and how did Amir knew he did it so fast. I know he says a has a lot of inside information, but that also raised questions. Why would a true born again christian has such access, especially in Israel where they prosecute the Gospel badly. So i prayed to God to take away my doubts or confirm them, and really the next day i found your blog. Praise God in Jesus name for that. Right after that i found a secular source about the Douma gassing where experts debunk that whole story and how its been shoved under the carpet by the UN, i will add a link. Amir was clearly pushing a agenda here. I was bothered and still am how he idolizes Israel the state and president Trump. About both much is to say. After that when i watched him i couldnt stand watching him for a few minutes. They way he controlled the 3 way conversation with Hibbs and Stagner when speaking about the trump peace plan. The merchandise he sells and when i clicked on a eurospirit converance ...the introduction speakers had of course his book right in plane view for example...there is much to say, but thank you for this blog i often hand it out to people who seek more info to confirm their doubt.  VIDEO ON ALLEGED GASSING IN SYRIA 
God bless you in Jesus name and thanks again for the blog you made.
Update: November 6, 2020:
More insight as to why we see Amir teaching what he teaches
Amir as do all Messianic Jews suffer from an Identity Crisis 

Why confused Christians believe we are required to bless Israel with money which is wrong and how Amir TSARFATI cashes in on this.

Major Update November 26, 2021

Amir Tsarfati, What have you done?  Let's look at his stance on Christians and the word Christian. 

The Questions and Findings:

How does Amir TSARFATI remain immune from the current purge on social media against all forms of conservative Christian content?

Why does Amir do live updates around the clock in an almost mk-ultra mind control manner?

Why does Amir TSARFATI continue to lift up, propagandizing and almost idolize President Trump?

Here in this video Amir is on a full blown propaganda along with Evangelical Zionist and Trump sycophant Jack Hibbs who along with Paula White are Trump's spiritual leaders to uplift President Trump as the truly first and only Zionist President. A man who is supported by the world and yet hated by the wrong side, a man that can not possibly be the antichrist

Why has Amir joined an alliance with  Steve Berger

Steve Berger and Amir Tsarfati the whole sad truth of it all. I'd like to share the link for other Christians' discernment 

Why did Amir tell Christians reading their Bible's in English:  "Poor You" implying that if a Christian doesn't speak Hebrew they cannot understand the word of God.  Please read Dr. William Grady's work titled: "Final Authority" to prove the accuracy of the English Translation of the King James Bible.  
Why does Amir TSARFATI have Jesuit - Masonic associations and connections?
The Trump Coalition - Jesuit Run Coalition The Trump Evangelical MAGA Jesuit Zionist Coalition
The Trump MAGA Evangelical Christian Coalition - Jesuit Vatican Coalition - The Kabbalah 3rd Temple Masonic Jewish Coalition and The Global Luciferian Elite (

The more I study the Trump Jesuit Kabbalah Mason connection The more convinced I am that God allowed The Luciferon Elite to bring up and build Israel allowing the continued blindness of the Jews to make a covenant with death and actually roll out the welcome mat to the Antichrist to build their temple and bring them peace.

Here in the link below, Pastor Chuck Baldwin drives home the point with solid proof of the evil agenda of  Zionism and how it is not Christian and is destroying America.  Please note, however, that although Chuck Baldwin proves Zionism is of the Pharisees, he does error into replacement theology. Also note this author is fully aware that Zionism is all part of God's plan to usher in the end of this world.

Rebuking Chuck Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship (


 Judaism is NOT ZIONISM

Why was Amir appointed to an officer's rank in the elite IDF with no university and after only a few years of mundane military service? Service even he admitted was in seeking the least way out.

Why was Amir at only the age of 21, with only a few years of routine- unremarkable enlisted service appointed to the position of active Deputy Governor of Jericho and the Jordan Valley, also becoming one of Israel’s military negotiators with the Palestinians?

Either his biography is completely fabricated, or he had powerful people in high positions pulling strings. Either way, this is most disturbing.

How does Amir always have vital information and a seemingly unending access to vast resources of inside information regarding political, military, infrastructure, economics  when presenting his political updates and even his so called biblical teaching laden with heavy doses of politically charged rhetoric?

Why does Amir gladly embrace the apostate church today?

 Any good Berean and follower of Christ Jesus knows the Vatican has completely infiltrated the mainstream Protestant church. Amir appears all over the developed world. He is showered by overwhelming support and receives cult like - rock star status from his followers.

Evangelical Church leaders praise him. He has speaking engagements on back order for the next year. (He even admitted during his recent visit to the US that he's just a man. And felt embarrassed to be adored like he has been).  WARNING: WOE UNTO YOU,  WHEN ALL MEN SHALL SPEAK WELL OF YOU! … Luke 6:26

Why does Amir make merchandise of his followers and worse of the Lord Jesus Christ?  Truly Amir reminds me of those shady watch sales merchants I visited while in Old Jerusalem. What saddens me is he is doing this to his so called brothers and sisters in Christ. 

 Looking at his high end, heavily monetized website Behold Israel   one can easily spend $200. for study material that is found for free on other links. It has also been reported that he funnels most of his tour company proceeds through his tax free 501c3 Behold Israel that had near US$1million Revenue  in 2016. But this is only listed as his business address as

Behold Israel as a 501C3 listed in Glendale California

However has Behold Israel EIN 47-1532020 listed in Monument Colorado with different information.

Amir TSARFATI and Behold Israel do NOT meet the Guidestar and US Govt approved and recommended guidelines for transparency. At minimum are: Listing names of directors, officers receiving compensation,  how expenses, especially travel expenses are reimbursed, a financial page and disclosure on their website, donors listed, etc.

Nonprofits are extremely easy to hide and move tremendous amounts of money.

I firmly believe Amir TSARFATI is underreporting
a tremendous amount of money he's bringing in from multiple income streams hidden as Ministry, God's Work.

I'd like Amir TSARFATI to openly post, disclose his entire NonProfit Income streams both in the US and abroad. In accordance with the IRS  PUBLIC RECORD DISCLOSURE, I ask Amir TSARFATI to provide complete disclosure of current officers and their compensation, a complete list of all private donors and dollar amounts, and his expenditures,  especially a break down of travel expenses and how he reimburses himself.


Why doesn't Amir proclaim Jesus Christ on his website?

If you look, it appears as a secular historical institution.

It’s painfully obvious Amir has sadly used Jesus Christ to pursue filthy lucre. I would respect him if he had a completely secular site to promote his Israel tours. But then, he wouldn't book as many reservations.


 Please study John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress:  By Ends Asks a Question...  LINK  .  I know By Ends is asking Amir the same question.

Regarding Amir making merchandise of people I found something important I need to
Share: Read with me the following scriptures: 1 Corinthians 5:11-13 KJV and 1 Corinthians 6:10 KJV. We are required to call people like Amir out who have evidence of being covetous and even extorting and not to associate with them. Read the Oxford dictionary definition of covetousness: “Gaining wealth; being desirous of gaining wealth or to possess that which belongs to another; to desire to eagerly make material gain from another. Peter calls this making merchandise of others. I have fully explained and exposed Amir in this Blog as you can read.

If  this doesn't wake you up, please pray for discernment: *** Why  does Amir encourage a group of young Christians not to use the term Christian? See time frame 47:30  Link


Why doesn't Amir tell his Christian supporters that the word Christian is strongly disliked, hated in Israel?

Why does Amir say, "Your Bible says," when referring to scripture and then in error and out of context use a Hebrew translation that is completely not what the King James Bible says in Daniel chapter 9. Please see time 29:06   And Why in the Link Below is Amir pumping Trump and saying this new peace deal of the century is NOT dividing Israel???

Why does Amir say that Trump is clearly not a president that does not regard the god of his fathers? Clearly Amir truly thinks that President Trump is a born again Christian that regards (to discern, meaning a full spiritual understanding).  See time 7:30 in video link below:

Why does Amir keep using term "Do you Believe?" Which is exactly what happened in NYC Times square by Luciferion Elite?
Link. (See time frame 6:00 )

Why does Amir use the pagan star of the Illuminati NWO in his Behold Israel logo?  Star of David revealed.    The Star of Remphan (please read Stephen's account before he was stoned condemn the star of Remphan called the star of David   ACTS 7:43....   SEE WHAT THE IMAGE OF THE STAR OF REMPHAN REALLY IS:   LINK   THIS is what carried the Israelites off to Babylon... Do your study on Babylon and who is mystery Babylon today...

The Israeli Star exposed:  8:05-9:45; 16:30-19:29

The Star of Israel is the star of Babylon Ishtar the Androgynous god/goddess

What is the Star of David?

The US Dollar Decoded:  New World Order: See the Star of David...

The Jewish Kabbalah Zion control of Jesuits Synagogue of Satan

Please watch this video and wake up people:    LINK

Why is Amir TSARFATI invited as a guest speaker by  Calvary Chapel and their dreadful history of radical conservative neocon Christian Zionists and the lucrative multi million temple rebuilding funds?

Calvary Chapel Exposed to Ecumenical movement to Rome 

The fall and exposure of Calvary Chapel, the video they want destroyed

Why is Amir always talking about Bible Prophecy but says not to focus on our redemption,  but rather the things of this world - ?

A word from Amir Tsarfati February 23, 2018

Why is Amir close to Dr. Jeremiah?

Dr. David Jeremiah’s shocking Apostasy 
(Jeremiah promotes Amir Tsarfati)

Why did a brother in Christ post on YouTube  that Amir had claimed Jesus Christ is Michael the Archangel and then delete the video?

Why does Amir not tell the truth about what is going to happen to national Israel during the time of Jacob's Trouble and that spiritual Israel the remnant is whom God will rescue and not national unrepentant secular Israel?

That Ezekiel 38 isn't going to happen on this side of the Rapture?  Note: Update:  Here in this interview Amir is telling us that the Ezekiel 38 war will happen before the Antichrist.  This is completely unaligned with the book of Revelation and Ezekiel 38 in context.

Why isn't Amir witnessing actively using his ill gotten gain to reach Jews and stop fleecing low informed sheeple in America???

A Chaplain tells the truth about Zionism and National Israel and Judaism > why doesn't Amir tell his Evangelical sheeple the truth?

Why doesn't Amir tell Christians and Messianic Jews their multiple VISA into Israel will be monitored and rejected for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ

This is why Amir TSARFATI tells young Christians not to call themselves Christians

 We will never hear Amir discuss why Israel will not allow any teaching about Jesus Christ to the Jews. Read link below where Israel has recently ordered another Christian network off the air.

Why does Amir TSARFATI tell Jan Markel in an interview that he was in the Twin Tower building the day before 911 and had wondered what would happen if the Building was hit, and that Behold Israel began the day after 911 - To show us the significance of Israel in the end times?

The connection of Israel behind 911 

What's in a symbol? 6 pointed star of David = 6 mini triangles surrounding 6 sided hexigon; 2 equilateral triangles = 60 , 60, 60 degrees.

On May 17, 2019 Amir TSARFATI Behold Israel proves himself a liar and warmongering Zionist shill by posting a FB picture of the US fast attack nuclear submarine USS Los Los Angeles claiming it to be a guest in the MEDITERRANEAN sea armed with nuclear cruise missiles and docking in Greece. Three points: I'm retired US Navy and made numerous nuclear submarine deployments in the 6th fleet Mediterranean.  1. The USS Los Angeles was officially out of service in 2010 and officially decommissioned in 2011. 2. This submarine was first flight and lead class 688 and not VLS equipped > i.e. designed as a shooter of multiple cruise missiles. The US Navy never officially designed attack submarines as carrying nuclear weapons. 3. A US Navy ship in the Mediterranean is not a #guest Amir. You're delusional implying that we are a guest in Your Mediterranean. Your purpose is clearly beating war drums for Israel's Iran conquest using American military.

Amir teaching that Jesus Christ is an Angel?

Why Kabbalah hates Christianity Kabbalah Secrets

Kabbalah Controlled Christian Media Star of David

The Satanic Agenda

More Apostasy Luciferion association Amir TSARFATI JD FARAG Jan Markel

Warning update: Quote from one of readers:

"Amir is now teaching and touring with Pastor Steve Berger who is teaching necromancy is OK and says he practices it himself?

  1. A Closer Look at Have Heart: bridging the gulf between heaven and earth (Steve and Sarah Berger, 2010)—Exposing the Deception of 'Christian' Clairaudience and Clairsentience
  2. ​Calvary Chapel Pastor's Perspective Refutes Praying to the Dead—Yet Calvary Chapel Affiliate Pastor Steve Berger Encourages Praying (talking) to the Dead (Have Heart book and Have Heart website FAQ page) (Current page)

 Now JD Farag is also touring with Amir so how is it that JD Farag does not call out Berger on his heresy and Amir for saying nothing to correct this serious error? 

JD is also teaching that anyone who does not believe in the pre trib rapture is of the devil"...


The error of Amir lifting up Trump and failing to acknowledge the division of Israel

Please read where Amir says quote: "YESHUA is the proper name of Jesus not the cursed (name). Details in link

Another Alarming issue with Amir TSARFATI (

Update: A sister in Christ has found disturbing genealogy on Amir going back 300 years. Sunni Muslim etc, but actual Jewish heritage is now a huge question. The truth is it doesn't matter Amir's heritage, but since he sells himself as a true Jew, I find this extremely disturbing.

Update: A brother in Christ has found disturbing feeds of Amir over emphasizing over reaching and obsessing to brainwash his viewers that Trump is the good guy and that he can not possibly be the antichrist. Ask yourself this question : Why would Amir be obsessed with this subject?

Update from a reader, quote:  

Well, teachers we thought were sound are dropping like flies.   :'(   I'm sorry to say that Amir has joined their ranks; he's teaching that Michael the Archangel is Jesus.  I've researched this information carefully before posting, and it's true.  Unfortunately, his followers are having fits, claiming that the video was doctored, but the email from his ministry (below) confirms that he's teaching this blasphemy.

Jacob Prasch also did a video on this; I won't post it, because he - in his usual obnoxious and abrasive manner - starts out by doing a good job on exposing Amir's false teaching, but then goes on to vehemently attack those who teach the pre-trib rapture; he seems to have a particular dislike of JD Farag. You can search it out on YouTube if you want to see it.

Jude 1:9
is all we need to show this is a false teaching: 'Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”' If Michael was the Lord, he wouldn't be saying that - he would rebuke the devil himself.  Michael is also called "one of the chief princes" in Daniel 10:13.

Amir's teachings aren't identical to that of the JWs and the SDAs, who believe that Jesus and Michael are one and the same; he believes that Michael the Archangel - a created being - is only one theophany of Jesus.

Personally, I never did listen to Amir's Bible studies because I don't see where he has the qualifications to be a Bible teacher, and I believe he's out of his league theologically.  Admittedly, he does do a good update on current events as they're happening in the Middle East since he seems to have sources within the IDF and the government.

At least for now his prophecy updates will still be permitted, but any Bible teaching from him is NOT.  Please pray for Amir that his eyes are opened so he realizes this is a false teaching, and that he recants, as he has thousands of followers who believe every word he says.  I'll post the link to a FB thread at the bottom so you can see how people are defending him, despite all the evidence that he's WRONG.

As for his association with Steve Berger, I'll post a separate thread on that.

This is a short clip from a 2018 video (now removed from YouTube by Amir or his staff, this clip was definitely EDITED OUT from the original full video) where he states Jesus is Michael. This is FALSE! Jesus is God, Michael is a CREATED being...... Jesus was from eternity past, the ETERNAL GOD cannot be a created being! ********ATTENTION!!!******* ALL false religions and cults (list at the bottom) deny His Deity! This is a lie from satan himself, and those that teach and believe the Lord Jesus Christ is not God, are lost and incredibly deceived! You CANNOT be a Christian, if you deny the Lord Jesus Christ is God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity! If you believe this lie, please get saved NOW! IF you don't believe Jesus is God, you do not know the Jesus of the Bible and you are headed for hell!End Quote...

See video where Amir says Yeshua is the real and only name for Jesus and not the cursed word.  Blog post:  

Another Alarming Issue with Amir

My comment to a reader:

Again Amir needs to clarify this and to be educated and enlightened that Yeshua is NOT the real and only name for Jesus. Jesus is Jesus Christ. Christ Jesus is truly who Jesus Christ is. Please note this morning the word that had escaped me when I read Sarai's heartfelt and most sincere comment finally dawned on me. "Insinuation." What Amir did when we said, "YESHUA The name of Jesus in Hebrew, the proper name of Jesus, not the curse…", was to insinuate.

He is insinuating there is only 1 proper name for Jesus and any other name, including Jesus is cursed. He is also insinuating that Christ is not a part of the name of Jesus that truly identifies who Jesus truly is. Look closely at the meaning of the word insinuate. "to bend in windings, to curve. To introduce tortuously, sinuously, indirectly  or by devious methods; to introduce by imperceptible degrees or subtle means. Penetrate by subtle means. To draw, win, attract a person subtly or covertly to or unto something."  The serpent  error twines round human hearts.. Craftily introduce by the subtlety of Satan. Page 1448 Oxford English Dictionary

MAJOR UPDATE: Must watch and see how much true Christians are hated in Israel by devout Jews. Jesus Christ to them is the cursed name: Watch Video.

Update regarding the cursed name (Jesus) and why Amir does nor want to use name Christian or Jesus.

Watch video below at time:39. This Rabbi says the cursed name is Jesus.

Update May 25, 2021:

In regards to Amir saying Yeshua for Jesus and not the accursed name. Here is something quite serious to consider: Read 1 Corinthians 12:3 KJV: No man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.” And 1 Corinthians 16:22 KJV: “If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be Anathema Maranatha.” Granted it appears Amir has come out in another video and now has changed his tune now saying Jesus. (Again we see he Continually walks back his statements and corrects to comply as he did with calling Jesus a created being - An Arch Angel and when he deleted the video of him telling Young Christians not to call themselves Christians). However, the FACT remains that he has taught and stated things that should alarm Christians and I call these out.

Following Updates:  More people I find are waking up to this foul bird Amir.

Read these links:

Amir the Cyber Bully:

Amir Tsarfati – Cyber Bully – MTV – Remnant Truth Network TV (

Amir full throttle into Dominion Theology

Email sent to me worth mentioning

I found your blog just a bit ago when I did a search for "Amir Tsarfati net worth". I didn't even know who he was until I overhead a conversation among some "so-called Christian women" who were lusting over Tsarfati. That conversation sent off alarm bells and it revived a memory that I was familiar with him as a negative commentator in a film called Before the Wrath that Scripturally promotes a pre-tribulation rapture of the Bride of Yeshua HaMashiach. It all gelled really quick in my mind that Amir Tsarfati is another "Elmer Gantry" con man who is using Christianity as a get rich quick scheme. It's worked well for this seller of the gospel. I'm glad to see someone else is exposing this fraud Tsarfati.

Comment received today:

Good morning,

I woke up in the wee hours and couldn’t get back to sleep. One thing I did was look up Amir Tsarfati and that led me to your site. The reason I looked him up is because I have a Christian friend who really likes him and recommends His articles, etc. I haven’t felt right about him and that’s why I did a search. After reading quite a few of your articles I see we agree on so many topics.
I should give a bit of background about myself. I’m female and was born and raised in the mormon religion and was in it for almost 50 years. Praise God I was able to come out of it and became born again! I’m 72 now and believe me it’s not been an easy path trying to figure out what’s correct and what’s not. After a lot of Bible reading, some bad Christian church experiences, some good articles along the way and the help of the Holy Spirit, I have come to (like I said) agree with so much of what I see you believe. 
Right now I’ll paste in what my friend sent about Amir:

“I just listened to Jack Hibbs and Amir Tsarfati on you tube. Pretty good.  I think Hibbs thing is called Happening Now. Amir is in California at Hibbs Church.”

That was last night and I just thanked her was all. I’ve given up trying to influence her thinking as she’s unfortunately a typical Christian who won’t listen to anything that goes against how she was raised.
She also had sent this last week after the horrific Capitol events:

She didn’t say who wrote it. Even as an lds person I was a believer in the antichrist, the Illuminati, etc., and did a lot of studying about those topics. So I also agree with your articles about who’s been running America. I have also been blessed with a “knowingness” that a person has a bad spirit. When Obama was a candidate and president I couldn’t even look at him for many years. The same with Romney and now Trump. I have to turn my head away and mute him or change the channel.
Anyway this has gotten long but I wanted to let you know I’m glad I found your site and will be reading quite a lot more." End quote.


Update today in March 2021 by brother in Christ exposing Amir TSARFATI of preaching a false gospel.   Listen carefully for yourself and see how Amir twists and double talks the Gospel

Amir needs to decide who he wants to be. He comes across at times as an evangelist, but never preaches the true Gospel as given in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV and adds to salvation as I brought out in this Blog.  This is serious especially considering Galatians 1:8,9 KJV.

He also does not understand or teach how to rightly divide the word of truth in accordance with 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV. Paul clearly says that in teaching the Gospel one must show the Dispensations as given to Paul: Read in 1 Corinthians 9:16-17 KJV. See my notes below about Dispensations.

Here's an important update from a reader June 2021:

Today I have been appraising Amir's book 'The Last Hour'. Having a discussion with a friend, I was told of JD Farag. Thanks for the voluminous info on both men. On page 71 of 'The Last Hour' Amir talks about the failure of satan to destroy Jesus. Quote "It was too late to stop the Seed from coming, so ...... .....The destroyer was forced into the role of preserving the one life that must be sacrificed......." In another place on page 71 Amir writes..."The enemy did not want Jesus to die because he understood that his ultimate defeat ......" How could anyone with the Spirit of God not understand 1Cor2.7+8? "But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory." The fact is they did! Thanks.

Update August 2021:

Amir Tsarfati and Iran... But let's talk about Afghanistan first! 

As the NeoCon Zionists get us into war with Iran, let's talk about Afghanistan 🇦🇫

We Saints do hear of wars and rumors of war... Matthew 24:6 KJV 

We Saints are not troubled for all these things must come to pass... For these are the beginning of sorrows... Matthew 24:6-8 KJV.

This means our redemption is near. Hallelujah! MARANATHA!

When I observe Christian Zionists beat the war drums with Zionist Israel I can't help but be amazed by the prophetic significance.

 I've had skin in the game involved in these extensive wars on terror. So I'm a bit sensitive as you may imagine. 

Amir Tsarfati and Joel Rosenberg are but a few of these Zionists who pimp Evangelical Christians and beat the war drums with fine crafted rhetoric. Read my study on these Charlatans in Notes below:

In the midst of the non stop Zionist propaganda I keep remembering Afghanistan for some reason.. But the Zionist machinery reminds me there is nothing to see here in Afghanistan... move along now and focus on Iran...

Let's talk about Afghanistan shall we?

Afghanistan alone: What the US gained in 20 years with the blood of tens of thousands of US military casualties and lives lost; over 1 trillion dollars wasted, over 300,000 Afghan soldiers trained and equipped - has all been lost in 5 months according to research. The Taliban now control most of Afghanistan.  

How about General Wesley Clark's speech? 

Global Warfare: “We’re Going to Take out 7 Countries in 5 Years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran.

If anyone would kindly share any new updates I'd really appreciate it. Please email me at vietrandy@com or comment. Also, can anyone find Amir TSARFATI's official date of birth, please let me know. Thank you.

The questions continue… and if you are a good Berean the questions should continue for you as well.


My Testimony on how today's churches are building the Kingdom of the Anti-Christ:

Dear People, please, I plead you... please listen.
These 501c3 brick and mortar buildings  (and even those run under private or limited liability corp) run by apostate trained CEOs called pastors are not BIBLICAL.  They are literally making Merchandise of you and your children and your children's heritage. They are cursed by God under both Galatians 1:8,9 and 2 Peter 2:3... In fact 2 Peter 2:3, literally says these false teachers through feigned (study the word feigned: invented. fake.  counterfeit. deception. fictitious. ) words make merchandise of you...
I've recently completed an 800 page Ebook containing over a thousand references, several thousand pages of source documentation titled: " I don't go to church. A 50 year testimony of attending church to say in agreement with Dr. Larkin, that today's churches are building the kingdom of the Antichrist. " see note 1 below...  If anyone wants this open public  domain book. I will email you a copy for free. Email me your request to  Amazon lists it for $0.99. We wanted to post it for free. But Amazon requires a fee.  If you order, please know any profit goes to sending out more free copies.  We by the fear of God will not touch a penny for ourselves.  Amen!
But this church going issue has now become my focus.  I'm a retired US naval officer,  and finished a career in  consulting. and recently retired from teaching High school as a licensed teacher.  I also spent years living in other countries, including over 6 yrs in Vietnam sharing Jesus with the Vietnamese people. 
Here's my testimony below:
To God be the glory Forever! Amen!
(1) "I Don't Go to Church: The Church is The Body of Christ not a Building" by Andrew Sheets,  Start reading it:

Exposing and Rebuking Bill Johnson at BETHEL and the NAR Movement

 My 50 year testimony of going to church to know today’s churches are building the kingdom of the antichrist LINK

(3) Brick and Mortar 501C3 buildings called churches run by apostate CEOs called pastors are not biblical 

Why Dispensationalism is important

(4) Why Bible Translations are important 


 King James Version Bible for Today

Why Bible Translations really matter:

 (5) MEGA TRAP CHURCH TRAP Double Bind of the Nicolaitans 

(6) Doing the Math on the Kingdom Parables of Matthew 13 

(7) Manna and Leaven: How the modern false teachers use it LINK

(8)  Nearly 80 % of churches do not discuss Bible Prophecy even though 25% of the Bible is about Prophecy. This includes the importance of  the Rapture of the Body of Christ. 
The Truth about the Rapture of the Body of Christ BEFORE the Tribulation:
 (9) Christian, You don’t have to pay tithes 

(10) Salvation is secure our Eternal Security is Scripture LINK

 Our Sins (sinful nature before Salvation) are wiped clean at salvation. Eternal Salvation is NOT a process… working out our salvation in the flesh is... Know the difference.  False teachers use this against the unlearned..... Be a good Berean... LINK

Bible meaning of True Salvation 

Our Gospel for Today for Salvation 

Entitlement = Imputed Righteousness of Jesus Christ our free gift at Regeneration LINK

(11)  The Shepherd and The Shulamite
The Perfect Storm for American Civil War; Christian strive lawfully
 Striving Lawfully



  1. Well written. I hope he will respond in a brotherly manner.

    1. No, it's not well written. It's an attack article written without grace, and sometimes without truth. It is written in the tone of a prophet, without the truth of a prophet.

      I don't know whether Behold Israel had a $1 Million profit in 2016, but that would have been challenging. They did not receive that much in total funds in 2016. This is per their 2016 Form 990, filed with the IRS.

    2. Justin Believer in Amir TSARFATI and perhaps Jesus Christ but certainly not a true follower of Jesus Christ- otherwise you'd have the discernment to see through the deception of the Judas Goat Amir TSARFATI and would certainly not be his sycophant and man worshipping false accuser. Justin, you accuse me of telling lies about Amir. Tell me specifically which I state as a lie and give us the reference with source documentation. You say I write as a prophet? Give me your scripture evidence to make such an outrageous claim. Intuition is not how a prophet speaks you Creaton. Writing with Grace? Explain with scripture what this carnality means. Also tell us what is an attack article. Define attack article and harmonize this with 2 Timothy 4:2 and Titus 2:15... We are waiting young man.

    3. Justin Believer in regards to Behold Israel 2016 profit. I never stated with resources Behold Israel profits. I stated, "it has been reported" which a subscriber reported to me. I have gone back and amended by deleting the word profit and replaced it with revenue. Please note that form 990s are an accounting black hole for nonprofit organizations meaning the truth will never be known as to how much is really made. Also, I'd like for you or anyone to send us an actual profit & loss statement for Amir TSARFATI total business operations in all Israel, international etc. The point is Amir is making merchandise of the sheeple.

    4. Justin Believer Let's talk about this.

      Amir TSARFATI has Behold Israel as a 501C3 listed in Glendale California,471532020/

      However has Behold Israel EIN 47-1532020 listed in Monument Colorado with different information.

      Amir TSARFATI and Behold Israel do NOT meet the Guidestar and US Govt approved and recommended guidelines for transparency. At minimum are: Listing names of directors, officers receiving compensation, how expenses, especially travel expenses are reimbursed, a financial page and disclosure on their website, donors listed, etc.

      Nonprofits are extremely easy to hide and move tremendous amounts of money. Surely you're aware of this.

      I firmly believe Amir TSARFATI is underreporting a tremendous amount of money he's bringing in from multiple income streams hidden as Ministry, God's Work.

      I'd like Amir TSARFATI to be far more TRANSPARENT: openly post, disclose ALL his entire NonProfit Income streams both in the US and abroad. In accordance with the IRS PUBLIC RECORD DISCLOSURE. He's using people's money for God, so let's really talk about this. The gentleman that confidently and confidentially told me Amir's Behold Israel is washing a million USD in profit was probably accurate. So, let's get the proof. Let's go straight to the source and ask Amir for FULL DISCLOSURE.

      I ask Amir TSARFATI provide complete disclosure of current officers and their compensation, a complete list of all private donors and dollar amounts, and his expenditures, especially a break down of travel expenses and how he reimburses himself.

    5. I am confused. My name is Ron Bremner, and so you can find who I am. His name is Amir Tsarfati, and so you can find who he is. But the author asks the question, 'Who are you, Amir Tsarfati?' And yet, we don't know who the author is.

      He, she or they go by this name 'Third Heaven Traveler', or Traveler. Who is that? How can the author ask, 'Who is Amir?', and then not tell us who they are? If the author is being honest, they should say who they are. The apostles didn't use pseudonyms.

    6. Ron Bremner. Open my main page and read my name is Andrew Sheets. I also list email my Bio. Etc throughout...Now, what's your point?

    7. Ron Brember, I'm not surprised you'd say the apostles didnt use pseudonyms. Youre obviously a TSARFATI follower who doesnt read their Bible. Lesson here for you: Mark 3, Jesus calls twelve men to be His apostles. Among them are “James son of Zebedee and his brother John (to them he gave the name Boanerges, which means Sons of Thunder)” (Mark 3:17). This is the only place in Scripture that mentions the designation of the sons of Zebedee as the Sons of Thunder, and there is no stated explanation as to why Jesus named them this.

      However, Jesus has a purpose for everything He does, so He must have had a good reason for dubbing James and John as “Sons of Thunder.” “Jesus . . . knew all men. He did not need man’s testimony about man, for he knew what was in a man” (John 2:24-25). In other words, Jesus knew the brothers’ nature when He first met them, and He chose “Boanerges” as a fitting nickname.

      In one vivid incident, we see that James and John possessed some truly thunder-like qualities. Jesus and His disciples were traveling through Samaria on their way to Jerusalem when they ran into trouble. Jesus attempted to find accommodations for the night in one place but was met with opposition from the villagers, simply because His destination was Jerusalem—a result of Jew-Samaritan prejudice. “When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, ‘Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?’” (Luke 9:54). Jesus rebuked the brothers, and they all went to another village. James and John’s response to the Samaritans reveals a fervency, impetuosity, and anger that could properly be called “thunderous”—and we can be sure that there were other times when James and John lived up to their nickname.

      James and John were two of Jesus’ closest friends, being two of the “inner three” disciples (see Matthew 17:1). As the church age began, James was the first apostle to be killed (Acts 12:2), while John was the last to die, although of old age. John’s epistles, written late in his life, hint that he still possessed a fervency of spirit, especially in his denunciations of apostates and deceivers (1 John 2:22; 2 John 7; 3 John 10). However, it is a fervency tempered by love. In fact, in 1 John the word “love” and its relatives occur over 40 times. When he first met Jesus, John was one of the “Boanerges.” But after walking with Jesus for a lifetime, the “Son of Thunder” earned a new nickname: the “Apostle of Love.”

    8. Ron Bremner to ease your confusion please email me @ Let's get you started on a wonderful journey making you a follower of Jesus Christ and not a dupe for apostate charlatan wolf in sheep's clothing Amir TSARFATI. Thank you.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Ron Bremner: Last thread on your comment, Enough information for today.

      Names in scripture: Paul Never Actually Changed His Name From Saul... Paul and Saul were used interchangeably.
      The man we call Paul did undergo a dramatic conversion experience but there's no reason to think it came with a name change.

      It’s not uncommon for people in the Church to talk about a dramatic “Saul to Paul” conversion story.

      The reference is to the biblical story of how the Apostle Paul went from being a persecutor of the early church to one of its most important leaders after a dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus.

      According to the Book of Acts, “Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples … As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, ‘Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?’”

      This voice of from Heaven was a miraculous experience that compelled him to convert from literally hunting down Christians to helping to lead them, and changing from Saul to the man we all know now as Paul.

      So far, so good. All of that is actually recorded in the Bible — that is, except the name change part. Seriously, go try to find a Bible verse that actually says he changed his name.

      If you read the Bible carefully, you’ll see people called him both Saul and Paul throughout his life, even after his conversion. Acts 13:9 even says: “But Saul, who was also called Paul, [was] filled with the Holy Spirit.”

      Jacob - Israel- Jacob-
      After the name change, some passages in Genesis refer to Jacob as “Jacob” (Genesis 33:1; 34:7; 35:15; 37:1) and others as “Israel” (Genesis 35:21; 37:3; 43:6; 46:1). Some have suggested that the name Jacob represents his old nature and Israel his new. That is, he is called “Jacob” when functioning in his carnal old nature, but he is called “Israel” when he is acting out of his new nature. There could be limited merit in this suggestion in some passages, and it would parallel the Christian’s experience as presented in Ephesians 4:22–24.

      Ron Bremner please read Ephesians 4:22-24 carefully with the use of names and let's examine. I'd love to share my testimony on how I was led out of the apostate church and to become a traveler like John Bunyan writes in Pilgrims Progress... Please email me.

    11. Brother, a praise report. Today, April 8, 2020 (Passover) I received this comment from an awakened sister in Christ regarding Amir Tsarfati:

      Hi Andy,

      I just wanted to say thank you for your blog.

      My spiritual alarm bells started going off when listening to Amir Tsarfati and Jack Hibbs. I prayed about it. Once he said .."poor you," to the audience. You cannot read Hebrew. I don't know what your Bible says". My spirit stood up..i knew something was not right. I thought he was also making "mistakes" saying that all of Israel will be saved. We know that is not true, because the Bible tells us so.

      I could never listen to Jack Hibbs much at all, not sure if its from the Holy Spirit but his voice is like scratching your nails in a chalk board to me and I think he is legalistic but pretends to be a grace teacher and super puffed up with pride.

      I think the Holy Spirit is definately giving you supernatural discernment.

      I will continue to pray as well. I will ask God if I need to do anything else or did he just want my eyes open. I still have an uneasy feeling I cannot shake.

      Best regards, "

      Here is my response:

      Dear Sister, Thank you from the the depths of my heart for taking the time and writing me your thoughts. Your timely email was of course God sent and inspired on so many levels - I'm unable to articulate.  In a meager attempt let me say: I am both eternally grateful from both the spiritual standpoint of edification for encouragement in this horrendous spiritual battle we wage on a daily basis, that we not grow weary - and I am most thankful that there are those chosen ones like you who are out there that are blessed and encouraged by the Blog.  Praise God you're awake. This is an answer to prayer I have prayed often that people could be awakened from the slumber that has overtaken many in the body of Christ and truly those who are deceived into thinking they are saved, but aren't.  Jesus said, "my sheep hear my voice and the voice of another they will not follow".   Amen!
      Please feel free to comment further if you find more on Amir and or any of the many false teachers, wolves, charlatans out there.  I recently found a disturbing trend where President Trump is now wholesale endorsing Greg Laurie and his Harvest church, here's my latest Blog regarding;

      Also didn't know if you were aware of my full time endeavor now in exposing the brick and mortar 501C3 "church" buildings.  Thank you again dear sister. God bless you abundantly,   We're going home soon.  Maranatha!
      Andrew Sheets

    12. I REJOICE at waking up! I was subscribed to Jack Hibbs and caught him as well in that false teaching that, "All Israel will be saved" when God's word says otherwise. I unsubbed from ALL but 3 Pastors who rightly preach God's TRUTH from the King James Bible: Pastors Charles Lawson, Ralph "Yankee" Arnold, and I watch videos put up by various people of teachings and talks by the late Dave Hunt. There is so little TRUTH left on You Tube for we who can't get out. We need to be SO careful and PRAY. Listen to the Holy Spirit's leading. I highly commend my sister for her letter written to you and for you out there proclaiming truth. God bless you, brother!

  2. Thank you Brother. No, I'm certain he will not. The purpose of this is to stand as both a living witness and testimony with eternal consequences. Maranatha!

    1. As Traveler stated "I am certain he will not". And one month later no response. On his YouTube Channel, Amir never responds to any questions. What sort of a Christian teacher is that? Anyway we pray for those who are being deceived by him and other false teachers that they will come to the knowledge of the truth.

    2. How weak and sad this article is. This blogger usurps the authority of God to separate the wheat from the tares and condem. This article is a fleshly, personally directed and childish criticism of a fellow man of God and brother in Christ. May God forgive you. God alone knows the heart of a person. Who are you that you should know the heart, motives, and intentions of a man? Be very careful, brother.

    3. I have been following Amir for approximately 6 months on YouTube, and on Behold Israel. I find him to be intelligent, extremely articulate, godly, and with an understated sense of humor. Yes, he is handsome, but I do not find that to be something to hold against him, as that too is a gift from God. I am amazed at Amir's knowledge of his own land for sure, but equally impressed at his knowledge of a plethora of countries, governments and officials of countries abroad as well. I do not agree with you in your observation of his admiration of President Trump. I am sure Amir feels as does PM Netanyahu, a deep gratitude for the enormous change in support with President Trump, than with the disrespectful, anti-Israel stance of President Obama for 8 years. It seems to me that you have made up your mind to dislike Amir, and your wrath and JUDGEMENT are poured down on him. You keep asking Why is Amir close to (fill in the blank?) Why are you close to the people you are close to? I have learned so much just listening to Amir's video's and updates and it has cost me nothing. I see you are also coming down on a host of other pastor's that have YouTube channels. Maybe tone down your rhetoric some, sir. It is coming across to me that you are eaten up by jealousy. The tone of this letter is accusatory and ugly. James Van Patten Jr. you reply that you hope Amir will respond in a brotherly way to this vile piece of verbal vomit? I certainly would not waste my time if I were Amir. He shows respect, class, intelligence, positivity-NONE of which is displayed here. I will be avoiding anything written by whomever penned this piece of garbage. Isn't it peculiar how differently one can perceive the same person? No agendas, here.

    4. Part I Debbie...After reading your sincere comment, I had a flashback to the summer of 2006 of where I was walking out of the Los Angeles Convention Center while attending the centennial of the Azusa Street Pentecostal Revival. See why at the end:
      Sincerely dear Debbie, I welcome and appreciate your comments. Yes Ma'am seriously, You've nailed it. Every detail. The very essence of the Amir allure (please seriously research the word allure) the Amir charisma and his boldness for Christ, love of Israel, achieving peace through strength, his eschatology his conservative stance,etc etc... are what I also truly admire. I am with you and countless others, especially women and young people and neocons... Reality check here however. . I'm a born again Christian of many years wrought by trials, tribulations, sorrow and to the knee-driven hard lessons. I'm also an educated, well traveled retired US Navy officer. I've traveled all over world lived for years in foreign countries. Speak 2 languages, etc. Recently came back from a 6 year mission in Vietnam. I have always traveled to learn first hand what's out there. Even if it has caused me problems. For example, I was almost gang raped by a pack of arab boys in old Jerusalem's Arab quarter when I was 16 yrs old after I ditched my boring tour group to really learn Jerusalem. If a young female Israeli soldier had not aggressively intervened, it would not have ended well. A very powerful true story. I literally saw that 18 yr young woman turn into a lion, before my very eyes. About 3 of the older boys were not going to give up their fresh catch. But even their ravenous lust decided their lives were more important… Back on point, You missed my entire point of my Blog. I'm certainly not jealous of Amir. No, … far from it, and thus the dilemma. I thought I had made it clear in the Blog, I really admire him...BUT!!! I Have an unrelenting, strong, unequivocal, assurance from my intuition (please study the faculty of spirit and how intuition operates from a biblical perspective 1968 edition of The Spiritual Man by Watchman Nee ) through spiritual discernment of the Holy Spirit (yes I am a saved Christian) applied by mental examination with prayer in biblical application 2 Timothy 4:2-5, That Amir Tsarfati is: 1: a Ravenous Wolf making merchandise of low informed sheeple who are not deep searching Bereans.

    5. Dear Debbie... Part 2: Please read 2 Peter 2:3… Okay I've been had from con artists in places like Los Angeles market where I bought a Rolex watch for $10, in a Turkish Bazaar in Antalya of which I would not like to remember. In Bangkok? New Orleans? Naples It? How about the $25,000.check I wrote to Pastor Mike in Lanai Hawaii to build his Assembly of God church? (hint he didn't use the money for his church). The list is long..So I understand how Charlatans work through craft... Experience is my hardest master.
      God sells and it's big business. That's why it would be good to study why Jude 1:11 has 3 people named for a purpose. So, from both experience and I mean lots of experience, Amir is a Charlatan.

      2: But what concerns me much deeper is Amir's heart of deep deception that truly is not what appears on the surface. Beyond his merchandising sheeple he has a far more sinister agenda to lead sheeple away from the truth by showing the Truth in order to mask his agenda. The best lie is hidden between 2 truths… Please read and study 2 Corinthians 11:13 and 2 Corinthians 2:11…

      His agenda? Talk Jesus in one breath and follow up the next with lifting up and exalting man i.e. Trump and National Israel and the systems who are behind these people. I'm sure you're mature enough in Christ to understand we are NOT of the World and the World's system and should not be adored and promoting it like a mk ulta mind control assailing tactics Amur uses. Trust me, even though I prefer Trump over Clinton and Obama, please don't think Trump is our buddy by any means. Also, someone should remind Amir that although God loves Israel his Remnant, Spiritual Israel, over 2/3rds if every Jew are going to be wiped out along with the rest of the world during the time if Jacob's Trouble. Why do you think Jesus wept over Israel? Why did Jesus say, “Hey don't even get your coat, but RUN… Matthew 24…
      Amir mixes false teaching as in Jeremiah's time before the Babylonians sacked Jerusalem.

      Amir TSARFATI needs to read

      The Elect, The Remnant. and the Israel of God. by Alexander Gibb

      I humbly from a spirit of love invite you to read my blog a 50 year testimony of going to church, and why today's churches are building the kingdom of the Antichrist.

      My Personal testimony of 50 yrs of going to church to know today's churches are building the kingdom of the Antichrist

      We've recently published this work and much more into a book “I don't go to church” ...and uploaded on Amazon Ebook as a public domain $0.99 any proceeds go to people who are in sincere need.

      Finishing story from introduction:

      After reading your sincere comment, I had a flashback to the summer of 2006 I was walking out of the Los Angeles Convention Center while attending the centennial of the Azusa Street Pentecostal Revival.

      I had just finished writing a $1,000. check to an undisclosed Evangelical who was going to bring Jesus to every last remote village on earth. Some crazy guy was standing in front with a bull horn telling people that Kenneth Copeland (a ministry I had given more money to) was a liar a charlatan a fraud. But when the man said Kenneth Copeland was a pawn of Satan I was ready to go smack him. Well… fast forward 12 years and I can certainly agree with that man.

      Thank you, I truly hope you be as the Bereans in your quest and not as the blind Pharisees of Mark 8:42-45…

      Amir TSARFATI would never engage me or any other Man of God armed with the truth. He's not that stupid...

      Andrew Sheets

    6. It amazes me how anyone can be so extremely intelligent and not understand. And she was kind enough to call me out by name. At least she could have offered me a cup of coffee. This type of response is why I now know understand how people are going to line up cheerfully to take the mark of the Beast. Tick Tock.

    7. Fantastic article. Truth. My hats off to you, sir, & thank you for your time & effort spent in bringing the light on this situation.

    8. Thank you God bless you for sharing this. More keeps seeping from the ground, literally

      3rd Temple Sanhedrin Synagogue of Satan Revelation 2:9 - Ezekiel 8

    9. To God be the glory forever Amen! Maranatha!

    10. Mr Sheets, I've tried to post a couple of times, but for some reason, it hasn't come through. Perhaps that is by your choice.

      As I read your writing, you reply to those who agree with you by blessing and encouraging them. And to those who disagree with you, by calling them names, and treating them with contempt. This is perhaps an attempt to look like a prophet. But you're not a prophet, your voice has no value to the kingdom of God at all.

      You have the voice of one who is an accuser of the brethren, and as such, you are not in good company. You talk about being a Berean, but I don't see it. The fruits of the Spirit? Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control?

      Don't see them.

      I read above, 'Amir TSARFATI would never engage me or any other Man of God armed with the truth.'

      That's one of the most arrogant statements I've ever heard. Can't imagine those words coming out of the mouth of Christ. But from a Pharisee, they would be totally fitting.

      But perhaps I should be more of a Berean. Perhaps I should listen to the words of Christ, who said, "Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind. And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”

    11. Mr. Bremner, you are seriously deceived sir. I am not a prophet never claimed to be, but you're a misguided soul and have condemned yourself to follow and defend a blind guide like Amir TSARFATI and are falling into that terrible pit with your guide. WAKE UP! Here again we see creatons like you as all of the Amir sycophant zombies, you do not read your Bible, but rather get spoon fed by leaven of false teaching, getting your ears tickled. Open your Bible and study the very harsh words and imprecations that God uses on his enemies > That Jesus Christ, the image of the Godhead here on earth used, that the Apostles used. You need to study that true love demands justice which demands the harmonizing of perfect Love and perfect righteousness indignation. Any false teacher like Amir is not a friend of God, but rather rebuked and cursed. Read the Blog and stop your childish comments. Address what I write in the Blog instead of my comments. IF you are seriously willing to learn more, please email me. Otherwise, this thread with you is finished.

    12. Let's clarify. Mr. Bremner. You are a Creatan...
      I couldn't care less if you're offended. Wake Up!

      "Beginning in Titus 1:6, Paul details for Titus the qualifications for elders, one of which is the ability to “encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it” (verse 9). He goes on to say that in Crete there were many rebellious people and deceivers who must be silenced as they were teaching falsehood for financial gain (verses 10–11). At that point, Paul quotes a famous Cretan who wrote, “Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons” (verse 12). That writer was Epimenides of Gnossus, a seventh-century BC poet, prophet, and native Cretan who characterized his own people as liars."

    13. Agree Traveler! Well said and documented! I've discerned the same and no jealousy here either.

    14. Amen! Thank you. To God be the glory. Praise God! Thank you Heavenly Father For Another #Woke person.

    15. Thank you,brother Andrew,for faithfully sharing God's Truth,with the Brethren.Just as Jesus Spoke,"Any temple built by the hands of men/mankind,will surely be destroyed/torn down." Jesus IS The Foundation,AND The Cornerstone,Of God's Spiritual Temple,which We In Christ Jesus,Do Enter and Worship In,In Spirit and In Truth.If ANY ONE OF US REJECTS JESUS,THE FOUNDATION AND THE CORNERSTONE OF THE SPIRITUAL TEMPLE/CHURCH,WE ARE REJECTING FATHER GOD.JESUS AND THE FATHER "ARE ONE." ANY WHO REJECT JESUS,ARE REJECTING GOD AND WILL SURELY TASTE ETERNAL DEATH AND SUFFERING.Amen and Hallelujah,to Father God and Our Lord,Christ Jesus.🙏❤🙏

    16. I watch the first 15 minutes of his video and although everything sounded superficially Christian good...i discern something amissed and did a quick check on his background. I am inclined with you after also reading your position that we are living in perilous times when falsehood is stirred into the truth and steeped in the sweetness palatable to the unsuspecting masses who somehow haven't dug deep into Scriptures enough.

    17. Amen John! Praise God you're awake! Thank you for taking the time to comment.

    18. Traveler, I found this on the Tim Henderson blog concerning other Bible versions than the King James (No place to respond there I could find) - "The Revised Standard Version is excellent as is the Douhey-Rhemes." Besides the Douey-Rheams Bible being the one the Catholics use, which is one reason to NEVER recommend it, please brother, compare Genesis 3:15 in your King James with the same verse in the Douay Rheams..You'll be STUNNED, I guarantee it, because I was. Please, don't recommend it! The woman mentioned another version in her post, I can't remember which - as I said, the reply is on the Tim Henderson Blog. (Which I agree totally with!) No, we don't want to ever recommend that false Bible version either. God bless, brother!

    19. Meme, Thank you for giving me this information regarding the Douhey-Rhemes. I agree completely about never using or recommending perverted Bible translations. Sorry, I never realized I had not noticed that I had ever recommended it. Thank you again. God bless you abundantly.

    20. A little update on my last post: Are you aware that Amir and Jack Hibbs are brothers in law? I don't know who is married to whom, only that they are since one of them supposedly said so, I saw in a YouTube comment section and read the same day on someone's Blog. That seems like confirmation to me. I trust neither - Used to watch Jack until he compromised with Rick Warren and Ecumenism, and never could, as I said, stand more than 10 seconds of Amir. Also, I had said that one Pastor I trusted was Charles Lawson. I watched him, I BELIEVE it was the 9/26 morning service, and he put up a big fat ol' freemason hand sign. I was STUNNED! He made that "Pyramid" and I unsubscribed. I've read so much, found SO much on the Internet, I trust NO pastors anymore. I'm just done. Yankee Arnold is really good with the Gospel, it's in EVERY message. I've decided though to support the local Food Banks and a local Mission instead as far as financially. You'd cringe at some things I have found about so many "pastors", especially of the infamous SBC. ALL bringing in the One World Religion, all hirelings. It's exhausting, but Jesus is coming imminently, and that keeps my JOY in check :) God bless you, dear brother, and thanks again for all you do, I've been reading though all your Blog pages. Really "good stuff". Take good care of you!

    21. I went back for the pastor Lawson link to show you that sign as almost every pastor and others I see are doing this! I looked it up and voila'..freemason hand sign..It's at 27:45ish to save you going through it:
      HAVE you seen this thing, that you recall? God bless!!

    22. WOW!!! I had no idea Hibbs and Amir were brothers in law. This is huge! Explains so much of their deep connection and of course the favor given to Amir to get him into Hibb's circles. Thank you so much Meme. Yes, agree on the mason hand signs. Also I have a Blog on Lawson where he stands right there at his pulpit and promotes the Free Masons. Yes, my chin hit the floor. I agree. I'm fed up with Pastors. You've read all my Blogs on the subject. We're in the last of the end of this age and over 95 % of these brick and mortar 501C3 churches are run by apostate trained CEOS called Pastors. Another powerful end time sign. God bless you dear Meme. I can't thank you enough for your comments, thoughts and prayers. I pray for you and our blessed hope is very near. Look forward to meeting you soon! Maranatha!

  3. Why does Amir TSARFATI have Jesuit - Masonic associations and connections?

    Tell me more!

    1. Why does Amir Tsarfati have Jesuit Masonic associations and connections? The answer is simple. Because Amir is a ravenous wolf in sheep's clothing.

    2. Where is your proof of Jesuit and Masonic associations~?

    3. Mark, Thank you. Always start with the word and God. The King James Bible. A true believer knows why. There are several resources. I'd start with Dr. Burn's book, "Billy Graham and his friends" to understand how the global religious paradigm and identify the institutions and power brokers. There are several links regarding David Jeremiah's heretical teaching and apostasy. Tsarfati is closely linked. My Blog is quite clear. If you fo your own research you'll find same. Here's another link on the subject.

    4. Recently added a new update regarding the Jesuit Masonic associations of Amir Tsarfati. Please see the Trump Coalition - Jesuit Coalition link added above in the Blog. Thank you.

    5. The preponderance of evidence mounts each day exposing Amir and his "star of David"
      political Zionism aka Lucifer's Synagogue of Satan:

    6. More keeps seeping from the ground, literally
      3rd Temple Sanhedrin Synagogue of Satan Revelation 2:9 - Ezekiel 8

    7. More Evidence mounts to the Jewish Kabbalah Noahide Laws STAR OF DAVID The Masonic Luciferion global society... I now understand why young Amir TSARFATI followers are told not to call themselves CHRISTIANS...

  4. Teresa Burgess Please stop being a useful idiot aka garden tool aka merchandise for Amir and his kind. It's far past time you and your kind GET WOKE...

  5. To the Unknown, Anonymous, Unidentified COWARD who posted a comment defending Amir Tsarfati (this speaks volumes to whom Amir and his kind truly are) and calling me the accuser of the brethren and Satan I tell you here now that YOU stand before John 8:42-47 as an eternal witness against you. You as the Pharisees accused Jesus as belonging to Satan are guilty of the same those accursed Pharisees whom Jesus pronounced the following: " John 8:42-47 King James Version (KJV):
    42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
    43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
    44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
    45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
    46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?
    47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. AMEN!!!

  6. WOW! I have within the last two weeks started to discern a problem not only with Amir Tsarfati but with Jan Markell who was wearing a necklace that had on a satanic emblem (this was at a conference about two years ago). Then I started to think back and realize that Amir has been marketed. Originally he was not this charismatic, handsome person -- he did not have the benefits of BIG MONEY to create the image he now has. It is like a morphing has taken place. Thank you very much for confirming my concerns. DO NOT BE DECEIVED Jesus warned us.

    1. Amen! Jan Markell is another one I've been watching.

    2. Amir will not answer you because he is busy building Gods kingdom.. I will answer with the same answer Jesus answered his dissipels when they asked him if thet should go and stop people that were working for Gods kinkdom. My question to you is :do you try to by clever or funny or both.. For God has given His followers a hint to determan if someone is false or not... You can just look at the fruit of the tree... It is the work of the devel to put question marks on peoples words and frases and sow doubt... And you sir.. Are doing that so have a close look on whose side you are on... JC

    3. People, people.. Your comments against Amir T and Jan Markel is a testomoney of the end times. Tel my,do you know there is a Spirit of desernment... Be carefull for your own words can be a messure for what the contents of your heart is.. JC

    4. Unknown you call yourself JC? Interesting... These words you've written and my response to you stand as eternal witness and testimony against you. You are the one who is spoken of in 2 Timothy 4:4. Having turned away your ears from truth, and turned into fables. You are blindly following a kingdom builder Amir TSARFATI and Jan Markel. You have no idea that kingdom building is building the kingdom of the Antichrist and has no place in scripture. You obviously haven't read my Blog on kingdom building is Satanic feeding right into the TRUMP EVANGELICAL ZIONIST JESUIT MAGA mania gripping the Laodicean church. You and your kind are as your father Satan who do not know THE TRUTH : Read John 8:42-44… This is you JC…
      In accordance with Titus 1:11, 2:15. Timothy 3:2-8,13; 4:2-4, Galatians 1:8,9 I sternly rebuke you Amir TSARFATI and Jan Markel (1 Timothy 2:12, Revelation 2:20, suffering a woman to teach) and all your the name of Jesus Christ. Amir TSARFATI does not answer because he's not stupid. He knows he will be thoroughly rebuked and stand naked and blind before Jesus Christ. You will answer for your compliance with evil either at the Great White Throne Judgment (most likely) or IF you are saved at the BEMA JUDGMENT.

    5. Final response to unknown JC on this thread. JC you say it's the devil's work to put question Mark's on people's work... You're another typical Amir zombie that doesn't read their Bible, but rather waits on Amir and other false teachers to spoon feed them lies. For your information Jesus Christ asked over 300 questions to people to expose and challenge them but only answered a few. The Pharisees called Jesus the devil and doing work of the devil as well...Wake up! Repent!

    6. stop arguing by bothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, if you really believe in Christ, believe it in your heart not by reading to all media propaganda.soon He will come and He will judge us all with no exceptions according to our works and deeds.. God bless and peace be with you all.

    7. Stop reading media propaganda? Did you read this Blog? No! Do you read your Bible? No, not really but obviously get spoon fed the leaven spread by wolves like Amir. You then accuse those who rightly call them out as being in the wrong. Woe be to those who call good evil and good evil...

    8. Brother - a FACT for you that you can use when you are called out for obeying God's command to call out the false teachers and wolves and people say, "Stop attacking so and so!" Tell them: : In the New Testament, EVERY book but Philemon has words about false teachers! We ARE to call them out to protect the Body of Christ! But you know that..fact is, people are NOT reading their Bibles. It grieves me, and when I call someone out for their false Doctrine and they get "huffy", it sort of angers me. They DON'T know correct Doctrine. I pray you'll join me in praying that people WILL read their Bibles AND ditch the false "versions" for the truth of the King James Bible.. God bless you!

    9. Amen! Thank you. God bless you abundantly. Praise God you're another awakened child of God.

  7. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32 (King James Version) Thank you Sir for all the information

  8. You people are so wrong. Amir and Jan are two of the most Godly people I know. You are no judge. I will pray for your eyes to be opened by God. May He humble you greatly and bring you to the truth.

    1. And I'm praying you stop being a useful idiot for these wolves. You're deceived. Wake Up!

    2. To "By the Grace of God" You've condemned yourself by your own words. You reprobate calling me Satan. The words spoken by Jesus in John 8:42-47 are for you: "you can not know the truth because the truth does not abide in you because you are of your father Satan." Amen!!!

  9. I follow(ed) Amir since about 5 months and i was impressed of his knowledge, dedication and verbal skills as well, but soon i noticed the 666-handsign he very often makes and yes, also his Trump/America-adoration. I thought: This is strange. He has to know better. I couldn't believe he doesn't know that it's all an act/organized/premeditation. It was also suspicious to me that he tells he is an orphan, while he posted on Instagram a picture of 'my father and i'. Somebody else was confused and asked him about it. No answer of amir. I tried to park these red flags aside, but it kept itching. Few days ago i came across a video of him and i saw it clearly: a proud, boasting, narcissistic guy in front of a room full of sheep. As a result i found your page and your writing brought full conviction: Amir is a wolf. So thank you very much for bringing the truth to light. Now my question: Is he fully aware of what he's doing? Is he a conscious satanist who's job it is to seduce christians to focus on politic events/thrills/Bible prophecy rather than on their relationship with God and their own behavior or is he a controlled MK-Ultra robot or just blinded by pride and love for money, while thinking he does a really good job for God? I don't understand it. He has so much Bible-knowledge. So how does he not know an unrighteous man, special in his position, ends up in hell? Or he is a a very deceived 'christian' or he is a MK-Ultra slave or he is a satanist who believes satan wins in the end. I like to hear your point of view, 'cause i always want to understand the whole picture.

    1. Thank you for sharing this information. I'd love for Navy SEAL BMCS Don Shipley do one of his phone call interviews with Amir the great pretender. The only way the IDF allows this clown to operate is he is good for the homeland propaganda machine. Thank God to see you're another Saint who is awake. Yes, of course Amir TSARFATI knows he's wrong, but he's been working his craft for so long, God has turned him over to a reprobate mind. His conscience by now is so seared that it is not operable. Is he saved? I have my serious doubts. If he is, he's all carnal and far from a spiritually operative Christian, and all of his work will be burned at the BEMA. He's not an innocent MK Ultra slave. He is a slave to sin and I doubt will turn back.

    2. @traveler : Thanks for your reply! I thank God for fully opening my eyes these last years as well, but that being said i'm of course not perfect myself. I believe when God turns someone over to his reprobate mind, there is no way back and that you lose your salvation (or never bin saved in the first place) when you knowingly and willingly keep walking the wrong path. It's creepy how even real christians are so blinded by the big deception nowadays. God bless you!

  10. I'm not American, so i had to google Don Shipley. Now i understand, i feel your desire for confrontation. Thanks again for your article, as you know there are not many wo can look through him and it's always good to met a person who sees and learn from that.

    1. Thank you. Likewise Sir. Amen! Yes, the reason I mentioned Phony Navy SEAL buster Don Shipley is because there are literally tens of thousands of dirt bags out there pretending to be Navy SEALS and military veterans who are fleecing people for money and benefits under the disguise. It's even worse with fake preachers,teachers who fleece the flock. Jude 1:11 is a very serious warning to these people like Amir TSARFATI.

  11. Amen to having our eyes opened. God bless you. Thank you for your comments . You are one of the rare readers who are awake. I get a tremendous amount of hate mail. Yes, deception is so rampant in these last days. Scottie Clarke is another one. He has tens of thousands of professing Christians following him and praising him yet I recently called him out for outrageous heresy of questioning the divinity of Jesus Christ. NOT ONE person out of 2,000 plus like comments questioned him, but praised him... Yes, openly praised his wonderful powerful and inspirational teaching that Jesus had to be saved... Even Lady Gaga claims to be a Christian these days...
    Yes, as far as losing salvation - The scripture is clear on eternal security. Once truly saved a person is saved . A carnal Christian is someone who hasn't matured and grown in Christ, but remains in a continual backsliding lifestyle. In Heaven, this person will not receive rewards crowns and position in the millennial kingdom - But they will be saved. Someone turned over to a reprobate mind has never been saved and won't come out because obviously God has turned them over. All Christians struggle with sin, we work out our salvation meaning sanctification process in the flesh that was granted by faith but alas... it won't be until we're in our glorified bodies will we truly be like Jesus. Again, I'm not the judge of Amir's eternal soul, God is. Amir's fruit shows us he is either an eternal carnal Christian or truly turned over to a reprobate mind as he continues down the road of fleecing the sheep. My job is to call out wolves like Amir TSARFATI and rebuke him and his kind in accordance with 2 Timothy 4:2-4; and Titus 1:11-13, 2:15... Amen! Maranatha!

  12. Traveler, I am a messianic believer, saved hebrew who still follows Torah feast days and witnesses of messiah. So, I see scripture from a slightly different view.
    I too am a retired US Marine. Visited Israel and middle east, studied near east costoms, biblical archiology.
    I too started following Amir's videos, news casts, books. At first I was impressed. I spent 20-years as a combat photojournalist . So, I question and research everything.
    In time, I came up with the same concerns and questions you wrote about Amir. I agree with your questions, especially the sudden climb to intel within IDF.....questionable.
    I am a Berean who tests all spirits and teachers. Truly, when Yashua told his talmadine (deciples), they would be alone, on a narrow road, and despised for telling the truth of God's word, He was not exaggerating. It is the same today.
    Traveler, keep searching the truth, and questioning. Too many believers follow the talking-head and not the word of God.
    Shalom, M

    1. Shalom M, Amen! Thank you for your service, your thoughts and information.

    2. Thank you. This information is disappointing but enlightening. Prayers for discernment always.

    3. To God be the glory Amen! Prayers for discernment Amen! Maranatha!

  13. My question is: Who are YOU?
    I mean, it’s easy to tear down another person, but you’re motives become HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE, when you are basically anonymous.

    1. Who am I? Read my comments to Debbie Deal above. I'm a retired military officer, consultant and teacher having traveled all over the world. But what's more important is I'm a blood bought born again Christian saved by grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. I read my King James Bible daily. If you're really interested, which I doubt, read my Blog. Go through it to find more. Who are YOU? Grace ECM. No name. No Blogs no Bio? Why would you defend a wolf? Stop using a tactic of the Pharisees. Study John 8:42-45 to understand what I'm speaking of. You're probably one of these people who call themselves a Christian but say anyone can preach anything without question because we're not to judge anyone. Another example of a supposed Christian who has no knowledge of the word of God.

    2. Actually Grace ECM you are probably one of these so called Christians I saw the other day un a Presbyterian church defending abortion rights. gay rights, and telling people not to judge.

  14. Recently added a new update regarding the Jesuit Masonic associations of Amir Tsarfati. Please see the Trump Coalition - Jesuit Coalition link added above in the Blog. Thank you.

  15. I too have followed Amir for about 2 years. Keeping an open mind and not putting my trust in any man, I did
    in fact check out several of the links and sources you provided above. The common theme I found is this:
    You have a very strong dislike of the Republican Party and our President Donald Trump and anyone associated with him. In addition, you have even a stronger dislike of Israel and the Jewish people. While you are considering Bible scripture, consider this. The land belongs to the Jews because the "deed" was God given".
    He will bless those who support Israel and He will curse those who do not. What I consider when I listen to anyone speak on God's Word is whether or not they are speaking Truth or just biased opinion and half-truths. I follow the directive to study for myself to show myself approved. You would have us believe that all the pastors associated with Trump are not God-fearing sincere Christians, including Billy Graham and his son Franklin. Sounds a lot like saying Jesus was wrong when he associated with those who did not wash their hands to eat or when He spends time with a tax collector. I also could not help but notice how you responded in such a non-Christian manner with those who do not agree with you on all you say. Calling them stupid and implying you know where they stood on the killing of unborn babies and gay issues. Just remember, their sins are no greater than yours or mine and we should be praying that God will reveal all Truth to us all. Just maybe, you are the one being deceived.

    1. Spoken by another person who did not carefully read the Blog, but rather from a closed mind blindly being led by the Judas Goat. You are another tool, being made merchandise of. You are most likely one who adheres and obeys the Nicolaitans. You are no longer a victim but rather an accomplice. Bear this these 2 scriptures in mind:

      Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV)
      9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
      Titus 1:9-16 King James Version (KJV)
      9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.

      10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:

      11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.

      12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, the Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.

      13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;

      14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

      15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

      16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

    2. Also if you truly believe Billy Goat Graham was a true man of God please read Billy Graham and his friends by Dr. Burns - over 800 pages, 4,000 references proving otherwise. But obviously you and your kind are blind to the truth and prefer to follow a lie. The Abrahamic covenant of Genesis 12:1-3 is true and everlasting. AMEN! And also regarding Israel go Read Romans 9:27..
      Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a REMNANT SHALL BE SAVED...

      Let's read Daniel 9:27 also shall we?
      And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

      If Amir TSARFATI really loves his people he wouldn't be the Judas Goat leading people to the Antichrist (go research Judas Goat) that he is but rather he would be teaching the Gospel of salvation to his people and NOT posture politics to the world using God and Israel for filthy lucre. But alas, Amir Tsarfati being a false teacher, as were the false teachers and prophets who disputed Jeremiah in the days of Jeremiah, Amir cant help himself, can he? Trust me, Amir TSARFATI will continue in his error and sheeple like you will continue following as sheep to the slaughter. Amen!

    3. Thank you for your post. I totally agree with you in all that you said. I really enjoy Amir and his updates. I see nothing wrong with him being proud of his heritage and country. I am in full support of Israel. People who look for someone to insult constantly cannot be a very good Christian.

  16. This is an email I sent to Israel Today regarding their article Anti-zionism is Antisemitism:

    Recently An article was published stating that Anti-zionism is Antisemitism > see full article below, following my comments here

    As a born again Christian I strongly believe that

    Anti-Zionism is NOT Antisemitism!

    I love Israel and believe they are God's chosen people in accordance with scripture.

    Antisemitism is a belief in anything else regarding same and is Satanic. The definition of Antisemitism is NOT terms written by Noahide laws and mankind. Antisemitism is hatred of and disbelief in the Holy Bible regarding Israel and her people. May it be known that I abhor Replacement Theology. *A heretical teaching that the church has replaced Israel. * I believe that after the Rapture of the Body of Christ, God will deal with Israel and a remnant will be saved during the time of Jacob's Trouble. Amen!

    Sadly Israel has been hijacked by the Global luciferon Elite New World Order through the Kabbalists and Noahide laws. The NWO believes they are building the New World Order which foolish Evangelical Christians believe in same as Dominion Theology which believes in establishing God's Kingdom by mankind and not the Scriptures of Only Jesus Christ in the Second Advent will establish the New Jerusalem. Revelation 19.

    See Link Noahide Laws are Not BIBLICAL

    The driving force is a term known as Zionism. You can research the history only going back to 1890...but it is not BIBLICAL other than God clearly allowing the Zionist movement to restore Israel as the prophet Ezekiel proclaimed in Ezekiel 37. I as a Bible reading, born again Christian am an anti - Zionist - notwithstanding I fully understand God has allowed this activity for his end purpose which will strictly be used to usher in the Time of Jacob's Trouble. Period! Amen!

    The Trump - Evangelical Christian - Jesuit - Kabbalah Coalition

    An open letter of rebuke to Joel Rosenberg and the Joshua Fund

    Who are you Amir TSARFATI?

    We ask Amir Tsarfati & JD Farag this one question:

    Tragically most of the Jews will be fooled and enter into a covenant of death with the Antichrist. This Zionist movement is the machinery behind this. Throughout the time of Jacob's trouble, a remnant of Jews will be saved.

    The following scriptures sum it all up

    <<< >>>

    Genesis 12:3 King James Version (KJV)
    3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

    Daniel 9:27 King James Version (KJV)
    27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

    Romans 9:27 King James Version (KJV)

    27 Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved:

    Article Below: For entire article, see link:

    New US Envoy: Anti-Zionism is Antisemitism

    Thursday, February 28, 2019 | David Lazarus



    The newly-appointed US Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism is taking his job very seriously by shining a spotlight on the trend of anti-Zionism.

  17. More on Noahide laws The Star of David The NWO The Vatican


  19. Wake up Call to those Evangelicals who are asleep:
    Trump's new peace plan calls for the dividing of Jerusalem:

    Recently An article was published stating that Anti-zionism is Antisemitism > see full article below, following my comments here

    As a born again Christian I strongly believe that

    Anti-Zionism is NOT Antisemitism!

    I love Israel and believe they are God's chosen people in accordance with scripture.

    Antisemitism is a belief in anything else regarding same and is Satanic. The definition of Antisemitism is NOT terms written by Noahide laws and mankind. Antisemitism is hatred of and disbelief in the Holy Bible regarding Israel and her people. May it be known that I abhor Replacement Theology. *A heretical teaching that the church has replaced Israel. * On the other hand however I believe that after the Rapture of the Body of Christ, God will deal with Israel and a remnant will be saved during the time of Jacob's Trouble. Amen!

    Sadly Israel has been hijacked by the Global Luciferian Elite New World Order through the Kabbalists and Noahide laws.

    Who are the Illuminati? LINK

    The NWO believes they are building the New World Order which foolish Evangelical Christians believe in same as Dominion Theology which believes in establishing God's Kingdom by mankind and not the Scriptures of Only Jesus Christ in the Second Advent will establish the New Jerusalem. Revelation 19.

    See Link Noahide Laws are Not BIBLICAL

    The driving force is a term known as Zionism. You can research the history only going back to 1890...but it is not BIBLICAL other than God clearly allowing the Zionist movement to restore Israel as the prophet Ezekiel proclaimed in Ezekiel 37. I as a Bible reading, born again Christian am an anti - Zionist - notwithstanding I fully understand God has allowed this activity for his end purpose which will strictly be used to usher in the Time of Jacob's Trouble. Period! Amen!

    The Trump - Evangelical Christian - Jesuit - Kabbalah Coalition

    WAKE UP CALL: New Peace Plan calls for the dividing of Jerusalem…

    An open letter of rebuke to Joel Rosenberg and the Joshua Fund

    Who are you Amir TSARFATI?

    We ask Amir Tsarfati & JD Farag this one question:

    Tragically most of the Jews will be fooled and enter into a covenant of death with the Antichrist. This Zionist movement is the machinery behind this. Throughout the time of Jacob's trouble, a remnant of Jews will be saved.

    The following scriptures sum it all up

  20. Romans 9:6 King James Version (KJV)
    6 Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:

  21. The Chabad Noahide laws are coming

  22. To answer your question please watch this indepth research on The Star of David and Supremist Doomsday cult looking for the Antichrist which they believe will be their Messiah

  23. I think you are the one who needs to be rebuked. Perhaps you should understand God's favor a little bit more. Maybe god protects him so the word can get out. You are quite ignorant. I will pray for your pathetic soul

    1. Kym Duarte I do not want your prayers because you are either not saved or in a pathetically ignorant backslidden state - a perfect example of another useful idiot a used garden tool of Amir TSARFATI and his agenda.

    2. Kym Duarte A teaching on The Absolute Truth for you. Since you don't know.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Yes!!! Agree in full

  24. @Traveler, I have NOT identified Amir as my brother in Christ for some of your above stated but also other reasons. For example when he would mock some Iranian general who claimed that Israel "stole their rain" I immediately knew he was correct from the geoengineering weather war Israel is involved. But Amir would mock him on one of his videos and didn't explain a thing about geoengineering technology to his sheeple audience. I find it also strange how a true "Christian" may join a ruthless company like the IDF who even supports 3x free abortions for each (!!) female soldier-whore in their lines. Or how can a "Christian" be even proud to send his own children there and boast about IDF?

    There's much more to it: Even Steven & Jana Ben Nun from #Israeli News Live YouTube channel have been revealing (and they had to learn it the hard way being Jewish themselves!) how national Israel would PAY for sending false "messianic Jew" agents into the Christian community to deceive them. Amir T. is only one of them. Mark Biltz is another one the Evangelicals adore.

    But what is more to say? 1 John 4:6 says it all and judgement always begins at the house of God. So as well in church, coming very very soon. MARANATHA come LORD Jesus! Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you for sharing Annabel. Blessings to you. Amen! Maranatha!

    2. I have been reading many posts. It is at this point that I'm going to say "I am broken hearted!" Also, I am very concerned about the fact that in our world today there is TMI (too much information). May the Lord lead us in "rightly dividing the Word". I was very fond of Amir for numerous reasons. Now I am seeing that we must be SO CAREFUL with so many voices around us. May the Lord lead us into the Truth!! I am sad and disillusioned by many of the posts. Yet, I am glad to have my mind challenged to be sure I am receiving the "True" teachings.

    3. I would like to meet u. You must be perfect and outside of Jesus, I've never met anyone who is perfect so therefore continue to judge by your stantards. I on the other hand think Amir is doing a wonderful work for the Lord. Go ahead. Go ahead,split hairs.

    4. Sister, it's law in Isreal. U have to serve in the military.

    5. Thank you for your thoughts. Now more than ever we can't bury our heads in the sand. The Saints have to be awake be sober and vigilant as Paul exhorts us in 2 Corinthians 2:11,15-17, chapters 4 & 5; 13:5; :Ephesians 5:6-7, 6:12-20; 1 Timothy 4:2-4; Titus chapters 1 & 2; etc...

    6. Thank you,sister Annabel,for sharing that Truth and Light.God bless you and your family.Amen and Hallelujah,Be To God And,Our Lord,Christ Jesus.🙏❤🙏

  25. You rebuke Amir because of your intuition? I’ve been following him for years, I’ve never even had a hint that he’s nothing less than a Bible believing teacher. He’s actually remarkable in the sense that he’s a Jew and a believer in Christ, a Jew that God is using to teach the world about the middle eastern document we call the Bible in the way it was meant and not as a western document. I would be careful about rebuking without cause. We as believers are to encourage one another. If your brother sins go to him, but only when he sins. We need to be rebuking false teachers like Rick Warren and Joel Osteem who tens of thousands of people are following right in to the pit of hell. If Amir is teaching anything contradictory to the scriptures then expose it.

    1. Unknown, of course you wouldn't even have a hint about Amir TSARFATI being a charlatan hireling wolf in sheep's clothing, worse a Judas Goat . You've exposed yourself by saying the Bible is a Middle Eastern Document. You obviously didn't read my Blog. You are pathetic if you actually believe Amir is any different than the others you've mentioned.

  26. To another Anonymous coward: More keeps seeping from the ground, literally.

    3rd Temple Sanhedrin Synagogue of Satan Revelation 2:9 - Ezekiel 8

    You and your kind will have to answer to God at either the BEMA Judgment of Jesus Christ or most likely thevGreat White Throne Judgment
    Your ignorance will not stand as an excuse.


  28. why doesn't the Judas Goat Amir TSARFATI tell his Evangelical Sheeple the truth about Israel and Zionism?

  29. Amen! Instead of fleecing stupid Evangelical Christians, Amir needs to be screaming out to his Jewish brethren this final plea:

    Warning: The Time of Jacob's Trouble will begin shortly.

    Please know the Truth: This will save you.

    ישוע המשיח הוא המשיח

    Yeshua hamashiach is the mashiach

    Do not be fooled by the false Messiah coming in peace and building your 3rd Temple.

  30. I have been so grieved by Amir ever since he started praising TRUMP. I also have in my spirit a guiding away from Amir. I believe this to be the Holy Spirit as it is he that guides us into ALL TRUTH. Thank you for your courage and boldness to speak against the darkness and edifying the CHURCH of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior! God bless you brother!!!!

    1. Thank you dear Saint. Amen! Agree with scripture the Holy Spirit guides us into all truth. John 16:13. Praise God you are WOKE... God bless you.

  31. What are the Trump MAGA Evangelical zombies going to do when they discover Trump has engineered more illegal immigrants into our country than ever before. But worse, when are the Trump MAGA zombies goingvto realize that Trump's Peace plan with 666 Zionist Kushner are going to divide Jerusalem??? Since they don't read their Bibles, they won't care. However, God definitely cares. Our Redemption draws nigh followed by Judgement... Maranatha!


    1. Steve DeNoon and his wife are wake on Zionism. They both woke up a few years ago. They understand the Trump MAGA Evangelical zombie apocalypse and expose what Amir TSARFATI is all about. Please note, however and sadly that DeNoon and his wife don't have a clue about Eschatology especially the Rapture of the Body of Christ. Most alarming is the way they misuse and mangle scripture regarding the GOLAN and what really belongs to Israel as given by God Before the Mosaic covenant. I do not endorse DeNoon and his wife and their Christianity But I strongly recommend DeNoon and his wife being WOKE on the reality of Zionism and the Global Luciferon Elite stragegy with the Vatican. Amen!

    2. I completely endorse Steven Ben Nun and his wife Jana's stand against Zionism. However, there are some glaring issues we bring up here:

  33. I appreciate this blog posting because I've had the same thoughts about Amir.

    1. Thank you. God bless you. Praise God people are waking up. The Saints truly are. To God be the glory forever Amen!

  34. Wake up! Paul would be severely rebuking Amir TSARFATI and his fleecing the flock ilk... Paul loved his people the Jews and knew they were blinded. He focused on this in Romans especially. Please read Romans Chapters 9,10, 11, 12... Read this detailed study:


  36. Justin Believer challenged my Blog here which I've addressed above in his comments. I'm so glad he did because in doing minimal research, here are some glaring issues that have been raised.

    HOW MUCH MONEY ARE YOU REALLY MAKING PEDDLING ISRAEL under the guise of GOD'S work? Jude 1:11 is yours Amir TSARFATI.

    Let's talk about this.

    Amir TSARFATI has Behold Israel as a 501C3 listed in Glendale California,471532020/

    However has Behold Israel EIN 47-1532020 listed in Monument Colorado with different information.

    Amir TSARFATI and Behold Israel do NOT meet the Guidestar and US Govt approved and recommended guidelines for transparency. At minimum are: Listing names of directors, officers receiving compensation, how expenses, especially travel expenses are reimbursed, a financial page and disclosure on their website, donors listed, etc.

    Nonprofits are extremely easy to hide and move tremendous amounts of money. Surely you're aware of this.

    I firmly believe Amir TSARFATI is underreporting a tremendous amount of money he's bringing in from multiple income streams hidden as Ministry, God's Work.

    I'd like Amir TSARFATI to be far more TRANSPARENT: openly post, disclose ALL his entire NonProfit Income streams both in the US and abroad. In accordance with the IRS PUBLIC RECORD DISCLOSURE. He's using people's money for God, so let's really talk about this. The gentleman that confidently and confidentially told me Amir's Behold Israel is washing a million USD in profit was probably accurate. So, let's get the proof. Let's go straight to the source and ask Amir for FULL DISCLOSURE.

    I ask Amir TSARFATI provide complete disclosure of current officers and their compensation, a complete list of all private donors and dollar amounts, and his expenditures, especially a break down of travel expenses and how he reimburses himself.

  37. To the weak minded pathetic creaton who called me out & posted anonymous. Blow the dust off your Bible "if you even have one". Go read scriptures I list below that clearly explain. 1. Judgment BEGINS in the house of God! 2. Saints are in Jesus Christ now in heavenly places and are in this world as Ambassadors for Christ. 3. We Saints are fully authorized and are assigned to call out wolves like Amir TSARFATI. You're so deceived that you can't see through his beguiling craft. Wake up!

    Who are the Saints? Saints are the body of Christ- truly saved people > definition: any lost souls who comes to Jesus Christ and truly believes in their heart that belief only that our salvation is in Jesus Christ came, died for our sins, was buried, and was resurrected from the dead on the 3rd day. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Ephesians 2:8,9...

    Belief is (mankind's spiritual conscience-communication-intuition > called & convicted by the Holy Spirit conveys to mankind's soul, the mental faculty of understanding and believing what his spirit knows) ...

    Applicable scripture 1 Peter 4:17; 2 Corinthians 5:20; Galatians 2:11;Ephesians 2:6; 2 Timothy 3:16, 4:2; Titus 1,2. Proverbs 13:18...

    1. Spelling and definition Clarification: Creatian vs Creatan. Here's where the overwhelming majority of Amir TSARFATI sycophants & Amir himself are classified:

      Titus 1:9-16 King James Version (KJV)
      9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.

      10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:

      11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.

      12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, the Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.


    Someone needs to tell Amir about Israel's strictly enforced VISA restrictions on Christians and Messianic Jews who share Jesus Christ.

  39. For Amir TSARFATI sycophants: please watch the video on link below then email me and explain why you'd follow Amir TSARFATI and his Zionist Evangelical agenda. Please tell me what the star of David symbol is represented in the crouch of the Kabbalah androgyne...

  40. On May 17, 2019 Amir TSARFATI Behold Israel proves himself a liar and warmongering Zionist shill by posting a FB picture of the US fast attack nuclear submarine USS Los Los Angeles claiming it to be a guest in the MEDITERRANEAN sea armed with nuclear cruise missiles and docking in Greece. Three points: I'm retired US Navy and made numerous nuclear submarine deployments in the 6th fleet Mediterranean. 1. The USS Los Los Angeles was officially out of service in 2010 and officially decommissioned in 2011. 2. This submarine was first flight and lead class 688 and not VLS equipped > i.e. designed as a shooter of multiple cruise missiles. The US Navy never officially designed attack submarines as carrying nuclear weapons. 3. A US Navy ship in the Mediterranean is not a #guest Amir. You're delusional implying that we are a guest in Your Mediterranean. Your purpose is clearly beating war drums for Israel's Iran conquest using American military.

  41. To all Amir TSARFATI follows supporters.
    You will be held accountable to God for supporting Amir. You and Amir TSARFATI are Cretians.

    You are the gainsayers who do not hold fast to the word of God.

    Titus 1:9-16 King James Version (KJV)
    9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.

    10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:

    11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.

    12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, the Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.

  42. Wow, what hatred is spewed. It sounds like the progressive left ready to attack and destroy all who don't agree with them. And if I say I don't agree with your assessment of Amir, you will attack me and accuse me of not being a true Christian, based on your comments to others. Yes we are to be discerning, but we are not to be screaming hatred towards another. If you feel this way about another, it is not your right to scream hatred towards him. That is not Christ-like. Thanks to Jan Markle who points us to the signs of the times and brings us news from many who see we are in the last days. The only thing I've ever seen Jan wear is a Star of David around her neck. You remind me of a pharisee screaming about all who don't line up as you feel they should. I am a bible believing Christian who stands firm on God's word, no compromise, but you screaming hatred towards a brother will be met with God's correction. Now attack me and accuse me of things not true, when you know nothing about me and my daily walk with the Lord God Almighty. This is a sad event and I implore all readers not to be led by someone who hates and instigates others to hate as well.

    1. Unknown. You haven't seen the Luciferion sign Jan wears? Read the Blog update link posted by a Brother in Christ who is awake. Also, Have you not read and my Blog regarding the star of David and what you claim to support as a child of God? Answer no you have not. You are sadly judged and condemned by your own words. I am not your judge. God is and by your own testimony to ignorance in following the sheep to the slaughter, you will have to answer to God.

      To all Amir TSARFATI JD Farag, Jan Markel & others of their kind who follow these false teachers...
      You will be held accountable to God.
      You and Amir TSARFATI and their kind are Cretians.

      You are the gainsayers who do not hold fast to the word of God.

      Titus 1:9-16 King James Version (KJV)
      9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.

      10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision:

      11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake.

      12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, the Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.


    2. I've always been amazed at people like you unknown > how do you and your kind keep following Judas Goats like Amir TSARFATI... And then when I read my Bible I understand clearly:

      2 Corinthians 4:4 King James Version (KJV)

      4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

      King James Version (KJV)

  43. Lets out deep sigh...��
    So tired of all the mind games, lies, wolves in sheep's clothing. Every time I want to trust, Holy Spirit reveals another layer of deception and it snaps me more awake than before, and like a shepherd guiding his flock, my heart mind and spirit soul get pulled right back in to the straight and very narrow path...JESUS Christ...nothing else can I trust in with certainty. Please come Lord Jesus! waiting, looking for and Loving your glorious appearing in every moment of every day. Staying in Holy Spirit led and fuelled prayer...can't trust anything I see or hear 100% any more, only God's Word, God's Holy Spirit in me, only JESUS Christ, my and my family's ONLY Saviour, King, Lord. Repenting of world..daily.. clinging closer and tighter than ever to JESUS. Even so,
    Come Lord Jesus!🤲💖👑

    1. Screaming AMEN!!! to the top of my lungs, with the very essence and with every fiber of my being. Thank you sister. Even so come Lord Jesus. Maranatha!

    2. Amen,sister Elizabeth.God bless you and your family. 🙏❤🙏

    3. This is so true. AMEN SISTER

  44. Question to the forum, how do you apply Matthew 18;15-17 specifically v.17? I apply it by being a member of a local New Testament church of believers...

    1. Steve V. 1st please understand that by rightly dividing scripture (2 Timothy 2:15) we understand that the Gospels apply to the age of law > Ex 12 - Acts 1 < Jesus as clearly introduced through John the Baptist brought in a brief period of the offering of the kingdom. Although we apply the Gospels to the Church age in innumerable ways, unless we can harmonize a dispensation of Law verse with the dispensation of Grace verse, it does not necessarily apply to the church. Let's look specifically to the application of V17. And yes we see Romans 16:17 which applies to the church. When we harmonize and study upon these scriptures we find that we are to have nothing whatsoever to do with someone who has been called out.

  45. I enjoy listening to Amir speak. Keeping us all updated on the middle east. I don't understand why you are even on his site if you do not care for him. Your repetitive ramblings and complaints are boring and uncalled for. Just say goodbye and someone else to rant about And you say you are a born again Christian

    1. Wake up! Read Jeremiah the entire book of... Watch this video

    2. Watch this shocking video of how lost the Trump MAGA Evangelical Zionist propaganda truly is

  46. Here's a blessing I received today from a reader. Received the following email from Dan. Quote: " I had the same thoughts about Amir that you expressed in your blog.

    Something just didn't sit right. I was kind of sucked into his ministry for a few weeks too. He is very compelling.

    Finding your blog sealed the deal for how I feel about his ministry. Compare him to Zev Perat. Completely different experiences.

    Thank you for posting what you did. You'll always have detractors, no matter what you post, in my opinion. You seem to be hitting the nail on the head, though.


    Thank you Lord for opening the eyes of another soul to the wicked reprobate Amir TSARFATI and his agenda...

  47. I received the following email today from a sister in Christ who read this Blog. QUOTE:Brother Andrew, I'm so thankful(and grateful),to Father God and Our Lord,Christ Jesus,for guiding me to your in depth,detailed and accurate posting,concerning Amir Tsarfati.In my search to learn about the planned building of the 3rd(physical),temple,I happened upon a video about Amir Tsarfati.After watching it,my soul was stirred and troubled.It was like satan himself,was speaking through the man.Everything you wrote(and called out),about him,spoke to my soul,as being "Truth."As our Holy Scripture instructs us(as Christians), "let the righteous,judge what is unrighteous." I'll be viewing every link you provided,in depth,to learn more details about this charlatan,false prophet,(or possibly the anti-Christ himself(?).God bless you,brother Andrew Sheets,for sharing God's Light and Truth,In The Name of Christ Jesus.Amem and Hallelujah.God be with you,brother.

  48. Praise God another soul has awakened to the truth about Amir Tsarfati. Dear Heavenly Father we ask in the name of Jesus that the saints be awakened to see Amir Tsarfati as the wolf he truly is, and all the many others of his kind. Amen! To God be the Glory Forever Amen! Even so come Lord Jesus! Maranatha!

  49. 🙏Amen,and Hallelujah,brother.🙏 Continued prayers and God's Love are going up to God,for His Love,Truth,Mercy and Grace,For The Holy Spirit's Conviction,upon the heads of Those Lost Sheep,Belonging To Our Saviour and Shepherd,Christ Jesus.🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤

  50. I found this article after I felt uneasy about Amir. I happen to see Amir's Twitter page. Being an empath, I immediately felt ill looking at his page. God can work through all of us, no matter where we came from. As a Christian, I don't focus on the corrupt world. I focus on my walk with God in accordance to the Bible. I don't have to buy Amir's book to seek those things above. God has given me the ability to feel and see Spirits from the Spirit World and I am polish! No man can predict when God will return, not even Amir. The Bible warns us about false prophets. The Bible warns us about idols too. Social media, money and fame are idols for supposed religious leaders. As a Christian, I decided to deactivate my social media, to grow closer to God, without all the noise from the outside world. As far as Amir's page, he doesn't share much about Jesus Christ and his Father. He is consumed with worldly events. We are of this world, but the Bible states we are not to be a part of it. Numerous Christians believe that Trump was chosen by God. The only way I would believe that is if God told me himself. My advice to any Christian, keep your eyes focused on God and His Word, not any mortal man. God's Word is FREE to read. You don't have to come from Israel to experience God's supernatural powers. We are all God's children. God Bless.

  51. I just don’t believe this article I’m sorry Iv watch brother Amir for 2 years have seen him live in franklin Tennessee and he seemed like very Godly man and everything he said I’d already heard my preacher say so I’m sorry no disrespect to you but I don’t agree with you God bless though sir

    1. Leesa, sorry but I've been watching Amir (who is definitely not my brother) for the past 3 years plus and although he "seems" like a very godly man, he is NOT. And I'm sure you take 100 % of whatever your preacher says and Amir as well. Sorry, no disrespect to you, but I wish you'd study this for yourself and not go by what people "seem" to be or what your preacher man tells you without researching it for yourself. My old preacher told me that the NIV Bible Translation was a better translation than the KJV.... I will leave it there. I pray God opens your eyes...

  52. I received this comment today, April 8, 2020 Passover, which is most uplifting and also showing how some are waking up to Amir:

    Begin quote:

    Hi Andy,

    I just wanted to say thank you for your blog.

    My spiritual alarm bells started going off when listening to Amir Tsarfati and Jack Hibbs. I prayed about it. Once he said .."poor you," to the audience. You cannot read Hebrew. I don't know what your Bible says". My spirit stood up..i knew something was not right. I thought he was also making "mistakes" saying that all of Israel will be saved. We know that is not true, because the Bible tells us so.

    I could never listen to Jack Hibbs much at all, not sure if its from the Holy Spirit but his voice is like scratching your nails in a chalk board to me and I think he is legalistic but pretends to be a grace teacher and super puffed up with pride.

    I think the Holy Spirit is definitely giving you supernatural discernment.

    I will continue to pray as well. I will ask God if I need to do anything else or did he just want my eyes open. I still have an uneasy feeling I cannot shake.

    Best regards,


    My Response:
    Dear Sister, Thank you from the the depths of my heart for taking the time and writing me your thoughts. Your timely email was of course God sent and inspired on so many levels - I'm unable to articulate.  In a meager attempt let me say: I am both eternally grateful from both the spiritual standpoint of edification for encouragement in this horrendous spiritual battle we wage on a daily basis, that we not grow weary - and I am most thankful that there are those chosen ones like you who are out there that are blessed and encouraged by the Blog.  Praise God you're awake. This is an answer to prayer I have prayed often that people could be awakened from the slumber that has overtaken many in the body of Christ and truly those who are deceived into thinking they are saved, but aren't.  Jesus said, "my sheep hear my voice and the voice of another they will not follow".   Amen!
    Please feel free to comment further if you find more on Amir and or any of the many false teachers, wolves, charlatans out there.  I recently found a disturbing trend where President Trump is now wholesale endorsing Greg Laurie and his Harvest church, here's my latest Blog regarding;

    Also didn't know if you were aware of my full time endeavor now in exposing the brick and mortar 501C3 "church" buildings.  Thank you again dear sister. God bless you abundantly,   We're going home soon.  Maranatha!
    Andrew Sheets

  53. When Trump tells you he's tuning into Greg Laurie's Harvest church it's time to run:

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Dear Cal, my dear Brother in Christ, Thank you beyond words for your powerful post. Wow! Praise God! More information on this wicked man Amir is most appreciated. Praise God you're awake and have been called to warn others. I'm eternally thankful for you Brother. God bless you abundantly. Maranatha!

    2. Responding to and Rebuking Sharply Cal Teichmann of Blog: Come and Taste The Goodness of the Lord cctechm777 the former Sodomite struggling with his past to find his way to Jesus Christ. Cal T who is Cal Teichmann wrote a powerful comment uncovering a tremendous amount of valuable information that was substantiated regarding Amir Tsarfati. He posted his comments which I included above in this Blog. Cal later got my contact information and I was led to believe he was a true believer. Later through multiple disturbing conversations with Cal it became evident that he was far from Christ and was found to be a good research journalist. After I called him out for his blatant backslidding and failing to understand the finished work of the cross, namely the blood of Christ being the remission of our sins, Cal cut off all contact and deleted his comment on Amir he had originally posted on April 11, 2020. Back in April 2020, I once belived Cal to be a brother in Christ but it doesn't take long for the works - fruit of a fake be exposed. Please see my comment to Cal T above and realize that Cal is not a brother in Christ but a lost pathetic soul in search of a Jesus created in Cal's own likeness. Here's my Blog exposing Cal:

      I was saddened to think people like Cal Teichmann and Amir Tsarfati seem to say all the right things in the beginning. They seem to be sold out for the Lord. But remember, it takes time before we can clearly see them by their fruit. Study on how the Apostles thought Judas was among them but later found him to be of Satan. I left my post to Cal to stand as a witness and testimony to remind me and others to be cautious on who we call Brother... Maranatha!

  55. Embracing the PC Culture (Pastor Charles Lawson)
    I see a Christian called "Meme" has promoted a pastor called Charles Lawson.
    If you have a look at this video from the 39 minute mark to the end you will hear Lawson say that Freemasons are Christians because they swear an oath on the Bible and he invites any high ranking Mason in the audience to come up and give testimony. Freemasonary is another false religion with another God other than Jesus the Christ. Calling for a Freemason to take the pulpit is like asking the devil to take over the meeting.

    1. Thank you. Yes my brother in Christ discovered this about Charles Lawson last year. I posted a Blog on this. Sad that he otherwise seems to be a solid Bible teacher, but even more tragic is a little leaven spoils the whole load

  56. Hello brother Andrew, I thank you for sharing your views based on the research you have conducted and included on this blog. I'm quite opened minded in relation to preachers who preach on bible prophecy, but always pray for discernment knowledge and understanding I can agree with you that Amir's is very knowledgeable in areas of a political nature and his bible knowledge. I don't wish to judge him as ultimately he will, like everyone of us will be accountable on judgement day for every sin lie or deception that has been committed by Jesus king of kings and Lord of Lords. I think I what I wanted to really say is your blog and reciporcal comments and responses have stirred me, and bearing that it mind I think the only source of truth is through fasting and praying and reading the word of god (The Holy Bible). I pray that Jesus himself will reveal and prepare us during these perilous and difficult times. I already feel that god is awakening his children and if we seek him first and dedicate time in pursuing a personal relationship with him. He will deliver and answers and doubts to what we may have seen or heard. I thank you for your comments and pray for you and all who have commented on this blog. I pray against false prophecy and prophets and false accusers who are seeking to corrupt, deceive and attack our true brethren of Jesus Christ, whether it be christian jew or gentiles. Thanks and blessing from Kiran in Lockdown (UK) but not lockdown in the freedom purchased by the resurrection of my Lord Jesus Christ.

    1. Amen dear sister Kiran in Lockdown (UK). Thank you for your comments. God bless you and yours abundantly. Maranatha!

  57. Hi Andrew, you mentioned Steve Berger and since I don't know him I googled him and I came upon an article that reveals the whole sad truth of it all. I'd like to share the link for other christians' discerment Greetings from Karen.

    1. Thank you very much. God bless you. Join me in prayer that others may have their eyes opened to the truth. Amen! Maranatha!

  58. Response from Amir Tsarfati when asked to clarify his belief that Jesus is the arch angel Michael.

    1. Thank you A small voice. Very much appreciated. Amir and his staff must spend a lot of time editing out, deleting their work. The one I really wished I had saved was his video telling a group of young tourists that they shouldn't refer to themselves as Christian. He deleted this video also. Our Lord answers prayers that more eyes be opened to Amir TSARFATI's deception.

    2. At this late hour all we can do is pray for those that are deceived by these damnable heresies.

  59. He is part of IDF... a traitor who knew about 9/11

  60. Hi Andrew,

    I have been saved 5 years ago in a marvelous way. Since then the Holy Spirit has lead me in so much truth and im so thankfull for that. Not only truth about Gods word but also about history and current world events. I have received a reasonable amount of discernment. At the start of my journey i did follow A. Tsarfati, but i found im only talking about a few verses and not really expaning nor go in the deeper meaning of the word of God. Right after the alledged gassing of Douma in Syria , Amir gave an update about the event and went full against Assad. It raised a lot of questions with me, why would a winning Assad gas one of the last strongholds, risking world condemnation and how did Amir knew he did it so fast. I know he says a has a lot of inside information, but that also raised questions. Why would a true born again christian has such acces, especially in Israel where they prosecute the Gospel badly.

    So i prayed to God to take away my doubts or confirm them, and really the next day i found your blog. Praise God in Jesus name for that. Right after that i found a secular source about the Douma gassing where experts debunk that whole story and how its been shoved under the carpet by the UN, i will add a link.

    Amir was clearly pushing a agenda here. I was bothered and still am how he idolises Israel the state and president Trump. About both much is to say. After that when i watched him i couldnt stand watching him for a few minutes. They way he controlled the 3 way conversation with Hibbs and Stagner when speaking about the trump peace plan. The merchandise he sells and when i clicked on a eurospirit converance ...the introduction speakers had ofcourse his book right in plane vieuw for example...there is much to say, but thank you for this blog i often hand it out to people who seek more info to confirm their doubt.

    God bless you in Jesus name and thanks again for the blog you made

    1. Dear Soul, Thank you for sharing your experience. Praise God your eyes were opened. I believe that those who are awake follow Jesus Christ and will not follow the voice of a hierling like Amir Tsarfati and his kind. John 10:27,28 KJ V. God bless you abundantly. MARANATHA!

    2. Also thank you for the link. I will watch it and study this. Agree 100% with your thoughts on Syria 🇸🇾.

  61. Yet another accuser of the brethren. What have you done for the kingdom Mr Sheets apart from undermining it by attacking God’s anointed. The Lord rebuke you in Jesus name.


    2. Scripture is clear that Satan is called "The Accuser of the brethren" Revelation 12:10 KJV. Scripture is also clear about who can lay anything to the charge of God's elect Romans 8:33 KJV. What is astounding is if you understand these 2 scriptures and then go look at John 8:42-44 KJV. We realize that Wordpic press is the same as the Pharisees who called Jesus Christ Satan. Read carefully what Jesus says to them and in fact lays at the feet of Wordpic press: "Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

      43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

      44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

      45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

      46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?

      47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

  62. Mr. Wordpic press or Ms. perhaps. You calling Amir Tsarfati God's anointed proves beyond any shadow of doubt that you're seriously deceived and probably lost, and for this reason you'll no doubt follow the wolf, Judas Goat straight to the slaughter. You like Amir cannot know the truth because like his your father Satan the truth is not in either of you. Read John 8:42-47 KJV. That's why you attack the messenger and not the message of TRUTH. Your rebuke is returned back to YOU 100 fold upon YOUR head you foolish pathetic soul. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN! I know you'll read and hear your words on the day of Judgement after you realize TOO LATE you've been supporting a Nicolaitan. I thank God for this. Perhaps God will show you abundant mercy and you'll wake up the way I did after spending tens of thousands of dollars building the kingdom of the antichrist through Dominion Theology, like you, fool, thinking I was doing this for God's kingdom and supporting charlatan reprobates like Aamir who prey on foolish souls who do not read their Bibles. Perhaps - like the several foolish women who've sent me nasty comments and then turned around and deleted their moronic statements after they woke up - you'll delete your comment, but for some reason I seriously doubt it. I pray you do not that it may stand in writing as both a witness and testimony against you personally.

  63. I was compelled to comment on Amir Tsarfati's recent video where he explains and basically defends the authoritarian Green Pass (vaccine pass) system of Israel:

    "Amir Tsarfati: Middle East Update: Back to the Iran deal, Israel's Green Pass" Feb 25, 2021 on YouTube from about 31 minutes onwards.

    Amir Tsarfati is downplaying the significance of the Green Pass which has been copied from communist China. He claims that it will be temporary without providing evidence for this. He fails to acknowledge that this is a form of coercion to be vaccinated.

    This is not something that needs to be understood in the context of Israeli culture or mentality as he alleges. Ireland is introducing something similar, China has had this since 2020 and IBM together with others is working on a worldwide system of Vaccine Passports.

    He also ignores the growing opposition against this within Israel including a supreme court case I think. He then acknowledges the NWO and the Great Reset but fails to see that a Green Pass is an integral part of these: a form of social credit system which will permanently take away freedoms including the freedom of worship. He acknowledges that this pass is already a requirement for large gatherings. How long until it becomes a requirement for attending church? Will he take a stand at that point?

    1. Yes, Yes, Yes... Amen! Praise God you have seen the truth about Amir TSARFATI the Ravenous Wolf. This is only a small aspect of his evil. As any deceiver Amir will say all the right words people want to hear and then speak the opposite out of the other side of his mouth. His actions and who he associates with speaks volumes about his true nature.
      Please read how he and JD FARAG lifted up and exalted the UN. I did an entire study on this.. Thank you so much for your comment. Amir TSARFATI is part of the NWO.

    2. I too have been very disturbed by his lack of discernment about this Vaccine Passport and was astonished when he tried to sell the idea of people taking the vaccine on a video which got scathing comments. People are awake but the wolves still continue to try and deceive. JD Farag is one of few who has stood up against all this Plandemic and I believe has distanced himself from Amir. There are many pushing this on their flock right now, Franlkin Graham going as far as to saying Jesus would take this vaccine if He was here! Blasphemy!!!!

      We are heading for rough times if Jesus doesn't come soon, but we take refuge in God Almighty until He does. We have not been given the spirit of fear but of Power, Love and a Sound Mind. My husband and I pray daily not to be deceived, to keep our wicks trimmed and have extra oil...we are wise virgins. He has told me to keep praying for all these charlatans...Repentance is the only way.

      God has lead me to this article quite a few times over the last 2 years.

      To be on the wrong side of God is a fearful thing! Woe to all these wolves in sheep's clothing. God will not be mocked.

    3. Amen!!! Thank you for your comments Maranatha Today.

    4. Today I have been appraising Amir's book 'The Last Hour'.
      Having a discussion with a friend, I was told of JD Farag.
      Thanks for the voluminous info on both men.
      On page 71 of 'The Last Hour' Amir talks about the failure of satan to destroy Jesus.
      Quote "It was too late to stop the Seed from coming, so ......
      .....The destroyer was forced into the role of preserving the one life that must be sacrificed......."
      In another place on page 71 Amir writes..."The enemy did not want Jesus to die because he understood that his ultimate defeat ......"
      How could anyone with the Spirit of God not understand 1Cor2.7+8?
      "But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:
      Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory."
      The fact is they did!

    5. Thank you very much for sending me your comments. More amazing confirmation that Amir TSARFATI is a fraud!

  64. Thanks for this confirmation Andrew.
    Also busy spreading the news.

    1. Thank you Robbie for taking the time to comment. Thank you most for helping spread the news about this wolf Amir TSARFATI so that misguided souls can wake up!

  65. I used to follow Amir. It wasn't until I sensed arrogance and narcissism in him this past year. I didn't want to judge a brother so I let it go but his arrogance grew. When I got messages of new videos he put out, it was very difficult listening to him spiritually and that's when I became self aware through the power of the Holy Spirit. As a result, I kept close watch. He always seemed to be the first with "BREAKING NEWS" on events over in Israel and across the world so there was this privilege that I admired however, it became to such a degree that Amir feels as if we all sit on the edge of our chairs waiting for his news. I reached out to a church that was having an upcoming conference with him as a headliner. I was very concerned since I have great respect for those having it. I asked that if Amir would be there to ask him a question since what the conference does not support, Amir does. Just within the past few days, Amir was removed from this conference. Coincidence? I don't know but my guess is that Brandon and Tom woke up to Amir. People are finding him out. My recent revelation was that he and Jack Hibbs (sp?) did a video on the vaccination in support. I was shocked since the vaccine is evil. Apparently Amir got the death shot and also had his wife and children get it. I thought to myself, "Why would a man of God, after prayer and with the power of the Spirit, agree to this??" Israel is 85% vaccinated yet it's not a requirement there. I know that he did it so that he could travel in America and sell his stuff. He loves the attention. He craves and covets it. When he did travel and get back to Israel, he would complain about the quarantine. So, after hearing that he got the vaccination and lacked the wisdom in order to protect his wife and children, a huge red flag went up and then I found your website! Thank you for this research and getting the warning out on Amir. It's a confirmation for me. Another one that is suss is Jan Markel. I'd like to hear more about her.

    1. Dear Basha
      Thank you for taking your time to post your comment. Praise God people are waking up
      We can expect Amir to align more with the Luciferion Elite and bit by bit more of his true identity will be revealed.

    2. A few months ago, I heard Amir address his "audience" in which he tersely snapped that he would not discuss the vaccine anymore and essentially told anyone questioning him to shut up. I was stunned as I am still shocked at the betrayal of an entire nation by Netanyahu in setting up his country to be vaccinated like guinea pigs. I see Trump in the same light as he set up the lockdown and the funding of all the state and local governments which created tyrants. I am sad that Calvary Chapels apparently join in with Amir in deciding that one has to be pre-trib rapturites and thus the vaccine could not possibly be exactly what it seems to mimic. Sad sad sad.

    3. Thank you for your comment jeannepool. Absolutely the BEAST SYSTEM OF NICOLAITANS the wolves like Amir the Zionist shill is the JUDAS GOAT leading the lost sheep to the slaughter. Issues like VACCINE are a very personal issue that MUST be openly debated and discussed. To FORCE people or try to promote others to take this vaccine is perfect proof of him being a NICOLAITAN. Praise God people are waking up. Although I believe in the Pre-Trib Rapture, I am not convinced like JD Farag that this is essential doctrine and that people will go to hell if they don't understand or believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. More proof how silly JD and Amir truly are. What's sad sad sad is how many sheeple blindly follow them. We shouldn't be surprised to be honest because Matthew 13 parables are clear there will be many deceived in the last days. I believe Amir may be on the Rapture doctrine in order to bring in the Evangelicals into his snare. This is where the MONEY is. JD Farag is way off track and the dead give away is him being part of Amir's gimmicks.

    4. God has really been answering prayers. I'm now seeing more people waking up to see Amir Tsarfati as the FRAUD CHARLATAN FALSE TEACHER he is. He is making merchandise of sheeple. He teaches a false gospel and is continuously covering his tracks. May God fully expose this foul bird. Amen!

  66. To readers: I've noticed that some of my old comments contain older links from my previous website: .

    IF you come across links that have in them like:

    please either do a google search using the language describing the link - for example: today churches are building the kingdom third heaven traveler

    use following URL;

    then after opening the the third heaven traveler blog website, enter in search: the title after the final forward slash: ex: today-churches are building kingdom of ...

    this will bring you to new website. Thank you.

  67. Nope, won't listen to Amir. Did you know that Jack Hibbs - who compromised with Rick Warren and Ecumenism - is Amir's brother in law? Compromisers everywhere in these last days. Good to catch you here on Rumble too. I've seen you also on You Tube. "Don't call yourself Christian"? WHAT kind of "advice" is that to CHRISTIANS from a supposed "Christian Bible teacher" as he calls himself? Thank you, Vietrandy. Still shaking my head on this one I missed some way on You Tube.......This is older, but it is relevant as The Lord Jesus Christ ALWAYS is! God bless you!

    vietrandy, just now
    Amen! Thank you for you comment and information JonnysGram. To God be the glory. I knew Amir and Hibbs were relayed by marriage but didn't know ow Hibbs was in with that Reprobate Rick Warren the king of Ecumenism. Not surprising. They are all birds of the same feather. God bless you. I pray more wake up. The time is late.

  68. Comment from Christine: March 3, 2022: Amir Tsarfati got so mad at the guy from educating liberals for exposing this. He went ballistic on him and couldn’t stop trying to discredit him. That really exposed Amir for who he is.

    Amen! Christine, I've been writing about Amir since 2018 and pray almost daily that people's eyes be opened to see him for the charlatan, heretic that he truly is. I hope you've had the opportunity to read my extensive study on this foul bird Amir Tsarfati. The man who tells young Christians in his overpriced tour in Israel that they need to stop referring to themselves as Christians.

  69. I too question Amir in all the aspects you have talked about, but you did not give any references. This is all heresay. If you're going to warn and reprove, you have to give references-videos, etc.

    1. Honestly, did you even read this Blog or just see the title? There are numerous links. Note that Amir has deleted a number of videos I had posted over the past few years. My favorite is him deleting the video of him telling his young tour group to refrain from calling themselves Christians.

  70. I received the following email from a reader this morning:

    I can't tell you how happy I was to find your older blog posts about Amir Tsfarti. Forgive me if that sounds horrible, its just that for many months now I have been watching him with a constant nagging feeling within myself. It's hard to explain, I guess I often don't trust people because life has been challenging for me. (God, however, has been faithful and beautiful to me thru it all). Nevertheless, I have battled on more than one occasion asking myself to "test myself" as to why Amir was rubbing me the wrong way. What about "ME" needed to change to accept this brother in Christ? -I'd pray for him, talk to God about my need to heal to trust others, and take away the thorn of my growing almost sickening distaste in my mouth over Amir. And yet I kept watching him and not for any value he was bringing, but to somehow prove my gut instinct about him was right. It's been a very UNChristian battle within me and this world is so ugly and angry and mean that I honestly keep to myself and avoid at all costs engaging. Besides, every Google search shows he's a great guy.

    I would watch him and he and his side kick Mike Golay (who also is a total fake) would call Christians pig eaters and imply lots of narcissistic back handed insults against non Jews to which the audience would laugh and applaud and I'm thinking, are you kidding?
    I posted a few comments on live youtube videos (to make sure people would see them) on how insulting it was for him to use these catch phrases and I referred to biblical passages regarding all food eaten with thanksgiving is acceptable to God, etc. Naturally, I was attacked for those comments but I purred with satisfaction anyway. (smile).

    Mike Golay is a supposed Navy Chaplain who on many YouTube videos is heard bashing America. How can someone soaking up a military paycheck do that? And for a brief stint, Amir used the title Pastor as a heading on a few videos, to which I was deeply angered. Everything inside of me screamed there is something wrong with this Mutt and Jeff team who travel all over without their wives and Amir's almost daily need to post selfies (filtered) and boasts about the number of attendees at his functions, or the number of his books sold, etc. He is one foot on the prosperity gospel the other on the doorway to hell.

    Anyway, after finding you I no longer feel guilt for these feelings I've had about him. I don't feel alone in my discernment. And of course I don't wish him harm, and I hope he gets saved. But I firmly believe he isn't saved at this moment nor is he saving anyone else in his travels.

    In closing, I also stumbled on your blog post about not attending church. I don't either. It's not that I haven't tried! There isn't a Pastor or a building anywhere in my area who teaches the truth anymore. I watch a lot of Pastors though (R.C. Sproul, John MacArthur etc. ), I enjoy old Grant Jeffrey videos as well as Chuck Missler. But mainly I read my bible daily and I spend a lot of time with God in the word.

    Jesus is the ultimate teacher after all.

    I wish people who do love the word would do church on zoom.

  71. I feel the same way you do. My mom loves him and I got the creeps. I know my gift from God is discernment and I couldn’t shake that feeling I got watching him or seeing him. That lead me on a journey to digging on him and to this page. Glad to see I’m not the only one.

    1. Amen! Praise God! Hallelujah! Thank you for taking the time to comment. Your comment is another answer to my fervent prayer that eyes be opened... Amen! Maranatha!

  72. Anyone who can seriously believe the Archangel Michael is Jesus Christ has big problems. Likewise I noticed he has a big female following and he does preen himself with full on photos on Facebook etc. I think he should be home more bringing up his children after all he is not an evangelist or missionary. He allowed one of his children to dress up in a Superman costume or some such character, which is most definitely not kosher as they represent the so called 'super power' of the enemy. He is linked with Jack Hibbs. I shall pray for him because I am concerned for him and those who follow him. Rosie Higgs

  73. I was just watching Amir on YouTube on Rosh Hashanah “hysteria” & how we aren’t to celebrate any of these Holy Days, it’s just for Israel & our Sabbath & atonement, as believers, is in Christ. I just converted to Messianic Christianity. That’s not what I believe or what Bible says to me.
    There was something about him, I can’t say but Holy Spirit alerted me. His face, eyes were cold. He was almost chastising everyone, narcissistically. I’m not trying to judge but I am SO particular about trusting anyone & taking ANY man’s word on anything right now.
    I was led to lookup net worth & was astonished. Then I remembered his Arabic background. Something is “off”. He does always have insider, top-secret information. How? From where? I’m trying, as a new Christian, to walk in the spirit & TRUST that instinct. So far, it hasn’t led me astray. I’m grateful I found this bc now I have confirmation that I’m not being overly sensitive or judgmental. There’s a difference in discernment & judgement of others. I stand in agreement with everyone’s discernment. I think of other new believers & hope they can see through this facade. Blessings to all!

    1. Praise God for another answered prayer. I pray often that God may open eyes and expose this REPROBATE CHARLATAN WOLF Amir Tsarfati. He is a very valuable tool for the Israeli government to work the dumbed down non bible reading Christians. Thank God your eyes have been opened. God bless you and yours in your walk to know Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. Amen! Maranatha!

  74. Amir Tsarfati has been a blessing to me and my Wife. First seek the Kingdom of God. There are just a handful of Chistian leader we listen to.Such as John MCCarthur, DTBM John Barnett. Of course you want to read the scripture and disern the truth. I believe the majority of American Christians are ignorant to the differences between the Jewish community and our own. This is where Amir has opened our eyes and we have gained knowledge.
    There will be critics and those who judge. Just remember those who dwell in the secret place of the most high,shall abide under the shadow of the almighty.I find no fault in Amir for spreading the Gospel. Let him that is without sin, cast the first stone.
    As for the Politics, God has made foolish the wisdom of this world. We are looking up each and every day, come on down sweet Jesus!

    1. Of course you and your wife would be blessed from the likes of Amir because the heretic Johnny Mac is another one you follow. You are spiritually blind. Worse is you are wilfully ignorant. Our prayer team is praying people like you mighr have their eyes opened.

    2. Anonymous stated that Amir Tsarfati has been a blessing to him and his Wife. A response was that people are praying eyes be opened to the truth of Amir. To my amazement I received the following comment this morning from one of my YouTube subscribers regarding the evil of Amir. Please read her comment and my response:

      Begin Quote: "Amir is evil. I remember when he was so mad at the guy who calls himself “educating liberals” because he called out the zionists. He couldn’t stop bashing him for calling them out. He said it’s so sad that the guy has so many followers and is leading that many people astray. That tells you all you need to know about Amir. He also said in an interview that he toured the twin towers the day before 9/11 and the tour guide told him that the buildings weren’t strong and if anything ever hit them, they would come down. Ummm, WHAT? he also took down a video of many fish for exposing Amir for who he really is. Amir took it down in less than 4 hours for copyright. How people can’t see that Amir is not a good person, I don’t know.

      My Response:

      Thank you Christine. Praise God for another answered prayer that eyes can be opened to the truth about the real Amir Tsarfati, the wolf the charlatan, the false teacher who uses foolish christians as useful idiots for the zionist machinery. Here is an actual Jew who is seems to be a true follower of Jesus who knows Amir and exposes him. quote:

      Israeli Believer in Yeshua

      I am from Israel, and ive personally met him.
      He was always coming around to the tourist center i was working at, because he works as a tour guide.
      He has an act in front of his groups, showing himself as a believer.
      But when he was talking with some of the worker, you could see that it is all an act.
      He is not a born again believer, it is all a way to get money.
      His channel, his fake faith.
      Please stop defending people you dont even know." End Quote.

      Note: This person directed their comment to some low informed woman who told me I was wrong about Amir.


      Based on the preponderance of evidence given in my Blogs exposing Amir - here's a recent independent study

    3. Allow me also to add: I recently received an email from someone who asked me to not mention their location, but said they actually knew Amir personally and that they were afraid of him and what he was capable of doing them. I was horrified but not surprised. This person was able to provide me additional information regarding Amir. They stated that they didn't want to come out and notify me but knew they had to and said that I was absolutely correct on calling him out on the points I made in my blog exposing him.
      The reason people support and have the audacity to say they are blessed by his teaching is because Jesus Christ told the Pharisees -"The reason you do NOT know the truth is because the truth is not in you but are as your father the devil who was a liar from the beginning." Read John 8:42-27 KJV. Repent!


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