Zionists have the power, no matter who is in the White House

What's wrong with this picture?

Democrat Plan Spends $870M for Border Security in Middle East, No Funding for U.S. Border Wall

Egyptian army forces drive a tank along the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt at an area where members of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas' security forces are gathering, as Hamas began increasing its forces, in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, on April 21, 2016. Hamas began deploying …


I am strongly opposed to the Zionist Agenda.  I am a born again Christian and abhor Replacement Theology (False Belief that the Church has Replaced Israel) and I also abhor Anti-Semitism.  See my Blog

Anti-Zionism is NOT Anti-Semitism


 We true believers witnessed the Trump MAGA Evangelical Zionist Coalition.   



Now  Many Evangelicals believe Israel doesn't have an ally in the White House.   


Take another look:

Another Zionist Joins the Biden Team



It does not require any particularly perspicacity to realize that the President Joe Biden Administration has been loaded with Zionists who not only believe in their own vision for Greater Israel but also in some cases have strong and enduring ties to the Israeli government itself. The new Secretary of State Tony Blinken comes from an American Jewish family that has well established ties to Israel. Blinken’s paternal grandfather was one of the founders of an organization that eventually evolved into the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Blinken said at his Senate confirmation hearing that the new administration would “consult with Israel” before any possible return to the 2015 nuclear deal and he also made clear that there will be “additional conditions for Iran,” an odd position to take since it was the U.S. that withdrew from the agreement and introduced a harsh sanctions regime even though Iran was in compliance. More recently, Blinken claimed that Iran is weeks away from having the enriched uranium needed to make a nuclear weapon. Strangely enough, or perhaps not, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been making the same claim since the 1980s.

  • Joe Biden himself proclaims proudly that he is a Zionist and Vice President Kamala Harris has spoken at AIPAC gatherings, pledging her unconditional support for the Jewish state. Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer has proclaimed himself “shomer” or protector of Israel in the Senate while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said that the “If this Capitol crumbled to the ground, the one thing that would remain would be our commitment to our aid, I don’t even call it our aid, our cooperation with Israel. That’s fundamental to who we are.” The House Majority Leader, the second ranking Democrat, Steny Hoyer has proudly led numerous Congressional delegations to Israel.


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