GRACE vs WORKS: Faith OF JESUS vs Faith IN JESUS - King James Bible #Truth
GRACE: Faith OF JESUS WORKS: Faith IN JESUS - King James Bible #Truth While working with my dear Brother and Sister in Christ Ricky and Lena Whittaker, It blessed me beyond measure to see Sister Lena take the teaching that began with this link: Understand the Bible - From a Workman Approved unto God by His Grace ( and we in the unity of love of our Lord Jesus Christ began deep Bible studies in our King James Bible. Here is a few of our latest studies I urge the reader to study. He that hath seen me hath seen the Father John 14:9 ( To Know Him who Laid the Foundation of the World ( To prove how amazing the Lord works in our lives as Saints, sister Lena found a huge difference in Bible Translations that personally made me stop and be convicted of being a PARROT myself as I have often called out Parrots for blindly following and repeating what their pastor taught them which ...