A Powerful Truth: Understanding Who are the Nicolaitans of today
Who are the Nicolaitans The following article is a powerful truth written by someone clearly understanding the siege of false teachers and the use of Religion to keep man from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Please note here that the Bible clearly tells us that God Hates these who do this to the church which is the body of Christ and NOT some building and institution with the traditions of man. Disclaimer: I disagree with the author of this article in that he believes we in this church age must still keep the Sabbath and other Feast Days. This is not true. We are free to worship God on any day we believe fitting for us. Read Colossians 2:16,17 KJV. Who Are the Nicolaitans Posted on 7 Jun 2012 by Truth in Reality J. H. Allen Truth in Reality Blog A mysterious group of wicked religious imposters were the “Nicolaitans.” Who were they? What did they teach? Do they still exist today? Why sho...