To all the fake Christians, The Laodicean, Nicolaitans, Cretians

UPDATE: November 2022: The anointing is under attack. We are in warfare on a scale unseen and in these last moments of this era we will be in battle. Amen! King Saul’s disobedience - was “partial obedience” to not kill off all the enemies of Israel as God commanded him. Study how the anointing left Saul and how Samuel anointed David, the shepherd boy - taking him from the sheep pen - KING. Read and meditate on 1 Samuel Chapters 15, 16, 17. Note the Battle against Goliath was as much spiritual as it was in the physical realm. A KEY TO UNDERSTANDING SOMETHING ESSENTIAL TO EQUIP THE SAINTS: DAVID WAS ANOINTED KING BEFORE - BEFORE HE FOUGHT GOLIATH AND HAD TO BATTLE - ESCAPE SAUL FOR ABOUT 15 YEARS BEFORE HE ACTUALLY BECAME KING. THIS IS A HUGE LESSON FOR US IN OUR DAILY WARFARE UNTIL JESUS BRINGS US HOME AND WE INHERIT OUR TRUE ANOINTING. Satan through the AntiChrist Jezebel spirit has been trying to take the line of David away. This INCLUDE...