The False Gospel of Ecumenism & Dominion Theology
Trump MAGA Evangelical deception
The blind leading the blind
The perfect storm for civil war in America
Rebuking Lamb and Lion Ministries for promoting Dominion Theology
Do NOT be deceived by Dominion Theology
Dear General Flynn please give us the whole story
I do not go to church: from a blood bought, born again Christian with over 50 years of going to church
December 21, 2018
Dear People,
These 501c3 brick and mortar buildings (and even those run under private or limited liability corp) run by apostate trained CEOs called pastors are not BIBLICAL. They are literally making Merchandise of you and your children and your children's heritage. They are cursed by God under both Galatians 1:8,9 and 2 Peter 2:3... In fact 2 Peter 2:3, literally says these false teachers through feigned (study the word feigned: invented. fake. counterfeit. deception. fictitious. ) words make merchandise of you...
I've completed an 800 page Ebook containing over a thousand references, several thousand pages of source documentation titled: " I don't go to church. A 50 year testimony of attending church to say in agreement with Dr. Larkin, that today's churches are building the kingdom of the Antichrist. " see note 1 below... If anyone wants this open public domain book. I will email you a copy for free. Email me your request to Amazon lists it for $0.99. We wanted to post it for free. But Amazon requires a fee. If you order, please know any profit goes to sending out more free copies.
But this church-going issue has now become my focus. I'm a retired US naval officer, and finished a career in consulting. and recently retired from teaching High school as a licensed teacher. I also spent years living in other countries, including over 6 yrs in Vietnam sharing Jesus with the Vietnamese people.
Here's my testimony below:
To God be the glory Forever! Amen!
"I Don't Go to Church: The Church is The Body of Christ not a Building"reading it:
Why Bible Translations are important
King James Version Bible for Today
Why Bible Translations really matter:
MEGA TRAP CHURCH TRAP Double Bind of the Nicolaitans
Nearly 80 % of churches do not discuss Bible Prophecy even though 25% of the Bible is about Prophecy. This includes the importance of the Rapture of the Body of Christ.
Updates on the Apostate Church of Today
The Flood of Updates on The Apostate Fake Church of Today; Wake Up Christian! Come Out! (
The Return 2020 DECEPTION
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