The reason I haven't voted since 1972
The last time I voted was in 1972 at the age of 18. Why? Please read main article below the links I've posted to support the main article. Preface I love my country the United States of America. I am however, first and foremost a Christian who reads his Bible. This article sadly tells of the subversive satanic forces that are behind the scenes. We awake Christians clearly understand that Satan is the prince of this world (John 14:30 kjv, 2 Corinthians 4:4 kjv, Ephesians 2:2 kjv) . Therefore we understand that although we are in this world and NOT of it, we are in the midst of "the system" and it will not be until Jesus Christ comes and establishes His Kingdom will all of this evil end. Until that day we fight the good fight and endure until the end. Amen! Maranatha! To be concise I had basically been mentally traumatized by the war in Vietnam we Americans call the Vietnam War and the people of Viet Nam call the American War. Litt...