Will Passover 5776 (April 2016) be the "glorification" of the church? Tom Gaston


Revelation 1:5  and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who loves us and released us from our sins by His blood.


1 Peter 1:18-19...knowing that you were notredeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers,  but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ.



Jesus purchased His Church ( His bride ) with His own blood on Passover.  This "new covenant" in Hisblood provided "spiritual redemption" for every member of the body of Christ.  All that is left now for the body of Christ is the "glorification" of our physical bodies which will occur at the time of Christ's appearing ( Resurrection / Rapture ).  And so since our "spiritual redemption" was accomplished atPassover, then it makes sense to me that perhaps the Lord will "conclude" and complete the "final stage" of the church's redemption, which is theglorification of our physical bodies at Passover also.Therefore it makes sense to me that the "festival of Passover" is the festival for the Church, not only for "spiritual redemption", but also our "physical redemption" as well.  And so to me it appears that the time in which God may very well complete the "final phase" of the Church's redemption ( Physicalglorification ) will be during Passover season ( the Barley harvest ).


Now in light of what I have just shared, then check out the following below!



[....Gentile Bride and the festival...]

ג  ו  י     כ  ל  ה     ו  ה  ח  ג

3    8    5   6        5   30  20      10  6   3 / total = 96


[........Passover 5776..........]

פ  ס  ח       ת   ש   ע   ו

6    70   300   400          8   60  80


Now we will multiply the number values ( minus thezero's which are just place holders ).


Passover 5776 / 6 x 7 x 3 x 4 x 8 x 6 x 8 =193536


193536 / divided by 96 Gentile Bride and the festival = 2016


[..........The festival, glorification the church.........]

ה  ח  ג ,   א  ד  ר  ת      ה  כ  נ  ס  י  י  ה

5   10 10  60 50  20   5        400  200  4   1        3    8    5  / total = 776



[.....Covenant, festival the Passover....]

ב  ר  י  ת,     ח  ג     ה  פ  ס  ח

8    60  80   5        3    8       400  10  200  2  / total =776



5776 / Tav = 400   Shin = 300   Ayin = 70   Vav = 6 / total = 776


Resurrection = 433 + 343 Rapture = 776


Fullness = 776



[...The coming of the Messiah...]

ב  י  א  ת     ה  מ  ש  י  ח

8   10 300  40   5       400   1  10   2 / total = 776




I am on high alert and Rapture watch from now until next Tuesday which is Nisan 18 - The anniversary date of Christ's resurrection which was First fruits the year of His death, burial, and resurrection.


In Christ, Tom Gaston





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