First Fruits Harvest #Passover 2016 #Rapture #Judgment #Tribulation #2ndAdvent #MillennialKingdom #eternity #ccot

First Fruits Harvest, Passover, Bride of Christ,  Rapture, Tribulation


----- Original Message -----

From: Miriam Howard

Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2016 2:17 PM

Subject: Did you remember this?

{ From the Interlinear Bible} :



 Genesis 1:1....."In the beginning Godcreated * (8804) the heaven and theearth."




The word “beginning” – the third word in the opening of the Holy Bible – is the Hebrew word below:



 Strong's Number:  07225



Original Word

Word Origin




from the same as (07218)

Transliterated Word

Phonetic Spelling





Parts of Speech



Noun Feminine





first, beginning, best, chiefbeginningfirstchiefchoice part

 Translated Words


KJV (51) - beginning, 18; chief, 8;first, 9; firstfruits, 11; misc, 5;

NAS (51) - beginning, 19; choice, 2; choicest, 3; finest, 2; first, 16; first fruits, 7; foremost, 2;


Leviticus 23:10 :  “ Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye be come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest:”  


This verse is a description of theBEGINNING harvest- the FIRSTagricultural harvest in the land ofIsrael, that of BARLEY - the Feast of Firstfruits which is always to occur on the Sunday of Passover week, and is always the Day of Resurrection. 


The word “Firstfruits” in Lev 23:10is the very same Hebrew word, as the third word in Genesis 1:1…“Re’shiyth”   Strong’s #  07225. Re’shiyth is a noun feminine.  It represents the single SHEAF ofunprocessed BARLEY right out of the field, which FIRST represents Jesus Christ and then His Body/Bride which already WASalso spiritually raised from the Dead and taken up to Heaven when Jesus was, and WILL BE physically raised again from the dead and taken up to Heaven by Christ Jesus on another Feast of Firstfruits, again on--Resurrection Day.  Interestingly, the word ‘sheaf’ is Strong’s #06016  ‘Omer’ which is anoun masculine.


The third word of the opening verse of the Bible … “beginning”… is the Hebrew feminine nounFIRSTFRUITS which represents  the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ … and the beginning agricultural harvest in Israel of BARLEY. 


Rev 1:8:

“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, andwhich is to come, the Almighty.”


50 days after the BARLEY harvest in Israel begins the FIRSTFRUITS of the WHEAT harvest.


Leviticus 23:17   “Ye shall bring out of your habitations two wave loaves of two tenth deals: they shall be of fine flour; they shall be baken with leaven; they are the firstfruits unto the LORD.”


All throughout the whole Bible, WHEAT is associated with the Landof Israel and the Jews (see Matthew 13, for example).


The word for “Firstfruits” ofWHEAT is an entirely differentword than that for BARLEY:


Strong's Number:  01061



Original Word

Word Origin




from (01069)

Transliterated Word

Phonetic Spelling





Parts of Speech



Noun Masculine





1.     first-fruits

a.     the first of the crops and fruit that ripened, was gathered, and offered to God according to the ritual of Pentecost

b.     the bread made of the new grain offered at Pentecost

c.      the day of the first-fruits (Pentecost)

 Translated Words


KJV (18) - firstfruit, 14; firstripe, 2; firstripe figs, 1; hasty fruit, 1;

NAS (17) - early ripened things, 2; first fruits, 12; first ripe, 1; first ripe fruits, 1; ripe fruit, 1;


The masculine noun of ‘Bikkuwr’ was one two nouns for the Firstfruits offerings of WHEAT for Pentecost.  Bikkuwr were Firstfruits presented in their ‘natural state’ i.e.unprocessed WHEAT.  But that WHEAT had to be presented to the Lord in a processed form, which is called “Terumoth,” which is brought not as raw products, but in a prepared state—as flour, oil, wine, on the second day of Pentecost.  This state of “processing” is very important to note as it is formed by “the crushing of the WHEAT” by a sharp blade referred to as “the tribulum,” which is the old Latin word for Tribulation !  The “processing of the WHEAT is accomplished by the 7 years of the Tribulation.  A very important point:  Both the ‘Biccurim’ and ‘Terumoth’ MUST be produce of the Holy Land itself- that taken from WITHIN the borders of Israel !  *


These facts could NEVER point to the FIRSTFRUITS of the true CHURCH!


The ONLY day and the ONLY Feast for the resurrection-rapture of the Body-Bride of Christ is at the BEGINNING of the presentation of the agricultural FIRSTFRUITS—at the Feast of FIRSTFRUITS on Resurrection Sunday!


*  Facts taken from Dr. Alfred Edersheim’s book “The Temple—Its Ministry and Services”  pg 304-305.


Ecc 1:9-10:

“ The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.”


Miriam Howard

April 9, Abib/Nisan
Amen, great study from sister Miriam Howard. This morning during my bible study I was carefully meditating on what Ecclesiastices 1:9-10 says. Profound, isn't it? Must have read this Scripture 100 times in my life but this morning it had a powerful impact, especially in context to our sister Miriam's study. Also understanding the meaning of Ecc. 1:9-10,  check this out: 1+9=10 = 10. (The end product is the same as the beginning, proven mathematically. 
Isn't God amazing? Amen! 
Praise God! Hallelujah! Maranatha! 
See you all very soon.
Andrew Sheets



 Genesis 1:1....."In the beginning Godcreated * (8804) the heaven and theearth."




The word “beginning” – the third word in the opening of the Holy Bible – is the Hebrew word below:



 Strong's Number:  07225



Original Word

Word Origin




from the same as (07218)

Transliterated Word

Phonetic Spelling





Parts of Speech



Noun Feminine





first, beginning, best, chiefbeginningfirstchiefchoice part

 Translated Words


KJV (51) - beginning, 18; chief, 8;first, 9; firstfruits, 11; misc, 5;

NAS (51) - beginning, 19; choice, 2; choicest, 3; finest, 2; first, 16; first fruits, 7; foremost, 2;


Leviticus 23:10 :  “ Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye be come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bringa sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest:”  


This verse is a description of theBEGINNING harvest- the FIRSTagricultural harvest in the landof Israel, that of BARLEY - theFeast of Firstfruits which isalways to occur on the Sunday of Passover week, and is always the Day of Resurrection. 


The word “Firstfruits” in Lev 23:10is the very same Hebrew word, as the third word in Genesis 1:1…“Re’shiyth”   Strong’s #  07225. Re’shiyth is a noun feminine.  It represents the single SHEAF ofunprocessed BARLEY right out of the field, which FIRST represents Jesus Christ and then His Body/Bride which already WASalso spiritually raised from the Dead and taken up to Heaven when Jesus was, and WILL BEphysically raised again from the dead and taken up to Heaven by Christ Jesus on another Feast ofFirstfruits, again on--Resurrection Day.  Interestingly, the word ‘sheaf’ is Strong’s #06016  ‘Omer’ which is a nounmasculine.


The third word of the opening verse of the Bible … “beginning”… is the Hebrew feminine nounFIRSTFRUITS which represents  the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ … and the beginningagricultural harvest in Israel ofBARLEY. 


Rev 1:8:

“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.”


50 days after the BARLEY harvest in Israelbegins the FIRSTFRUITS of the WHEAT harvest.


Leviticus 23:17   “Ye shall bring out of your habitations two wave loaves of two tenth deals: they shall be of fine flour; they shall be baken with leaven; they are the firstfruits unto the LORD.”


All throughout the whole Bible, WHEAT is associated with theLand of Israel and the Jews (see Matthew 13, for example).


The word for “Firstfruits” ofWHEAT is an entirely differentword than that for BARLEY:


Strong's Number:  01061



Original Word

Word Origin




from (01069)

Transliterated Word

Phonetic Spelling





Parts of Speech



Noun Masculine





1.     first-fruits

a.     the first of the crops and fruit that ripened, was gathered, and offered to God according to the ritual of Pentecost

b.     the bread made of the new grain offered at Pentecost

c.      the day of the first-fruits (Pentecost)

 Translated Words


KJV (18) - firstfruit, 14; firstripe, 2; firstripe figs, 1; hasty fruit, 1;

NAS (17) - early ripened things, 2; first fruits, 12; first ripe, 1; first ripe fruits, 1; ripe fruit, 1;


The masculine noun of ‘Bikkuwr’ was one two nouns for the Firstfruits offerings of WHEAT for Pentecost.  Bikkuwr were Firstfruits presented in their ‘natural state’ i.e. unprocessed WHEAT.  But that WHEAT had to be presented to the Lord in a processed form, which is called“Terumoth,” which is brought not as raw products, but in a prepared state—as flour, oil, wine, on the second day of Pentecost.  This state of “processing” is very important to note as it is formed by “the crushing of the WHEAT” by a sharp blade referred to as “the tribulum,” which is the old Latin word for Tribulation !  The “processing of the WHEAT is accomplished by the 7 years of the Tribulation.  A very important point:  Both the ‘Biccurim’ and ‘Terumoth’ MUST be produce of the Holy Land itself- that taken from WITHIN the borders of Israel !  *


These facts could NEVER point to the FIRSTFRUITS of the true CHURCH!


The ONLY day and the ONLY Feast for the resurrection-rapture of the Body-Bride of Christ is at the BEGINNING of the presentation of the agricultural FIRSTFRUITS—at the Feast of FIRSTFRUITS on Resurrection Sunday!


*  Facts taken from Dr. Alfred Edersheim’s book “The Temple—Its Ministry and Services”  pg 304-305.


Ecc 1:9-10:

“ The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.”


Miriam Howard

April 9, Abib/Nisan 1









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