A Must Read. Wiping Radical Islam off the Map, Antichrist, Revelation 6:2-4, End times #Rapture Watch #Maranatha
Revelation 6:2- 4........."I looked, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given him, and he went out conquering and to conquer...........When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, "Come." And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him." There are several different interpretations I have read from other commentaries on this passage of Scripture who give their view of who they think this man on the white horse represents, or what he symbolizes...etc...etc. I don't agree with some of these views, but I want to share with you if I may what I believe this Scripture is showing us. All we need to do is let the Scripture speak and use our brains to decipher and reason it out. It is not hard to do. This is what I am going to try and demonstrate below. I am goi