New Efforts of Islamic Countries like Pakistan pressing for International Social Media monitoring
Bob Unruh
Posted with permission from WND
For years, Islamic nations have successfully pressed the United Nations to pass non-binding resolutions condemning "defamation of religion."
Posted with permission from WND
For years, Islamic nations have successfully pressed the United Nations to pass non-binding resolutions condemning "defamation of religion."
In nations such as Pakistan, the penalty for "blasphemy" against Islam or its prophet is death. While the sentence has not been imposed in recent years, some people who have been accused of blasphemy have been murdered by Muslim vigilantes before they can get to court.
Reuters reported just days ago an estimated 65 defendants, lawyers or judges involved in blasphemy cases have been murdered since 1990.
WND reported seven years ago the defamation resolutions introduced in the U.N. by the 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation were losing support.
But now a worldwide Christian ministry that operates in dozens of Muslim-dominated countries warns a new effort is under way.
"House of War: Islam's Jihad Against the World" conveys what the West needs to know about Islam and the violent, expansionary ideology that seeks the subjugation and destruction of other faiths, cultures and systems of government
"The aim is not simply to remove anything posted on the Internet deemed offensive to Islam, but to find out who posted it and prosecute them," says the non-profit charity Barnabas Aid, which assists persecuted Christians globally.
Pakistan's interior minister, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, has already said he wants to extradite anyone overseas accused of Islamic blasphemy, the group said.
"In fact, the Pakistan government is asking Internet providers to tell them the names of people posting such material."
Reuters reported Khan has boasted that his nation is getting cooperation from Facebook to have such material on social media "removed or blocked – and that anyone posting such material be punished."
Kahn said Facebook and other service providers "should share all information about the people behind this blasphemous content with us."
Barnabas Aid said it's alarming that Pakistan, historically a U.S. ally, "is seeking to introduce what is in effect a global Islamic blasphemy law that prohibits any Internet material critical of Islam."
Pakistan aims to get other Islamic nations to pledge to prosecute anyone posting material to which Muslims object and to pressure Internet companies.
Barnabas Aid said a Pakistan newspaper reported a U.S. company is being investigated for blaspheming Islam on social media.
Pakistani officials revealed their embassy in Washington has taken up the matter with the U.S. government.
"The implications of this for Christians are far reaching. Christians accused under Pakistan's so-called ‘blasphemy laws' face a mandatory death penalty if found guilty of offensive comments about Muhammad," Barnabas Aid said.
"Even if acquitted, they have to flee the country as Muslim vigilantes seek to kill them. Now, even if they flee to a free and democratic country such as the U.S., they could still face the Pakistani government trying to extradite them back to Pakistan."
"Blasphemy" includes denying the claims of Islam or criticizing Islam's prophet, Muhammad.
"Merely affirming certain aspects of their own faith [for Christians] might be construed as blasphemy. It is all too likely that any criticism of Islamic theology, history or practice could also be taken by certain Muslims as not just offensive but also blasphemous," the ministry said.
"This also of course potentially impacts anyone who writes online about the persecution of Christians in the Islamic world. At the very least it is likely that Internet companies such as Facebook and Twitter will set their IT systems to remove anything that constitutes Islamic blasphemy. This means material about persecution of Christians in the Islamic world could also be removed, despite having been published in the West. Even something on a church Facebook page could be removed."
A worldwide strategy to extradite and punish "blasphemers" could produce horrendous results, Barnabas Aid noted.
"Of course, countries such as the UK or U.S.A. are very unlikely to allow one of their citizens to be extradited for something that is not a criminal offense in their own country. But if someone were to visit one of the other 26 Muslim-majority countries involved with this initiative, they could be arrested and accused of Islamic blasphemy for something they wrote in Australia, New Zealand, the UK or U.S.A. It is even conceivable that it could happen to someone who wrote about persecution of Christians on their church website and then visited one of those countries on holiday.
"Make no mistake, this is a serious attempt to introduce a global Islamic blasphemy law, and one that will not only increase the persecution of Christians but also make even reporting the persecution of Christians in the Islamic world much more difficult. It will inevitably lead to self-censorship. Internet companies such as Facebook need to realize that there is a huge problem of anti-Christian hatred and persecution in the world and that their actions in suppressing reporting of this are, for want of a better word, ‘Christianophobia,'" the report said.
WND reported last year an Egypt-born human rights activist was charging that Facebook already was occasionally enforcing Islam's anti-blasphemy law in America.
Nonie Darwish, author of "The Devil We Don't Know: The Dark Side of Revolutions in the Middle East" and "Now They Call Me Infidel," told "The Glasov Gang" Internet show she was suspended from Facebook for a short time for posting criticism of Islam.
"I don't know what's the deal with Facebook and enforcers of the blasphemy and apostasy laws of Islam," she told Jamie Glazov, the editor of Frontpage Magazine, who holds a Ph.D. in history and who has authored "High Noon for America" and "United in Hate.".
Such criticism is banned under Shariah, the Islamic religious law.
Darwish said her Facebook account was suspended after she made statements in the aftermath of the jihadist attack in San Bernardino, California, in December 2015.
"House of War: Islam's Jihad Against the World" conveys what the West needs to know about Islam and the violent, expansionary ideology that seeks the subjugation and destruction of other faiths, cultures and systems of government
"Islam is the only religion on earth who kills people who leave it," she said.
Her suspension, she said, was "for writing a post critical of the culture of death."
She read the post that was removed:
Islam regards life on earth as naturally bad. That is why life in the Muslim world is cheap, and the best [is] to kill yourself for allah. Muslims know they are miserable, and want to spread the misery. Why is the Muslim world the way it is, the only miserable place on earth?
Darwish said her contention that Muslims want to "spread the misery" is what Facebook "did not like."
See the interview that was recorded at the time:
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Licensed May 11, 2017
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Muslims Want 'Blasphemers' Identified And Prosecuted... Worldwide!
Muslims Want 'Blasphemers' Identified And Prosecuted... Worldwide!
News Image BY BOB UNRUH/WND.COM MAY 11, 2017
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