Newsweek, Yes, Newsweek Magazine Blasts Obama. Honeymoon may be over!
It is about time! The honeymoon may be over!!!!!!!! I think I now understand this man much better This was in NewsWeek. Yes NewsWeek magazine. Boy, O Boy these are my feelings too ! Ranger Don You all please read this …RD Better late than never (I guess- Better NEVER than late, but nobody cared in 2008) Finally, Matt Patterson and Newsweek speak out about Obama. This is timely and tough. As many of you know, Newsweek has a reputation for being extremely liberal. The fact that their editor saw fit to print the following article about Obama and the one that appears in the latest Newsweek, makes this a truly amazing event, and a news story in and of itself. At last, the truth about our President and his agenda are starting to trickle through the “protective wall” built around him by the liberal media. ___________________________ I Too Have Become Disillusioned. By Matt Patterson ( ...