Pre Tribulation Rapture a self evident promise
THE PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE A SELF-EVIDENT PROMISE TABLE OF CONTENTS (QUICK LINKS) I. Introduction II. Israel's role: keys to understanding prophecy and world history Rapture: 1. Clarifying the confusion of Matthew 24:29-31 and Mark 13:24-27 2. Clarifying the confusion of Matthew 24:9-13 3. Clarifying the confusion of Acts 3:21 4. Clarifying the confusion of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 5. Clarifying the confusion of the teaching of the rapture before the Reformation 6. Clarifying the confusion of the word "rapture" being found in the Bible III. Conclusion __________________________________________________________________________ Introduction Bible prophecy is not a prediction of the future, rather a promise about the future. The Bible contains hundreds of specific prophecies that have been fulfilled in specific ways, all with 100% accuracy. There is no denying that truth. ...