End of TIME Warnings
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Tom G.
Watchman (1 Mar 2015)
"Super Moons, Shemitah & A Prophetic Synchronization of Time"
Super Moons, Shemitah & A Prophetic Synchronization of Time
“But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.” Ezekiel 33:6
As always, this information is not meant to try and set an absolute date for the Rapture or any event, but stir everyone into contemplating how close the time MAY be to our redemption – “I report, you decide” this information may be “evidence that demands a verdict!”
For those of you not familiar with the work of Luis Vega, he is a Statistician at California’s Sonoma State University, has several degrees and is a Political Scientist and amateur Astronomer. Lu’s passion is to study recent/current events and news related to Israel, the World, Religions, Astronomy and Astro-Archeology. His work in Biblical Eschatology and his study of patterns in Numbers, End Times, Astronomy and 'Types and Shadows' is nothing short of brilliant, as seen in his many written studies, charts and books. The purpose of this post is to highlight some of Lu’s recent work, in a cliff notes version, which focus on the current blood moon tetrad, shemitah and related prophetic signs indicating the season in which we currently live - “The prophetic signs in the heavens surrounding the Tetrad of the 2014-15 timeframe appear to be converging.” ~ Luis Vega
All of these notes and links (and more) are provided in our “Watchman’s View of the 2015 Prophetic Calendar of Potential Key & Significant Events” http://watchmansview.com/Event_Calendar.html
Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens
to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons,
and for days and years” Genesis 1:14 (NKJV)
A. The Extremely Rare Cardinal Grand Cross Accompanying the First Blood Moon of the 2014 – 2015 Tetrad
Exactly in-between the 1st Blood Moon of the Tetrad on April 15, 2014 and the accompanying Partial Solar Eclipse of April 29, 2014 was a Cardinal Cross configuration. The Cardinal Cross reached its climax exactly 7 days after the 1st Blood Moon. A celestial ‘cross’ is observed when 4 key heavenly bodies are said to be ‘Squared’ to each other. The mere fact that the Cross alignment occurs dead center in-between the start of the Tetrad 1st Blood Moon and its accompanying solar eclipse is statistically against the odds to be a random coincidence.
To make this occurrence even a rarer event, the Cardinal Cross coincided with the Grand Cross. A Grand Cross occurs when four planets are all separated from each other by Square aspects (90 degrees apart). This is incredibly rare since it has not happened since a full Procession of the Equinox. Cardinal Crosses occur frequently but what is spectacular is that for the first time in a cycle of the Procession of the Equinox, spanning nearly ~26,000 years (or lets say since the Genesis creation), the Cardinal Cross aligned with the Grand Cross. It has been stated this alignment is one of the top 3 major events in human history! This particular Grand Cross involved Uranus, Pluto, Jupiter and Mars - the Cardinal Cross formed within it was the alignment of Libra-Capricorn-Aries-Cancer.
The study supports that the Cardinal Grand Cross alignment is referencing the Ark; that the Pilgrims are going to be shipped out to a ‘glory that should follow’ and that the Messiah’s ‘Redeemed possession (His Bride) will be held fast’ per the interpretations of E.W. Bullinger. Thus, it could signal the Rapture of the Church as a reverse type of how the world was removed from Noah as the Church is removed from the world.
Cardinal Grand Cross Study – by Luis Vega
see Charts and the Ark alignment reference http://nebula.wsimg.com/d362356227a4599f371a976ceb1719db?AccessKeyId=D40106E1331C24ABD7C3&disposition=0&alloworigin=1
B. The Solar Eclipse Signature of the Tetrads
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One of the things that is very unique about the 2014 - 15 Tetrad is that it has a Jewish New Year to New Year correspondence. The unique total solar eclipse on the Spring Equinox and Jewish New Year on March 20, 2015 is marking off a prophetic conclusion of a matter or Age perhaps with the partial solar eclipse of September 13, 2015, on Rosh HaShana. Could this allude to the end of the Church Commission?
The study shows that based on the NASA calculations of the 8 Tetrads since Christ, none but the 2014 - 15 Tetrad has both a total solar eclipse occurring on the Equinox and Jewish religious New Year.
Blood Moon Pattern
Thus could the 2014 - 15 Tetrad be the prophetic time-marker that is to converge the ending of the Commission of the Church to that of the commissioning of the 144k and the 2 Witnesses based on the Equinox solar eclipse New Year’s sign?
Perhaps the end of the Church Age is to be somehow related to the Tetrad that ends in the Fall of 2015 or soon thereafter. From this time forward, no such Tetrads will have the 4 corresponding Feasts synchronized in a row with a total solar eclipse in the midst.
As it pertains to Pentecost in 2015, it will amazingly be aligned with the 3rd Blood Moon of the Tetrad, April 4, 2015 in a phi ratio of time. This Blood Moon in turn is synchronized to the 50th day, which is Pentecost on May 24th. Most noticeably, it converges on the same day as observed by the Jewish calendar and the Western calendar.
It will also be 10 days prior is a convergence of both Ascension Day that is the day of the Rapture of Jesus Christ to Heaven which coincides with Israel’s Independence Day on May 14.
Tetrad Solar Eclipse Signature Study – by Luis Vega
see Chart
This study suggests that the March 19, 2011 Perigee Moon was the start of a prophetic cosmic sign signaling a nearly 7 year cycle pattern of Super Moons 13 months apart that will culminate in some event of Biblical proportions on September 28, 2015. What this means remains to be seen.
Super Moons are Lunar Perigees or Perigee Moons. On average there can be 4 to 6 such Super Moons occurring in a given year. In theory, the Lunar Perigee cycle patterns are consistent and predictable, they usually occur in pairs. The study shows that what is amazing and fantastic is that the period of the 2014-2015 Tetrad (4) of the lunar Blood Moon eclipses also coincides with 3 sets of Perigee Lunar cycles of 3 consecutive Super Moons, i.e., Triads (3). The study suggests that these Super Moon Triads are unprecedented and perhaps are a factor in the cosmic convergence of prophetic time.
This unique triple Triad pattern does not ever occur in the years prior or after the 2014-15 Tetrad time-frame. The point is that to have 3 Perigee Moons or Super Moons in a row is rare, but 3 sets in a row is amazing. There is 1 Triad in 2014 and 2 Triads in 2015 for a total of 6 Super Moons for 2015 in particular. For 2015, there are 3 New Moons at the beginning of the year and 3 Full Moons toward the end of the year. The study suggests that perhaps these triple Triads of Super Moons are validating prophetically the Tetrad that coincidentally converge at a single point in time that ends both the Tetrad and the triple Triad of Moon Perigees.
This study suggests that the triple Super Moon Triads that span the 2014-15 years and corresponds to the Tetrad converge on one specific date, that of September 28, 2015. Many believe this will be a focal point of Biblical proportions. This is unprecedented in the whole decade as all other Super Moons, nominal and true occur only in pairs. What is spectacular is that the September Super Moon has some very special characteristics happening at the same time that could very well be Biblically prophetic. Thus it does appear that the convergence of the Super Moons and Blood Moons will be some sort of prophetic fulcrum point where history will be bench-marked from that time forward.
To reiterate, this study suggests that the March 19, 2011 Perigee Moon was the start of a prophetic cosmic sign signaling a nearly 7 year cycle pattern of Super Moons 13 months apart that will culminate in some event of Biblical proportions on September 28, 2015. What this means remains to be seen. Of note, one other unique attribute about 2018 and lunar cycle is that on July 27, 2018 there is a Blood Moon that is the center of a Triad of Blood Moons that is nearly 7 years apart from the 2011 July Central Blood Moon. Prophetically, 2011 and 2018 are tied together in more ways than one. This cosmic pattern could allude to a confirmation of sorts that the Tribulation period is in fact the 7-year week of years as foretold by the Prophet Daniel. [not to be confused, this is NOT saying the Tribulation started in 2011]
The study has sought to point out that to have 3 Perigee Moons or Super Moons in a row is rare; to have triplets or Triads of these is amazing; to have the Triads consecutively is perhaps Biblical. The Lunar Perigee cycles are consistent and predictable but they usually occur only in pairs. Moreover, this Super Moon pattern only occurs in the 2014-15 time-frame in the decade. In 2015 there are 2 Super Moon Triads for a total of 6 Super Moons. There are 3 New Moons at the beginning of the year and 3 Full Moons toward the end of the year. What is amazing and fantastic is that the period of the 2014-2015 Tetrad of lunar Blood Moon eclipses coincides in the same time-frame with the Perigee Lunar cycle of 3 consecutive Super Moons.
The study has suggested that perhaps these triple Triads of Super Moons are validating prophetically the Tetrad. Both celestial pattern phenomena converge at a single point in time, Sukkot of 2015 in particular. This point in time appears to be a synchronization of prophetic time that might be related to a fulfilment of prophecy in Biblical proportions. This study strongly suggests that these Super Moon patterns that started in 2014 are a sort of ‘confirming and accompanying witnesses’ to the Tetrad Blood Moons, are unprecedented and perhaps are a factor in the cosmic convergence of prophetic time.
To reiterate, the 3 Triads of Super Moons also within themselves occur in a symmetrical pattern. The 1st Triad of Super Moons consist of Full Moons and occur in 2014. The middle Triad that starts at the beginning of 2015 are consisting of New Moons and ends with the last Super Moon Triad of Full Moons in the Fall of 2015. It is the middle Triad of New Moons that itself is accented by the March 20 total solar eclipse and the Black Moon; obviously omens of doom and gloom. It will be doom for the nations in the Spring and gloom for Israel in the Fall. These 2 key dates to include the solar eclipse of March 20, 2015 and the Blood Moon of September 28, 2015 are a season apart and occur on eclipses and are on a Super Moon. Review the entire study here: http://nebula.wsimg.com/bb900d88d517950c22f45c6355adf854?AccessKeyId=D40106E1331C24ABD7C3&disposition=0&alloworigin=1
and the corresponding chart here: http://nebula.wsimg.com/f56f6a7354affe3ccdf87cf0adb516d0?AccessKeyId=D40106E1331C24ABD7C3&disposition=0&alloworigin=1
D. See Watchman’s View - BLOOD MOON TETRAD 2014 - 2015 Jewish Holiday Eclipses here: http://watchmansview.com/Blood_Moon_Tetrad.html
E. The Year of Light & The Light of the World
It is interesting to note, the UN General Assembly 68th Session proclaimed 2015 as the “International Year of Light.” This was undoubtedly taken from the Masonic Anno Lucis which is Latin for "Year of Light." The masonic lodge of education website states the Year of Light refers to the biblical account of the creation of the universe wherein God spoke and said: "Let there be light,...and there was light." Genesis 1:3. Jesus said “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” John 8:12. Wouldn't it be interesting, or just like our God to tell Jesus it’s time, and send the true “Light of the World” to redeem his Bride to give them “the light of life” eternal...in the Luciferian Year of Light!
Another worthy note is that the holiday of Chanukkah (not a feast day) is also known as the “festival of lights” in which each of the 8 days is marked off with the lighting of a candle on the “Menorah” Luis Vega has done an extremely interesting study on the 7 Hybrid eclipses since the birth of Christ and what appears to have constituted a celestial Menorah type since the 1st century in the heavens, this study has sought to see if it has mirrored the Church Age. The Lampstands of the Book of Revelation have a direct correlation to when thus the Church Age began and perhaps when it is to end based on the last 7th Hybrid eclipses and ending on the 2014-2015 blood moon tetrad.
Perhaps the 7th Hybrid eclipse to occur on Nov 3, 2013 is to signal that the duration of the Church Age as the Earthly type of Church Menorah is about to be translated to the Heavenly one at the point of the Rapture.
Has the 7 Hybrid ‘Menorah’ pattern been something that the LORD has been using as a sort of ‘Hanukah’ lighting-up celestial phenomena correlating to the 7 stage Church Age? Has the LORD been using such ‘types and shadow’ in the heavens to show the ‘Principalities & Powers’, Angels, and the world that these 7 Hybrid eclipses in particular, because of their rarity are indeed a countdown to the Tetrad of 2014-15.
The period leading up to the Tetrad maybe then a time that an ‘end’ and a ‘beginning’ prophetically. Why this particular Tetrad? It may be that this 8th Tetrad will start to see Biblical prophetic history fulfilled - where GOD will see the closing to the Church Age, the Rapture, the completion of all the Messianic promises and the redemption of National Israel before the start of the Millennial reign. May it be so.
The study can be reviewed here: http://nebula.wsimg.com/249d5ac15a0255cf12063af5daf0fc1d?AccessKeyId=D40106E1331C24ABD7C3&disposition=0&alloworigin=1
and chart here: http://nebula.wsimg.com/d204e239c97c75796a68c4cece86bdcb?AccessKeyId=D40106E1331C24ABD7C3&disposition=0&alloworigin=1
F. The Solar Eclipse Signature of the Tetrads
One of the things that is very unique about the 2014 - 15 Tetrad is that it has a Jewish New Year to New Year correspondence. The unique total solar eclipse on the Spring Equinox and Jewish New Year on March 20, 2015 is marking off a prophetic conclusion of a matter or Age perhaps with the partial solar eclipse of September 13, 2015, on Rosh HaShana. Could this allude to the end of the Church Commission?
The study shows that based on the NASA calculations of the 8 Tetrads since Christ, none but the 2014 - 15 Tetrad has both a total solar eclipse occurring on the Equinox and Jewish religious New Year.
Thus could the 2014 - 15 Tetrad be the prophetic time-marker that is to converge the ending of the Commission of the Church to that of the commissioning of the 144k and the 2 Witnesses based on the Equinox solar eclipse New Year’s sign?
Perhaps the end of the Church Age is to be somehow related to the Tetrad that ends in the Fall of 2015 or soon thereafter. From this time forward, no such Tetrads will have the 4 corresponding Feasts synchronized in a row with a total solar eclipse in the midst.
As it pertains to Pentecost in 2015, it will amazingly be aligned with the 3rd Blood Moon of the Tetrad, April 4, 2015 in a phi ratio of time. This Blood Moon in turn is synchronized to the 50th day, which is Pentecost on May 24th. Most noticeably, it converges on the same day as observed by the Jewish calendar and the Western calendar.
It will also be 10 days prior is a convergence of both Ascension Day that is the
day of the Rapture of Jesus Christ to Heaven which coincides with Israel’s
Independence Day on May 14.
Tetrad Solar Eclipse Signature Study – by Luis Vega
see Chart
Side Note: A solar eclipse denotes the judgment of God upon the nations, blood moons denote the judgment of God upon the nation of Israel, and that a solar eclipse occurring in the midst of four blood moons denotes the judgment of God upon the world – the March 20th solar “sackcloth sun” eclipse is also a super moon and falls directly between the 4 blood moons of the tetrad (a “bulls eye” eclipse). A potential fulfillment of Joel 2:30-31 and Acts 2:20 exists as the full solar “sackcloth sun” eclipse of March 20th is followed 15-days later by the 3rd blood moon of the tetrad. The meaning of the number 15 may have a reference to resurrection. A total solar eclipse followed so closely by a total lunar blood moon and both on Hebrew feast days does not occur again in this century, let alone within the prophetic timeline of possibility, indicated by the 1948 birth of Israel and the Matthew 24:32-34 parable of the fig tree, and 80 years for reason of strength generation window in Psalm 90:10.
The Conclusive Tetrad
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The LORD deals in patterns of 7s as with the 7-fold faceted timeframe of the Church Age that can be seen as a Menorah pattern. This is visualized in the book of Revelation by the LORD Himself depicted as the High Priest in the Heavenly Temple ministering in the midst to the 7 Churches of Lights, even to the end of the Age as He promised. Moreover the prophetic pattern of the ‘Church’ in the wilderness’ can be extrapolated to the Church Age in the following. There were 40 years of wandering before the Assembly could enter the Promised Land. In a typology, the natural self, the flesh and the carnal mind as the Bible metaphorically describes the condition and process of sanctification have to die first before the ‘Church’ can cross over to the Promised Land. A ‘new creation’ is required as much as flesh and bones cannot inherit the Kingdom of YHVH.
To cross over into the ‘Kingdom’, it requires a renewed generation or to be born anew. The number 40 speaks of testing, not judgment. Thus if one applies the Jubilee principle of the 120 years based on the Flood judgment pronounced by the LORD, the following prophetic mathematical equation alludes to how long the Church Age or the Pentecostal Intermission is to last approximately. One interpretation of the 120-year factor is not that it was how long Humanity’s lifespan was to degenerate to but that these were the amount of Jubilees Humanity was to be allotted on the prophetic time clock. A Jubilee count is 50 that in fact corresponds to the Pentecostal count from the First Fruits resurrection of the LORD to the gathering of the 120 Disciples in the Upper Room. Here again 120 is seen as the ‘code’ of the prophetic numerical coefficient used.
40 year Testing x 50 Jubilee count = 2000 years (Church Age)
APR 14, 32 AD - APR 14, 2014 = 1982 year difference
1982 years to 2000 = difference of 18 years (6-6-6)
2014-15 Tetrad - 1982 year coefficient = 32 years (crucifixion year)
Thus this study presents the case that the Church Age is about to conclude in this generation. This is based on 2 possible confirming sign validating this time-span that is based on an astronomical Blood Moon and solar eclipse correlation. The 1st correlation is from the midnight Blood Moon of 32 AD that this study suggests is in fact when the crucifixion day occurred, to the start of the 1st Blood Moon of the 2014-15 Tetrad, exactly 1983 years. The 2nd correlation is that no other Tetrad before or after has a total solar eclipse exactly on the Spring Equinox that is also a Jewish New Year. What the point is that the Tetrad of 2014-15 might very well be the one that is to precede the Day of the LORD as foretold by the prophet Joel as a partial solar eclipse occurs on the Rosh HaShana. This is in essence a ‘code’ for a beginning and end duration of time; perhaps that of the Pentecostal Intermission?
See complete Study by Luis Vega here: http://nebula.wsimg.com/15f640ca324d514f3345ddf312bdcd54?AccessKeyId=D40106E1331C24ABD7C3&disposition=0&alloworigin=1
And accompanying Chart here: http://nebula.wsimg.com/26dea4fb54057b5573a10c13cb419aca?AccessKeyId=D40106E1331C24ABD7C3&disposition=0&alloworigin=1
H. THE JUBILEE PATTERN OF TIME - 120 PENTECOSTAL MARKERS OF HUMAN HISTORY - A Study of the 7-fold Prophetic Age Dispensations
“And Jehovah says, 'My Spirit doth not strive in man -- to the age; in their erring they are flesh:' and his days will have been 120 years.” Genesis 6:3
Luis Vega again provides us a profound study, mapping out the pattern of time relevant to the human race based on the notion of the 120 Jubilee prophetic period of time. This timeline maps-out the dispensation of the Ages of human history is concurrent with the notion of there being a totality of a 7000 year dimension of time and space. The study supports the notion that such dispensations are subject to a factor of the phi ratio, other mathematical variables and Biblical numerical patterns. If such a 120 Jubilee prophetic pattern of time model is valid and reliable, it strongly suggests that Humanity is on the verge of a monumental transition.
The main attribute of the 120 Jubilee pattern of time is that it mirrors the 7-day creation timeframe. This is assuming a linear continuum since the creation of Adam as the point of origin and the beginning of the 120 Jubilee prophetic pattern of time. It is also assuming that the 120 numerical value is referring to Jubilees. In the 120 Jubilee pattern of time model, each 1000 years corresponds to the 1-day of the prophetic ‘re-creation’ day of the literal week of Creation. This principle is well established as the Bible correlates ‘1-day is as a 1000’ in the LORD, etc.
The point is that if such patterns do repeat, then the end of the timeline does suggest when the birth of Israel was to occur (1948) and thus when the Rapture of the Bride is to occur based on a phi ratio of time.
This prophetic time seen in the timeline corresponds to only 1 Feast of YHVH, that of Pentecost. This is true when the spiral phi ratio is pegged from Passover to Pentecost, a 50-day sequence that mirrors the entire 7000 year Jubilee pattern of time.
The findings of the study suggest a logical conclusion that 2015-16 is the prophetic window when the Rapture would or should or could take place.
What the 120 Jubilee pattern of time is further suggesting is that at each juncture, historically, judgment and a deliverance occurred. If Yom Kippur 2015 is the final 120th Jubilee, then it will be a judgment upon the nations and Israel but it will be a deliverance of Christ’s Body (which would be taken out of the way prior to Yom Kippur.
This study also strongly suggests that that within the 3 facets of the 40 Jubilee prophetic timeframe (40+40+40), spanning the entire 120 pattern of time there are 3 corresponding particular Raptures. Two of the Raptures have already taken place, that of Enoch, and Jesus. What remains, if the prophetic pattern is valid and reliable is the Rapture of the Bride at the end of the current 40 Jubilee cycle, which is the last and if it is to correspond with the 120th Jubilee, then the evidence necessitates that it has to occur during the year of 2015-16. This would also correspond to the Jewish year of 5776, the Year of Light. [Note: the Jewish year starts on Rosh Hashanah, thus this is suggesting Rosh Hashanah 2015, the following day being 2016 or 5776 on the Jewish calendar].
Thus this would mean that indeed Yom Kippur of September 23, 10 days from the partial eclipse of September 13, 2015 is the end of the 7th Shmitah and thus the Year of Jubilee would be proclaimed for 5776. Could this mean that the Rapture of the Bride like that of Enoch then could occur just prior to the last 1000 year time-frame to conclude the prophetic Pentecostal and Jubilee patterns? It is exciting to consider such a possibility. One thing is for sure, if the 120 Jubilee year pattern of time is valid and reliable and actually what is going to take place prophetically, then ‘time’ has run out for Humanity. There is no possible notion of perhaps in the next 50 to 100 years in the future; it would not fit the pattern.
See the entire Study at the link:
I. THE SUPER BLOOD MOON - End of the Shmita and Coming World Economic Reset - The Feast of Tabernacles & the 8th Day Assembly 2015
It was the command of YHWH to Israel to uphold a Sabbath Year over the land, people, property and commerce. Israel was unfaithful due to their greed that resulted in the national Judgment and Diaspora of Israel to Babylon for the 10 Shmita’s owed to YHWH. The Shmita is a dichotomy as it has a double application in not only being a blessing of ‘release’ and resetting of debts for example but it can be a curse of undeniable national Judgment to a nation when not kept. The owners and manipulators of the rigged Stock Market that ‘fixed’ the drop of 678 points after 9-11 on September 17, 2001 on a Rosh HaShana and 777 points on 9-29-08 on another Rosh HaShana appear to be ‘coding’ this prophetic Judgment currently impacting the USA and the world at large. This judgment is economically based on the Biblical Shmita law of release and resetting.
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