Rapture Watch 2015
Something very important to consider folks!
The date "Nisan 10" ( biblical name - Abib 10 ) was the day that Israel crossed the Jordan river and entered into the land of promise and blessing. It was also the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey fulfilling the prophecy of Zech. 9:9. And I am sure if you reasearch this date online on "This day in Jewish history" you will find more things associated with this date.
Now, I went to an online date calculator and I went from March 31rst, 2015 ( Nisan 11 ) to September 10th / First Tishri 5779 in 2018 and it is a whopping 1260 days exactly. This span of time could be associated with the first half of the tribulation period ( ? ), and it would make the date of Monday September 10th, 2018 , the Jewish day and date of First Tishri / Rosh HaShanah/ Feast of trumpets" fall right in the EXACT MIDDLE of the tribulation period. Remember that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey on Nisan 10 30 A.D. Look below.
From and including: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 ( Nisan 11, 5775 )
To and including: Monday, September 10, 2018 ( First Tishri / Rosh HaShanah 5779 )
Result: 1260 days
It is 1260 days from the start date to the end date, end date included
Or 3 years, 5 months, 11 days including the end date
Alternative time units
1260 days can be converted to one of these units:
108,864,000 seconds
1,814,400 minutes
30,240 hours
1260 days
180 weeks
Now here are some Hebrew gematria's which could possible have application to the date of Nisan 10 this year?
[ Represents the first 10 days of Nisan )
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 8 + 9 + 10 = 55 Bride
Nisan 10 / Yod = 10 / Nun = 50 Yod = 10 Sameck = 60 Nun [final letter] = 700 / total = 830
5775 Bride / Tav = 400 Shin = 300 Ayin = 70 Hay = 5 / Kaph = 20 Lamed = 30 Hay = 5 / total = 830
Harpazo Bride / Hay = 5 Aleph = 1 Resh = 200 Pe = 80 Aleph = 1 Zayn = 7 Vav = 6 / Kaph = 20 Lamed = 30 Hay = 5 / total = 355
Year / Shin = 300 Nun = 50 Hay = 5 / total = 355
830 Nisan 10 + 830 5775 Bride + 355 Year = 2015
830 Nisan 10 + 830 5775 Bride + 355 Harpazo Bride = 2015
830 Nisan 10 + 355 Year + 830 Nisan 10 = 2015
5775 Bride 830 + 355 Year + 830 5775 Bride = 2015
Lets "speculate" here for just a minute. Here are a couple or so possilities we can consider. I am not saying that things will unfold in the following manner, but once again only that these could be possibilites only at this time ?
( 1. ) What if ( ? ) the solar eclipse on March 20th / first Nisan is the day that the Rapture happens? And that within this ten day period between Nisan 1 to 10 Israel then makes a "covenant with death" which guarantees her security following the Rapture of the Church which has just happened, and of which has brought about "global chaos, terror, panic ( Stock market crash ), uncertainty, and the destablization of the whole earth at large due to this supernatural event. Then 10 days later on Nisan 10 / 11 the tribulation period begins ?
[ Represents the first 10 days of Nisan )
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 8 + 9 + 10 = 55 Bride
( 2. ) What if ( ? ) the solar eclipse on March 20th / first Nisan is a "ten day countdown" ( Warning - Harbinger ) to Nisan 10 where the Rapture could possibly occur? This would leave "seven days" ( counting from the 10th Nisan as day one ) down to April 5th / Nisan 16 / day of First fruits. The "covenant with death" could be made during this seven day period, even perhaps on the very day of Passover ? ( Nisan 14 ), the very day that Jesus died and provided the "new covenant" in His blood. If this scenario happens to be God's plan ( ? ), then according to this scenario the day of "First fruits" on Nisan 16 this year would not apply to the Church ( who would have already been Raptured ), but rather to Israel, and more specifically to those Jews who just got saved during those "seven days", and who could therefore be presented to the Lord as the First fruits ( believing Jews in Yeshua ) who have come to faith in the Messiah at the "early opening" of the tribulation period ? If this was the scenario ( ? ), then it means that the tribulation period would then commence on Nisan 10 / 11 ( Nisan 11 being the first day of the trib ) ?
From and including: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 ( Nisan 11, 5775 )
To and including: Monday, September 10, 2018 ( First Tishri 5779 )..Rosh HaShanah / Feast of Trumpets
It is 1260 days from the start date to the end date, end date included
Therefore, is Nisan 10 / 11 in the year 2015 possibly the beginning of the first 1260 days of the tribulation period in 2015?
Wow! We don't have long to wait in order to find out if either one of these scenario's are correct? And if not, then we will wait and see of the Lord comes for us on April 5th / Nisan 16 / First fruits?
Until He comes!
In Christ, Tom Gaston
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