The Frank and Jack Varra Legacy; Psalm 49:11-14 KJV

This Blog stands as a witness and a testimony that soon all things taken will be restored. Promises made are promises kept by our Lord. Amen! Frank Varra Park Broomfield, Colorado Psalm 49:11-14 KJV Returning to my childhood home which I had left 45 years ago, I was shocked to see the immense changes. I was even more surprised to find myself pulled in by an undertow wave of sadness and depression that clubbed me like a thug. Revisiting the terrible days of knowing my grandfather, Albert Varra's inheritance was never given to his children and their children but somehow, in my opinion from personal observations and multiple interviews with direct parties affected, was taken by others. Our home, property and inheritance and the children of my mother's siblings are gone from apparent record and existence. Now standing instead as a stark reminder is a massive Condo complex on the Via Varra, the mocking reminder of Frank and Jack Varra. ...