Messianic Jewish Insights vs Biblical Insights

Amir Tsarfati on Lamb and Lion Ministries

In the link above we see here again Amir Tsarfati peddling his wares behind the back drop of symbols of mixing and matching Judaism with Christianity. A picture is worth a thousand words:

First, it must be clear that I write in the heart of love among the body of Christ in that love which adheres to the infallible word of God that is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart; in the heart of love serving Him who loved us first and called us unto himself; in the heart of love which demands we use the word of God to speak and exhort, and rebuke with all authority; in the heart of love that loves all scripture we have which is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness so that we Christians may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

A myth the Messianic Jews as well as most Evangelical Christians believe is the Judeo-Christian Values.

A true Christian walk is not founded upon Judeo-Christian values. Truth is, there never has been a Judeo-Christian value associated with a true follower of Jesus Christ. Judeo - Christian history other than Jesus Christ was a Jew and the first Christians were "converted Jews" yes, but to say shared values is not true. Ask any honest Rabbi and they will agree. What has been and does exist is Jewish Heritage and Christian Heritage. But combining the two mutually exclusive religions is heresy for both true Christian and true Jew alike. As Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits puts it, "Judaism is Judaism because it rejects Christianity, and Christianity is Christianity because it rejects Judaism." I'd like to add: The divider: Jesus Christ. Judaism is closer to Islam than it is to Christianity. Please do your own research focused on how Muslims and Jews view Jesus Christ. And actually every Muslim I've ever spoken to has a higher regard for Jesus as compared to every Jew I've ever spoken to. And what angers both Muslim and Jew alike is when we Christians call Jesus Christ God incarnate. Note: For those who claim I am antisemitic or practice replacement theology, both beliefs which I abhor, I invite you to my Blog: "AntiSemitism is not the same as AntiZionism" All false teaching of Dominion Theology, Liberal Social Gospel, Prosperity Gospel, Conservative Evangelical, Pentecost, Apostolic, etc. merge and blur lines that scripture clearly delineates and this includes the false understanding of Judeo-Christian values. Why is this a problem? Please read my Blog: AntiSemitism is NOT AntiZionism to read why the Zionists, the heritage of the Pharisees are behind the movement to bring in the Kingdom of the AntiChrist along with the Conservative Christian Evangelical movement.

Please read the following 3 Blogs to understand what is going on here.

Who are you Amir Tsarfati? - My Brother in Christ or A Ravenous Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

.And Rebuking Lamb and Lion Ministries for Dominion Theology

Messianic Jews have an identity Crisis (and have formed an alliance with Dominion Theology and Ecumenism)


Featured Blogs

Who are you Amir Tsarfati? - My Brother in Christ or A Ravenous Wolf in 'Sheep's Clothing

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