
Showing posts from August, 2017

A Tribute to my Father on the 17th Anniversary of his death

A Tribute to my Father. My great earthly father, Houston Sheets Jr. Passed away 17 years ago on August 15, 2000.  17 in the Bible represents Victory and during this month of refection on my Father I received an email from my great friend, mentor and pastor, Francis Riley. I posted his email below. A few days before dad died,  we talked at his hospital bedside, after he signed a living will that blocked Dr's attempts to keep him alive on life support for his terminal cancer. He told me he wasn't leaving me anything of world value except a rifle and a pair of cowboy boots,  but what he was leaving me was priceless and eternal and that is John 16:13. Dad then made me promise to memorize John 16:13 and to confess "The Spirit of Truth Abides in me and He teaches me all the things and guides me into all truth" and to confess that "I have perfect knowledge and understanding because I have the Spirit of God in me, I have the mind of Christ " Amen! Then, I rem...

Why I'm starting my own HOME CHURCH

To open this Post, I'd like to quote Oswald Chambers. This sums up the background of what compels a believer. Following the quote below I have a short summary. Begin Oswald Chambers quote : The Bewildering Call of God August 5, 2017 The Bewildering Call of God "…and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man will be accomplished."…But they understood none of these things… —Luke 18:31, 34    God called Jesus Christ to what seemed absolute disaster. And Jesus Christ called His disciples to see Him put to death, leading every one of them to the place where their hearts were broken. His life was an absolute failure from every standpoint except God’s. But what seemed to be failure from man’s standpoint was a triumph from God’s standpoint, because God’s purpose is never the same as man’s purpose. This bewildering call of God comes into our lives as well. The call of God can never be understood absolutely or explained externally; it is ...

The Bewildering Call of God by Oswald Chambers

The Bewildering Call of God, by Oswald Chambers  "…and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man will be accomplished."…But they understood none of these things… — Luke 18:31, 34       God called Jesus Christ to what seemed absolute disaster. And Jesus Christ called His disciples to see Him put to death, leading every one of them to the place where their hearts were broken. His life was an absolute failure from every standpoint except God’s. But what seemed to be failure from man’s standpoint was a triumph from God’s standpoint, because God’s purpose is never the same as man’s purpose. This bewildering call of God comes into our lives as well. The call of God can never be understood absolutely or explained externally; it is a call that can only be perceived and understood internally by our true inner-nature. The call of God is like the call of the sea— no one hears it except the person who has the nature of the sea in him. What God calls u...

What about August 2017 Eclipse, September 23rd Sign? #Rapture Watch #Tribulation #Judgement #CCOT

The Lord Jesus Christ

The Lord Jesus Christ “Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 1:1) It is significant that in this first verse of what may have been Paul’s first inspired epistle, he twice identified the Son of God as “the Lord Jesus Christ,” thus giving Him the honor and recognition to which He is entitled. Paul used this “full name” of Christ at least 19 times in the brief Thessalonian epistles, as he often did in his other epistles. Likewise James called himself “a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ” (James 1:1). Jude warned against any who would deny “the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ” (Jude 1:4). Peter began his first epistle with “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:3). John closed the...

God's Promises and God's Law #Grace #Jesus Saves #CCOT

Day by Day by Grace Bob Hoekstra August 2, 2017 Even More on God's Promises and God's Law For the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. For if those who are of the law are heirs, faith is made void and the promise made of no effect. (Romans 4:13-14) These words from the book of Romans provide further consideration of God's promises and God's law. Abraham is again the person around whom the insights unfold. God promised Abraham blessings beyond measure. "Also your descendants shall be as the dust of the earth; you shall spread abroad to the west and the east, to the north and the south; and in you and in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed" (Genesis 28:14). These promises were not contingent upon Abraham's ability to follow God's holy law. "For the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his...