Why is the church in such a mess today? It is not. Read to find out why...
The church is the body of Christ and the Body of Christ sitting in Jesus Christ in Heaven and working the work of the completed work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is not in a mess we the body of Christ are complete and holy in him and our sanctification is being perfected each and every day we are here on this earth. Ephesians 2;6-10 . Amen!
What is in a mess is the brick and mortar buildings and institutions called churches. Rightfully according to the word of God these man made institutions should be in a mess according to scriptures Matthew 13 Kingdom Parables and especially in 2 Timothy chapters 3 and 4 is these are the end times and it the last days apostasy and heresy and false teachers will greatly increase until our redemption. Praise God! Amen!
The following is taken from Dr. Andrew Woods' wonderful book explaining the end time church age and the coming physical kingdom of God. (Note I have some significant exceptions and rebuke some of Dr Wood's doctrine and have pointed it out See my rebuke of Dr. Woods below in link) Nevertheless in most cases Dr Woods gives us a very clear work of the end times and what's happening to the church today:
Here is a quote from Dr Woods, pages 134-137, describing Jesus Christ and the Kingdom parables explaining what is happening to the Church of today.
Begin quote:
Conclusion Looking at all the Matthew 13 parables in their totality should amply demonstrate to an objective reader that the current age cannot be the kingdom. Note Pink’s summation of the contribution that this section of Scripture makes toward a proper understanding of the kingdom: “The evil introduction by Satan at the beginning of this dispensation has never been eradicated, nor will it be till harvest-time. Instead of things getting better, Scripture explicitly declares they will become ‘worse and worse;’ until Christ will ‘spew out’ the whole system that bears His name.”29 Pink’s summary of each parable explains why they fail to convey a “kingdom now” theology: Let us now briefly review the details of these parables. The first represents our Lord still here upon earth, in Servant-form, scattering broadcast the Seed of the kingdom. It intimates the ratio of the Gospel’s success, and forewarns us that only a fractional portion thereof produces abiding results. It makes known, from the human side, the various hindrances which render most of the Seed unfertile. Thus, this parable plainly repudiates the popular delusion which supposes that this age will yet witness a universal reception of the Gospel; it positively forbids any expectation of a millennium brought about by human enterprise or the labors of Christ’s servants. It declares that as the result of the opposition of the devil, the flesh and the world, most of the Seed is either caught away or choked, and general barrenness is the result. Nor is there any hint at the close of the parable that such opposition would cease or that the yield would increase; instead, the Lord affirmed that it would decrease from an hundred-fold down to thirty-fold. The history of the last nineteen centuries has fully corroborated the teaching of this parable and made manifest the fulfillment of Christ’s prediction. Only a fractional proportion of people in any land, state, city, or village really receive the Gospel! Not only is this true in general throughout the world, but it applies with equal force to the religious sphere. Where is the church to-day which can carry on its work if the faithful minority were removed? [In] the second parable . . . though the “tares” were detected, orders were given that they must not be removed; they were to “grow together” with the wheat until the harvest. It is a great pity that many with more zeal than knowledge have ignored this command of Christ’s. This word of His at once exposes the uselessness, worthlessness, and unscripturalness of “reform” movements and efforts. Men have indulged the idle dream that they could improve the world by ridding it of noxious weeds: in other words, by the banishment of drunkenness and immorality, and the purifying of politics—as well might they attempt to purify the waters of the Dead Sea! Christ said, “Let both grow;” do not waste time in seeking to get rid of the “tares.” “Preach the Gospel to every creature” is our marching-order, and due attention to it will leave no time for seeking to root up weeds! Finally, it is blessed to note that the Enemy can neither injure the wheat nor prevent the garnering of it. The sowing of his tares was by God’s permission. [In] the third parable . . . the little mustard-seed developed into a monstrosity, and produced that which gave shelter for the agents of the Devil. Instead of living as strangers and pilgrims here, professing Christians took part in politics and sought to reform the State. Instead of having as their hope the returning Christ, they sought to improve the world, and to such an extent did they imagine they had succeeded, it was announced that the millennium had commenced. The parable of the leaven presents to us something still more tragic. Just as the mustard-tree depicted the outward corruption of the Christian profession, this fourth parable shows us the inward corruption of it. Into the “meal,” which represents the pure doctrine of Christ, a foreign element was stealthily introduced. This was designed to make the food of God’s people lighter and more palatable to the world; but it corrupted the same. The Lord announced that this evil process would continue until the whole was leavened. This cannot be completely realized while the Holy Spirit remains on earth; but how nearly this prophecy has become history shows us how very close at hand must be the time when He will take His departure. . . . The fifth and the sixth parables bring before us the gracious and blessed work of Christ, securing for Himself two Objects which are inexpressibly precious to Him, namely, the “treasure” hid in the field and the “pearl” from the sea; which represent redeemed Israel and the Church of the present dispensation. This gives us the brighter side of things, and shows that, notwithstanding Satan's Divinely-permitted success, Christ shall yet "see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied" (Isa. 53:11)." End Quote from The Coming Kingdom by Dr. Andrew Woods
The great irony of Dr. Woods rightly portraying the current state of the church today and the coming kingdom of heaven, but in his writing also sows leaven in with truth.
See details in this link: LINK
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