WARNING!!! Joel Rosenberg and the Messianic Jews must be told the truth: There is NO PEACE until Jesus Returns
WARNING!!! Joel Rosenberg and the Messianic Jews must be told the truth: There is NO PEACE until Jesus Returns
My Letter to Joel Rosenberg's call for Christian Solidarity in Prayer for Israel #EndTimes #Zionism #Apostasy
Yesterday I emailed the letter in link above to Joel Rosenberg when he
emailed me a letter requesting prayer for Israel. I hope you read it thoroughly to understand the background information including Messianic Jews Identity crisis.
Readers must understand that Joel Rosenberg and most if not all of the Messianic Jews do not believe in Pre-Tribulation Rapture and who actually believe that that the church will go through the time of Jacob's Trouble - The Tribulation - . Rabid false teachers like the fake Jacob Prasch will actually get explosive attacking the Rapture of the Church.
The problem is Joel Rosenberg has a huge audience, many being Evangelicals who blindly follow him in believing his false teaching as I thoroughly discuss in the Blogs in link above. Just as in the time of
Jeremiah the people are being told lies by false prophets that peace
is coming and that Israel will prevail. Please read link above about
are we really to pray for the peace of Jerusalem at this point in
the age of Grace.
Joel and all Messianic Jews and non bible reading Evangelicals need to hear the truth and here is the truth:
What is about to happen here very soon. Millions of people who are truly born again Christians will suddenly vanish from the face of the earth. The age of
Grace will end and the restrainer - The Holy Spirit - will be removed from the earth. At this time all HELL literally will break loose on earth. This is planned by God known as the TIME OF JACOB'S TROUBLE. Most of the inhabitants
remaining on earth will be destroyed by either war, famine, plague, earthquakes, rocks falling from the sky, etc., and ultimately from the AntiChrist. Only a remnant will be saved and protected until Jesus Returns.
This entire period of time is written for us in Revelation of Jesus Christ from Chapter 6 through 19.
The Jewish people need to know there is no peace until after the time of
the tribulation known as the time of Jacob's Trouble.
I can't say that I understand the end times well; I grew up in the amillennial tradition and then as an adult began learning about the premillennial interpretation. I find support for both in Scripture. As my boyhood buddy (now a pastor) would say, this is not a salvation issue. It is, however, an important one. There's a nugget "hidden" in I Chronicles 12:32: "men of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do." Oh, for more men like that today!
ReplyDeleteI strongly agree with what you wrote here: "This does not mean that 100% of every Jew be saved, but the remnant whom God has called out be saved... I can't find him [Paul] praying that God destroy the godless Roman Legions. I also know that Jesus didn't pray for God to hold back and protect Jerusalem from what He saw clearly coming." I especially like the second part, as Jesus repeatedly warned the Israelites of His day what was coming. For example, in Matthew 24:2, He says, "Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down."
Thank you, brother, as always, for your thoughtful post!
Thank you for your comment Brother Keith. Amen! This subject has been very heavy on my heart for some time now. As an American I ask these dual citizens like Rosenberg. When push comes to shove,, which country does his absolute loyalty belong? I think we all know the truth. As always I look forward to hearing your thoughts. God bless you and yours.