Amir TSARFATI, What have you done?
See links in notes below where I exposed Amir Tsarfati
Sadly - I received many attacks by his low informed - obviously non bible reading followers. I feel led to share one such comment from one of his followers in notes below for the purpose of showing my readers just how lost many of his devout followers are. Notice that not one of these followers of Amir will attack directly with proof of what I write but rather call my writing vomit etc and attack me personally. Another vivid sign. And finally, it must be noted that many of these people deleted their comments after posting.
Now - three years later - I am most persuaded in the spirit of Truth to address this issue and post this as an eternal witness and testimony to Amir Tsarfati's false teaching and to provide in depth detail as to why his words prove him to be a Judaizer as well as a false teacher and charlatan who preaches a false gospel - all included in links below.
Amen! Maranatha!
Why the Word CHRISTIAN is a BIG DEAL
The word Christian began with the very first century church. It is found in scripture three ( 3 ) times - Three in the Bible is Divine Perfection as contrasted with Spiritual Perfection of the number 7.
The deepest meaning of Christian comes down to this: All SCRIPTURE - The WORD MADE FLESH IN THE WASHING OF THE BLOOD - SALVATION - THE GOSPEL given as a treasure to earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. 2 Corinthians 4:7 KJV Amen!
A Christian is someone who has been saved and now belongs to Jesus Christ. A Christian is now an AMBASSADOR.
Why is the word, "Christian" connected to SALVATION? When we are God’s children which was only made possible by Jesus Christ dying on the Cross for our sins - We Christians cannot be charged with sin. We are the ass who has been redeemed by the lamb. That perfect and final sacrifice of the Messiah, The Anointed One - Who IS the innocent lamb of God who takes away our sins -
Read my Blog: Come meet my Kinsman Redeemer.
Why is this such a big deal to me personally and should be to any Christian?
The Oxford English Dictionary tells us in pages 407 - 408 That the word Christian began from the scriptures
Acts 11:26 KJV, Acts 26:28 KJV, 1 Peter 4:16KJV
The actual word Christian literally means: A follower of Christ: A believer in Christ Jesus and the meaning is as follows:
Christ Latin: Christ-us Christ; Xristos - Christos - Greek
G5546 Χριστιανός - Strong's Greek Lexicon Number follower of Christ; Christian meaning the translation directly from HEBREW משיח
The Messiah or Lord’s anointed whose advent was the subject of Jewish prophecy and expectation.
Amir must answer to God when standing before John 10:24 KJV John 10:25, 26, 27 KJV. He as the Pharisees has been told That THE CHRIST is JESUS CHRIST. And the meaning of Christ from which the word Christian was derived in the first century church means:
The title given to Jesus of Nazareth - The embodying and the fulfilment of Messianic prophecy and expectation since the earliest Christian times as a proper name.
The word Christian is derived from Christ Jesus as the divinely appointed Ruler and Savior. See notes below as to how the word Christian literally means someone who is:
The word Christian comes from Antioch and is recorded in 2 accounts in scripture in the book of ACTS and in 1 Peter.
Fully a person who has been called. Read carefully, study and meditate on Ephesians Chapter 1 KJV. AMEN!
Let’s examine carefully the meaning of the word Christian and its beginning.
First: Is the word Christian really important? Is it written in scripture? The answer is Yes on both accounts to witness:
Acts 11:26 KJV, Acts 26:28 KJV, 1 Peter 4:16KJV
Note: The perverted Bible translations like the NIV say, “at” Antioch. At vs In is essential in that it proves that the Christian word began (was conceived and created) precisely IN Antioch and NOT an area generally defined near Antioch. Study the differences between these two prepositions in context.
Also, although the church by all records officially began in Judea.
It is incredible to note that the word Christian began IN Antioch and NOT JERUSALEM.
Why? Amir, it was Jerusalem where the great persecution of the church and the victims fled from.
Where did they flee and find refuge? ANTIOCH. The far worse threat to Christianity was the immense hatred of the Jews against Christianity. Those who were of persuasion to learn of Christianity and perform the practice of following Jesus Christ’s teachings and even accept him as their Messiah, still held on closely to the law keeping of the Mosaic Covenant. These were the Judaizers who fought so strongly and caused such deep division and problems in the first century church.
It was at Antioch that Paul got in Peter’s face withstood him and rebuked him sharply in public and the issue of Judaizer had to be resolved finally in Jerusalem at the council in Jerusalem afterwards. Read this in Galatians 2:11 KJV and in the book of Acts. Paul never was fully accepted by the Jewish Christians (what we’d call Messianic Jews of today) until the Council at Jerusalem when Peter (after his amazing experiences with Cornelius the Roman Centurion and James, half-brother to Jesus and the Father of the church at Jerusalem fires off a powerful speech in Acts 15:13-21 in which he quotes Amos 9:11-12 KJV (The Gentiles coming into the faith is based on scripture and not on the personal whim of Paul.).
Amir, could this be the deep-rooted dislike - distaste you have for the word?
Let’s look even closer at the word Christian in the Bible. We see the perverted translation like the NASB write:
“...the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.
FIRST - ADVERB Strongs: G4412
The King James Version translation in both letter and spirit have the exact correct meaning and grammar usage of Acts 11:26 KJV
The KJV says: “the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.
From the 13th through the late 18 th century the Adverb FIRST is always used after - AT THE END - of the direct object noun and NOT before it.
In oxford English dictionary page 1007 FIRST ADVERB used after the past participle in context of AT THE FIRST - referenced in context of an event created or conceived in the time and place (on that day in Antioch) then and not earlier/ The major Emphasis must be the Direct Object Noun: CHRISTIANS and not the serving Adverb FIRST.
Note: the rule for using the adverb to modify a verb: Whichever word is more important in emphasis goes first. Look: First Called Christians…. Called Christians First…
The KJV Showcases the word Christian as the Main idea that was first used. The NASB showcases the word first to emphasize that the FIRST time the word was used.
The KJV follows the word order of the original Greek and Hebrew Manuscripts. There’s a purpose in word order and why word order does matter.
The foul NASB actually says in Acts 26:28 NASB : Hey Paul your speech is almost going to make me make myself a Christian... (What??? Make a Christian of myself.)
]In a short time you are going to persuade me to [b]make a Christian of myself.”
NIV Look at this pervesion: Hey Paul, do you think you can persuade me to be a Christian?
“Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?”
ESV Hey Paul in this short time do would you really try to make me a Christian?
And Agrippa said to Paul, “In a short time would you persuade me to be a Christian?”[a]
KJV Hey Paul, WOW You've almost convinced me to believe and be a Christian.
Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.
Out of all the perverted translations it is only the KJV that correctly translates this correctly in context. Paul was so compelling in his speech, his witness for JESUS CHRIST as A CHRISTIAN that Agrippa said, "Wow! you almost persuade me to become a Christian. The word persuade is extremely strong in meaning to convince to cause to believe. Read in notes below why Bible translations do matter. And why the KJV is the Final Authority.When Christ Jesus is denied or rejected or covered, the Nicolaitan (a hunter of men’s souls - to conquer the people with religion) like Amir is virtually building back the middle wall described in Ephesians 2:14 - 22 KJV.
It is here I implore Amir to stop and search himself. Examine himself before God. This is a very private moment and I plead with him to ask God to examine his heart and to confess this before God. We are at the end of this age. Judgement comes soon.
Certainly, we in the body of Christ acknowledge the truth in God's word:
That God and God alone judges and knows the heart of man and makes that ultimate and final decision of who goes to the BEMA SEAT Judgement 1 Corinthians 3:13-16 KJV) The saved who are taken up in the Rapture and appear before Jesus Christ to receive their rewards) and the GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT Revelation 20 KJV (Those who are lost and will be brought up from Hell and appear before God at the Great White Throne Judgement and after receiving the final judgement from God himself are cast by the angel into the eternal lake of fire.
And yet we witness those who say they are Jews and are not but Nicolaitans who want to conquer the people with Religion and in this case your very own brand of religion that denies the blood, that denies those who are disciplined in the absolute doctrine of Jesus Christ. Beware of what is written also of the doctrine of Balaam. I urge you to study this, search your heart. All scriptures referenced here are included in Revelation 2:9,14, 15 KJV.
Amir: Do you wish to remain in a neutral corner not identifying yourself openly as A Christian but rather a Jew - but perhaps not the Jew identified as rejecting Jesus? Perhaps an Israeli Arab using the name Jew to sell your merchandise to Christians.
We witness the works of iniquity and are commanded to call them out
We see the Saints are witness and testament to scripture as written in 2 Timothy 4:2-4 KJV and Titus Chapters 1 and 2. KJV.
As I continue:
Those who have been called Christians are truly not Christian. Perhaps this is a catharsis of Amir who knows to himself he must be true and hopes his followers can follow him as the blind leading the blind into the pit the way the Pharisees did. Read carefully Matthew 23 which precedes Matthew 24. It's not a coincidence.
What say ye Amir to 2 Corinthians 2:15 -16 KJV? Why is the word Christian such an offense to you?
What say ye Amir to 2 Corinthians 4:3-5 KJV? If you want to snuff out the light of the GOSPEL as living in these earthen vessels called Christians, do you realize this light is HID to them that are lost because the god of this world has blinded their eyes?
What say ye Amir to 2 Corinthians 5:17-19 KJV? How would you identify yourself as an Ambassador for Christ if you deny the very name CHRIST by denying those who are of Christ which identifies the entire mission and purpose of Christ Jesus which is the GOSPEL. Note: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV is the Gospel. Period!
Who are you - Amir Tsarfati?
Who are you Amir Tsarfati? - My Brother in Christ or A Ravenous Wolf in 'Sheep's Clothing (
Messianic Jews are the modern day JUDAIZERS of today
NOTE: Just as the Pharisees attacked Jesus Christ by refusing the see the truth behind what Jesus spoke so do followers who are blind being led by the blind.
Here is my response: After reading your sincere comment, I had a flashback to the summer of 2006 of where I was walking out of the Los Angeles Convention Center while attending the centennial of the Azusa Street Pentecostal Revival. See why at the end:
Sincerely dear Debbie, I welcome and appreciate your comments. Yes Ma'am seriously, You've nailed it. Every detail. The very essence of the Amir allure (please seriously research the word allure) the Amir charisma and his boldness for Christ, love of Israel, achieving peace through strength, his eschatology his conservative stance,etc etc... are what I also truly admire. I am with you and countless others, especially women and young people and neocons... Reality check here however. . I'm a born again Christian of many years wrought by trials, tribulations, sorrow and to the knee-driven hard lessons. I'm also an educated, well traveled retired US Navy officer. I've traveled all over world lived for years in foreign countries. Speak 2 languages, etc. Recently came back from a 6 year mission in Vietnam. I have always traveled to learn first hand what's out there. Even if it has caused me problems. For example, I was almost gang raped by a pack of arab boys in old Jerusalem's Arab quarter when I was 16 yrs old after I ditched my boring tour group to really learn Jerusalem. If a young female Israeli soldier had not aggressively intervened, it would not have ended well. A very powerful true story. I literally saw that 18 yr young woman turn into a lion, before my very eyes. About 3 of the older boys were not going to give up their fresh catch. But even their ravenous lust decided their lives were more important… Back on point, You missed my entire point of my Blog. I'm certainly not jealous of Amir. No, … far from it, and thus the dilemma. I thought I had made it clear in the Blog, I really admire him...BUT!!! I Have an unrelenting, strong, unequivocal, assurance from my intuition (please study the faculty of spirit and how intuition operates from a biblical perspective 1968 edition of The Spiritual Man by Watchman Nee ) through spiritual discernment of the Holy Spirit (yes I am a saved Christian) applied by mental examination with prayer in biblical application 2 Timothy 4:2-5, That Amir Tsarfati is: 1: a Ravenous Wolf making merchandise of low informed sheeple who are not deep searching Bereans.
God sells and it's big business. That's why it would be good to study why Jude 1:11 has 3 people named for a purpose. So, from both experience and I mean lots of experience, Amir is a Charlatan.
Amir mixes false teaching as in Jeremiah's time before the Babylonians sacked Jerusalem.
- Traveler Andrew Sheets