BP Earthwatch EXPOSED, Another self-appointed TRIBULATION False Prophet


To all you BP Earthwatch followers of his biblical belief

Amos 5:18

“Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light.”

King James Version (KJV)

Hosea 4:6

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”

                                                                 2 Timothy 4:2-4

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Note:  The great irony is BP Quotes Hosea 4:6 and 2 Timothy 2:15

We are to study God's word by rightly dividing the word of truth 

2 Timothy 2:15

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

King James Version (KJV)

Understand the Bible - From a Workman Approved unto God by His Grace (thethirdheaventraveler.com)



Yesterday I watched his WEATHER REPORT and was shocked to see his PREACHING - even though he is adamant he's not a preacher.


But this is serious because of these stats in the number of people that Jesse - BP Earthwatch reaches and who follow and support him.

The Real BPEarthWatch (@therealbpearthwatch) YouTube stats shows that the channel has 148K subscribers count and 25.6M views with 1575 videos uploaded.

BP Earthwatch BPEarthWatch NOT to be confused with Earth Watch. Org is another fear porn charlatan who pimps out survival equipment and any other money making enterprise that comes along.

Admittedly, he does decent weather and news updates, but his agenda is quite sinister as I discovered last night after watching him talk to his audience of thousands in that deep Texas drawl.

It was all I could do to listen to the garbage after the weather report. I honestly am beyond shocked this man had over 500 positive, fawning, slobbering comments by blind followers in only a few hours after he had posted. He's pushing over 150,000 subscribers who - I found out by their rabid response to me - follow him like their JIM JONES.

People, RUN away from this false Prophet. This foul reprobate in the faith by the name of Jesse has no knowledge of scripture, especially eschatology. He is among the many who peddle survival gear, food, Radiation and EMP, water, solar panels. But his key product is FEAR PORN provided under the smooth deep Texas drawl of breaking news and weather reports.

Jesse has gone the way of Cain, Balaam, and Kore who found and chase filthy lucre by their own religion using God to serve their need. Jude 1:11 KJV.

He is admittedly NOT a preacher, but he started preaching after he gave us the weather in the video above. And man, I had to climb up on my couch because the sewage got so deep, and it doesn't stop until he finishes at about 21 minutes.

This false teacher believes the Church will go through the Tribulation and with his smooth, deep Texas drawl is luring tens of thousands of people into actually looking forward to their testing during the Tribulation. I watched his video and was appalled that he is teaching that the scripture provided in 1 Peter Chapter 2 is applying to the church "DURING THE TRIBULATION" and that we are to anticipate this with humility and calm, based on the strength of Jesus Christ.

See Notes on the Biblical TRUE Timeline of the End Times.

See Notes on Israel - The Church and End Times Prophecy

His bizarre understanding of the 2/3 of the Angels who did not rebel with Lucifer are somehow connected to or are actually the Christians who believe as he does that they are called, chosen by God as Royal Priests to lay down their weapons and get ready to fight as Peter learned to lay down his sword. I guess Jesse didn't read Jesus telling his disciples to go sell their cloak and buy a sword. Luke 22:36. Another teaching for another day.

Jesse appears to get his wrapped theology from the heretic Arnold Murray of Shepherd's Chapel in Arkansas. See links below exposing his outrageous heretical teaching and beliefs. A few major are salvation - a different gospel, the serpent seed (Satan had sex with eve), Amillennialism and teaching that the scripture of Pretribulation Rapture is from hell and those who believe this will be bound in the Tribulation and cursed. It appears he was also a racist, antisemitic, and charlatan fleecing the flock.

See notes below on comments on of his rabid followers sent me to give you an idea of how misled they are. Also note my response to her. I have removed her name.


The Biblical Timeline 

The End-TimeLine #Rapture #Tribulation #EndTimes (thethirdheaventraveler.com)

The Church - Israel  One in Christ  End Time Events

The Bride - The Wife - The Church - One in Israel - One in Christ (thethirdheaventraveler.com)

A few of the many links exposing the heretical beliefs of Arnold Murray of Shepherd's Chapel

The Heresy of Arnold Murray (deceptioninthechurch.com)

Are the teachings of Arnold Murray and Shepherd’s Chapel biblical? | GotQuestions.org

What Are Some Facts About the Life of Pastor Arnold Murray? (reference.com)



  1. Outstanding. Thank you I will check it out.

  2. Comment from a sister in Christ:

    Greetings from TX (by way of CO - SW Littleton for 15 years). I'm a sister-in-Christ who was looking for insights re "BPEarthwatch" (Jesse). I just listened to your video discounting these 2 individuals (esp. BPEW). BP Earthwatch EXPOSED, Another self-appointed TRIBULATION False Prophet (rumble.com) I read some of the comments underneath this Rumble video; most were very supportive of him and were against your critique of him. I'm somewhat familiar with the other individuals you mentioned (Paul Begley & Amir Tsarfati). I'm no cult follower of anyone on earth. I tend to believe these types in "Christendom" support and push one another's books, promotional materials, and false eschatology -- mainly to enrich themselves, while promoting a works-based gospel (leading people astry through fear and other methods).

    I happened upon a BPEarthwatch video yesterday and decided to listen because the title caught my attention (I only "knew" of "BP" as an amateur YTube weatherman). The Greatest Lie In History. - YouTube The comments underneath his video are quite disturbing (most agree with his "findings"). The "lie" he revealed was that Paul, the Apostle (who we know was persecuted over and over as a "bond-servant" of Christ) was a "False" prophet. I clicked off the video soon after. BP's vitriolic stance, for me, wasn't just against Paul, but against the Good News (Grace through faith), the core understanding, tenet, and assurance of our Salvation.

    Earlier on in this video, BP mentioned that he resides in central Mississippi (which is the reason for his prominent southern drawl). My family has lived in Texas on and off for more than 2 decades (near a large city). Though I hear TX drawls here and there, there are more out-of-state transplants here than in MS (my father/birth family was stationed in Biloxi for 2 years back in the 70s). I struggled to understand their deep southern drawls and accents back then. I know many Christians tend to tune into BP's weather reports (but I haven't). As far as Paul Begley is concerned, this "huckster" always appeared to be a "strange bird" to me, with his attention-grabbing antics and salesman mannerisms. No cult following here.

    As Believers, it's vital we seek the Father for His wisdom and TRUTH (to discern false doctrines and to avoid deception and liars). I believe we're at the end (just before our rapture/rescue out of this evil world), PTL! I felt compelled to leave organized "religion" (began as a S. Bapt. and then non-denominational -- but because of allowing the world to creep into most congregations, I was finding that many who present as "pastors"/"elders"/"ministry leaders" tend to twist Scripture verses out-of-context and apply them in error. There has also been a concerted effort to deny the one TRUE Gospel of Grace (and denigrate all those who believe the revelation given to the Apostle, Paul and in the "New Covenant"). He was deeply persecuted for his faith and our Savior's message (through Paul) has been a balm for any who are brokenhearted, poor of spirit, and have been weakened or almost destroyed by the darts of the enemy (through his agents on earth). It makes me angry to know that the Grace of our Savior is so easily trampled upon and dismissed by these charlatans and their followers. We cannot and must not ADD to anything our Redeemer has done FOR us. He requires BELIEF and not "filthy rags" of our own making. We can be assured that the Father sees and knows the heart of all. The only "work" required for our Salvation is to "Believe on the One Whom He sent" (John 6:29). We are assured that none of His sheep will be "lost", but will (know and 'hear' His voice). The others are but tares and enemies of Christ (who "teach" another gospel).

    Have a blessed day in the Lord, and continue the good "fight" of shining the light in the darkness, brother.

    1. Thank you dear Sister. To God be the Glory, Forever, Amen! Even so, Come, Lord Jesus. Maranatha!

  3. There is a video out there (from about 2014) that plays the audio of Jesse from BP stating that the OT was written by satan. I heard it myself. How I found it was through a search of Paul Begley (I think if you Google Paul Begley is a fraud and fish through many of the videos that the search produces, you will find it).

  4. WoW !!! YOu know, I'm not surprised. Thank you for sharing. Yes, Paul Begley is a fraud and a charlatan false teacher.

  5. I listened first to bp for weather and thought he was off key in his faith and just didn't listen to those videos. But last week he put out an Ezekiel 13 video and crucified apostle paul as a false teacher and bragged on his vegetarianism for 20 years. I was aghast at his accusations. But worse were the very many who agreed with him. It grieved me so much, especially the arrogance to cast the men who canonized scripture as charlatans and that bp and his followers had the true knowledge. In some ways it sounded like 7th day adventists but he never admitted he was one. Makes sense why they would deny paul as true because paul would consider forcing such religious practices as bondage. I read where vegetarians suffer mental health issues, and could that be part of their problem.

    1. Thank you very much for your comment. Amen! And interesting insight and commentary to consider. I believe for me personally, the most disturbing part of BP Earthwatch - Jesse - is how many rabid followers he has. Let me tell you the hate mail I get exposing this REPROBATE Jess is astounding. It is tragic to see how many blind and lost souls there are that call themselves Christians. We are indeed in the last days. Thank you again. God bless you.

    2. To Deny Paul’s Gospel is to Deny Jesus Christ (thethirdheaventraveler.com)

      Whoever denies Paul's Gospel Denies Jesus Christ



  6. To money hungry now, he's selling crap through his website that's trash and his blind followers fall for it.

  7. Thank you for your comment. I pray people wake up.


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