
For those who are sadly too lazy to actually read the Blog and study your King James Bible with a good dictionary OR English is NOT your first language: Follow these very simple steps: 1. Go to https://www.thesaurus.com/. (To find the synonyms for words) 2. Enter into the search: REPENT. You’ll clearly see there are words like: DEPLORE, DENOUNCE, CASTIGATE, IMPOSE PENALTY, CONDEMN. Example: Genesis 6:6 KJB: ..."it REPENTETH (suffix in King James = extreme superlative form of the verb. See my study in how to study the King James Bible) the Lord that He had made man."... Replace repenteth with it greatly deplored the Lord... de·plore (verb) feel or express strong disapproval of (something): Genesis 6:7 KJB: And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created..." Deplore - in this context = Castigate Impose Penalty = CONDEMN = Destroy. When the past participle of the verb is used with a noun - pronoun IT. It means the extreme disapproval caused - instigated DIVINE JUDGMENT. 

If this is still not clear, please email me at vietrandy@gmail.com.

1 Corinthians 2:10-16

King James Version

10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.

16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ.


My response to the Question: "If God is perfect, why did he REGRET creating humanity and cause a flood in Genesis 6:5,6?

Back in January 2022, I received the following question on Quora in the Space:  "Discussing Jesus".

Question: If God is perfect and never makes mistakes, why did he REGRET creating humanity and cause a flood in Genesis 6:5 and Genesis 6:6?   

I of course realized they were using a perverted Bible translation because they say REGRET and not the correct word (REPENTED).  Here's the King James Bible:

Genesis 6:5-8 King James Bible:

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

My Response:

Answer: The King James Bible does NOT say God regretted creating humanity. What Genesis 6:5,6 KJV says is: God avenged himself by authorizing his divine punishment because of the evil deeds of humanity.

We arrive at this interpretation by using sound hermeneutics (see notes below on what really constitutes hermeneutics including using the proper Bible Translation which in this case is the KING JAMES Bible as The Final Authority.

Genesis 6:5-6

King James Version

5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

And it REPENTED H5162 (hithpael stem Reflexive of nāḥam nâcham, נָחַם : Rue: To affect oneself nâcham, by causing one to AVENGE ONESELF nāḥam - because of the misdeeds of creation) the LORD H3068 that he had made H6213 man H120 on the earth H776, and it grieved H6087 him in a bad sense) to anger: —Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/strongs/H6087at H413 his heart H3820 (The Soul determination of will, emotion). 

The Father is Spirit and functions as the SOUL within Jesus Christ.

See study on the Godhead is Biblical - The Trinity is PAGAN BAAL Worship of Polytheism.

Trinity is Pagan Practice of Polytheism in Mainstream Christianity #EndTimes #Apostasy (thethirdheaventraveler.com)

Who is Jesus Christ? Godhead versus Trinity by Cameron Moshfegh (thethirdheaventraveler.com)

In other words: God didn’t regret his creation, but rather God was deeply angered and determined to avenge himself (reflexive stem of hithpael of the verb nacham) of the misdeeds and activity of what was and had happened to his creation by the corruption of the Nephilim and the evil in the land. In the vernacular God says he's going to drop the hammer on these people. 

**The Oxford English Dictionary hard copy page 2,495 states that the use of the word repent in the past participle (it repented) means the state of being PENITENT. Context: penitent. Imposed expiation (reparation of guilt/recompense) of an offence. Intended for the PENAL treatment of a crime. Prescribing PUNISHMENT for an offence (page 2117). INFLICTING PUNISHMENT. And technically: “To make or declare an action LEGALLY PUNISHABLE”. In the context of Genesis 6:5,6 KJV: DIVINE JUDGEMENT AND VENGENCE. **

When we compare scripture with scripture IN PROPER CONTEXT taking repented in the 3rd person subject pronoun with past tense/past participle, in each and every example compared to Genesis 6:5,6 KJV the meaning is REPENTED HITPAEL Reflexive with nâcham. To be deeply affected by the actions of another to cause God to take vengeance FOR THE PURPOSE OF AVENGING ONESELF for the action of the people in accordance with his predestined plan and perfect will.


Since God is NOT a man and can NOT lie or change his mind or REPENT (H162) we see the verb REPENT 1 Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19 KJV . In these scriptures, REPENT is clarifying the subject.

It’s shocking that some false teachers actually say that God repented instead of it (3rd person) repented meaning the people’s action affected the Lord by causing Him to avenge himself in anger by prescribing punishment for the offense.

There are scriptures as Exodus 32:14 KJV that actually say< The Lord repented H162 of the evil which he thought to do unto his people. Again comparing scripture with scripture, it is clear nâcham, Reflexive Rue To Avenge Oneself by taking action against someone because of the activity of mankind.

This is why if you set Exodus 32:14 KJV and harmonize with Numbers 23:19 KJV

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: H5162 hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

It repented the Lord in the King James Bible is so misinterpreted and mangled by so many teachers. Most reference this meaning to mean: “the pain of divine love”. Some actually have the audacity to translate this as relented or be moved by pity, regret.

  1. to be sorry, rue, suffer grief, repent REGRET We see that the meaning in CONTEXT here is to REGRET and be broken in contrition to repent: to be sorry for.

This is not what proper exegesis proves, but rather it means: “to cause the Lord’s soul to be strongly affected by the actions of mankind to cause him to enact ACTION TO AVENGE HIMSELF. Just spend some time reading Jeremiah and Ezekiel. God does not play games.

After God acts TO AVENGE HIMSELF. This effect of this is what causes the shift or CHANGE in His current dispensation of plan of man’s governance to a new covenant with Noah in accordance with His perfect will to restore the fellowship of his creation that had been hijacked by Satan through intermingling of the fallen ones with human women. He is prescribing the severe punishment for the offense in order to bring his plan into effect.

This brought about God’s extreme dissatisfaction with the activity and corruption of the fall to His past action of creating man because of the extreme dissatisfaction with the actions of His creation. This means that at this point, God in his omniscient, infinite knowledge put HIS PERFECT DIVINE CHANGE through Dispensations to ultimately be the REDEMPTION of mankind through Jesus Christ.

FROM HERE WE WILL SEE THAT THE PERFECTION OF CHANGE IS NOT GOD CHANGING HIS MIND IN A CARNAL SENSE OF LYING (God cannot lie Numbers 23:19, 2 Samuel 22:31, Deuteronomy 32:14, Psalms 19:7, 18:30 KJV) BUT RATHER GOD CHANGING HIS PLAN OF REDEMPTION precisely as His word speaks it would to address the serpent in Genesis 3 KJV: “and I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed, it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” (Jesus Christ born of the Virgin will conquer death (spiritual) and ultimately physical when we’re in our new bodies). 


God never makes a mistake and is perfect. To SHOW US the foreshadow of GRACE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. To prove his perfect divine design and plan; His perfect will and ultimate full restoration of that which was created on the 6th day (imperfection) would ultimately at the end of this age find perfection and perfect rest on the 7th day (perfection) through CHRIST JESUS our Kinsman Redeemer through.

From the fall in the Garden through the ages, including our current dispensation of GRACE we find this perfect restoration and rest - spiritually by and through CHRIST JESUS our Kinsman Redeemer. In the meantime, we fight the good fight waiting for our blessed hope for that day we will be like him in our glorified bodies and be with Him forever. Titus 2:13 KJV. AMEN! HALLELUJAH! MARANATHA!

God and His Law are PERFECT. Mankind created with a free will WHO WILL ALWAYS choose after his carnal nature - the very dust - dirt from which he was created. Study this terrible dilemma as presented by the apostle Paul in Romans 7:19 KJV.

Take a look at the incredible significance of man and the number 6. In the Bible, the number 6 represents man. But even deeper 6 ultimately represents mankind under Satan. Here is a more complete list from Bible Study Org: The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 6

In the Bible, the number 6 symbolizes man and human weakness, the evils of Satan and the manifestation of sin. Man was created on the sixth day. Men are appointed 6 days to labor.

A Hebrew slave was to serve six years and be released in the 7th year. Six years were appointed for the land to be sown and harvested. The number 6 is also associated with Satan in his temptation of Jesus.

The bringing together of three 6's is the number and mark of the end time Beast of Revelation. As such, it represents the very best system of governance that mankind can produce without God and under the constant influence of his chief adversary.

Also notice that God rested from all his creation on the 7th Day. 7 in the Bible is PERFECTION.

Summary: In the beginning, God created man “Create him in “OUR” own image. Godhead (which Jesus Christ is the visible image of God who is invisible, and no man has seen). Likewise, we are one visible body comprised of an invisible spirit and soul. Read further below for additional information of the BODY SOUL AND SPIRIT of mankind created in the image of God.

Because our carnal body was created from dirt, God knew our carnal nature would “change” from walking uprightly in righteousness and fellowship with God to open rebellion. God in His perfect wisdom knows man would ultimately need redemption by design - created from dirt - preferring to choose the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But after the fall, God gives mankind his plan of redemption which is Jesus Christ. Compare Genesis 2:16,17 KJV: God commands Adam NOT to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Consequence would be DEATH. (Spiritual death).

Now read Genesis 3:22 KJV: “Look man is become “as one of “US” (The Godhead). At creation man was created in the image. Now after disobedience, man has now become “as” God. Note: the preposition “as” is used here to clearly denote THE CHANGE OF man’s role to be like God but certainly not the same as God divinely speaking.

We see man CHANGE into a different creature and entirely different function in relation to God. Since God is perfect and infinite, he must then adjust or CHANGE his DISPENSATION Plan from Innocence before the FALL to now conscience after the FALL.

However, because of Adam and Eve’s descendants being intermingled with the fallen angels Genesis 6:4 KJV - corrupted seed, we see God’s need to CHANGE to employ a new dispensation of redemption through FAITH IN PROMISE given to Abraham. God made this change and promise to Abraham while Abraham was in a deep sleep and God walked between the parted sacrificed animal carcasses. There is an entire study on this alone proving how God is showing fallen man that he is completely incapable of regaining the fellowship man had before the fall and will inevitably choose death.

Following the Exodus from Bondage God which shockingly proved that the Israelites preferred to be in bondage of Egypt than follow God, God appointed Moses to dispense the dispensation of the LAW. During the nearly two thousand years from Moses to Jesus Christ we witnessed how the Law proves how perfect and just God is and how IMPOSSIBLE it is for fallen man to comply perfectly with the law.

Then Jesus Christ came to earth and God incarnate to usher in the new change of the Dispensation of the KINGDOM. After Jesus Christ was rejected, crucified, and rose again, and later ascended to heaven, The Apostle Paul was given the revelation of the GOSPEL OF GRACE also understood as the Dispensation of Grace of which we currently exist.


I’ve learned over the years to apply these simple rules: 3 rules of 1. CONTEXT (to include full background, the proper Dispensation, e.g. who is being addressed and for what purpose, i.e., conscience, faith, law, kingdom, grace) 2. EXEGESIS (to include proper grammar - syntax, semantics, style - allegorical or literal, historical background in context, original language, and SCRIPTURE with SCRIPTURE (taking scripture and comparing with other scripture. )

REMEMBER; Scripture is the best interpretation of scripture to “extract out the meaning INSTEAD of injecting into one’s own interpretation through the vain imagination of man’s philosophy.

For a detailed study on why the King James Bible is the final authority please email me.

Just look at a few modern translations of how they word Genesis 5:5,6 The NASB says God was sorry. The NIV, ESV and the Catholic Bible says he regretted it. It is only the KJV that gives an accurate description. Note: The purpose here is not to get into Bible translations, but to show that Bible translations are hugely important and only the KJV is the most accurate. The translations older than the 1611 KJV like the Geneva and Tindale of which the KJV committee used extensively and in consideration under the command and authority of King James I /IV of England are accurate but not as thorough. And a few later translations like Wesley and Douay-rheims use similar words but take serious misguided liberties in others.

For even a more complete and deeper understanding of Genesis 6:5-6 KJV we have to understand that mankind was created by God in HIS IMAGE Genesis 1:26,27, 2:7 KJV which means - scripture with scripture - that Jesus Christ created man John 1:3, Colossians 1:16 KJV. Jesus Christ IS the visible image of God. Jesus Christ is the fulness of the GODHEAD bodily. Colossians 1:15 KJV, 2:15 KJV. For the solid based bible research please read about GODHEAD vs TRINITY. I have the links in my Blog link: Come Meet My Kinsman Redeemer.

Understanding Godhead here is important to know who is speaking to whom within the context of Genesis chapter 6 which is directly related to creation and fall of man in the garden (Genesis 1 - 3).

Come Meet my Kinsman Redeemer


Now that we understand that Jesus is speaking to himself in plural (Godhead)

This is why God said: Jacob I love, but Esau I hated. Even after the flood there was a Nephilim blood line through the wife of Noah’s son Ham.

God always calls out his remnant. I pray that all who read this may know Jesus Christ as their Savior. To be saved simply believe that Jesus Christ came and died on the cross for your sins; he was buried according to the scriptures and rose again on the 3rd day according to the scriptures. 1 Corinthians 15:1–4 KJV.


Thank you for the honor of answering this question.. Because of the justifiable reason for limiting the number of links to only one in each post in this space “Discussing Jesus”, you may email me -
vietrandy@gmail.com - if you have additional questions regarding my response or any additional question regarding Jesus Christ. I’d love to post and present it here for open discussion. My email: for additional questions regarding Jesus Christ. To God be the glory. Amen! Maranatha!

How to Study your King James Bible

Understand the Bible - From a Workman Approved unto God by His Grace (thethirdheaventraveler.com)


  1. Brother, thank you for your exegesis of these verses in Genesis 6; I don't think I had ever thought about the meaning of verse 6, specifically. I just checked the NIV, and the word used is "grieved." The way you explained it--"God avenged himself by authorizing his divine punishment"--makes perfect sense.

    This reminds me of a discussion I had a couple years ago with a sister in Christ; she wondered how God "feels" about the people in hell. I told her that the Bible doesn't tell us, but I think what you wrote explains it well. This illustrates a broader problem of people trying to apply human feelings to the Lord; He is perfect and is therefore untainted by the sin that so often comes with our feelings.

  2. Amen Brother Keith. Yes, I agree. We hear it all the time don't we?: "Oh, no I don't see how a loving God would do, say, think those things... no, here's what makes sense to me... and this is what I am going to believe."
    There's a huge WOE to those who go the way of Cain - Balaam - Core. Jude 1:11KJV. In each example these individuals either worshipped God their own way, in a manner "they deemed appropriate" i.e., created their own religious belief and practice. Cain disgusted that his brother would throw a bloody, yucky hacked up little lamb on the altar before God. Cain decided that his beautiful fruit was much better and would certainly be more pleasing to God. And we know what God said. Balaam decided he could use God like a sink faucet for whatever he needed for monetary gain for his OWN END and privilege. Core wasn't stupid, he saw the tremendous wealth, prestige and power the priests had in Egypt. He figured serving God for his own interpretation and purpose would bring him the same as the priests in Egypt. And we know what happened to him after Moses finally had enough.
    I can't believe the timing of your comment. It was only a few days ago I was studying this and going to blog it: God records, remembers and establishes eternal achieves memorials remembrances. I started with Pslam 56:7,8 and then compare with Revelation 14:11 KJV: "Thou tellest my wanderings, put my tears in a bottle" "The smoke of their torment rises to heaven forever and ever." This is clear that a "remembrance" is set up in heaven for eternity for those souls burning in the lake of fire but never dying forever. Personally, it seems both good and bad will be recorded and memorialized for eternity. After those who are in Hell get their court date at the Great White Throne Judgement and read their PUNISHMENT(which amazingly comes from same word syntax, semantics as we see in Genesis 6:5,6 KJV) and when their names are NOT found in the BOOK OF LIFE, Revelation 20:12 KJV, "and are cast into the lake of fire for eternity where their souls will live, we know that it doesn't end there. According to scripture, those burning forever will be a continual remembrance to prove God's perfect Love which demands perfect Justice. In other words, there is indisputable proof 24/7 for eternity that God is God!
    Same at our BEMA Judgment before Jesus when we stand before him after the Rapture. We will be judged by our works for our crowns. Some of our work will sadly be burned like chaff because we strived unlawfully (wrongly in accordance with his word), the good stuff will be "eternally" memorialized by our crowns and positional authority in Christ. Again, we see here memorials based on what has been recorded. Amen! Maranatha!

    This is why I personally record and document something important with the statement: "may this stand as both an eternal witness and testimony... I wrote this to Cal yesterday and also to some woman who was wildly attacking one of my Blog/Youtube videos without actually reading what I wrote. I told both Cal and this misguided woman that their words and my words would both ultimately be judged. It's throughout scripture. Look at Acts 10:4 KJV. Wow! So, if you or I are wrong regarding anything, it will be burned as chaff and not recorded. But if we're correct it's clear we will be rewarded with position and crowns because we're saved. However, if a lost person is right or wrong, their evil deeds are recorded against them and I believe their good work will be recorded, but sadly as we know, since they're not in the book of life their smoke rises from the lake of fire for eternity.

    1. Amen! I especially appreciate what you wrote about the eternity of people in hell; I keep on encountering people who are universalists, which is incredibly dangerous and also thoroughly unbiblical. As you alluded to, they say/write things like, "I don't see how a loving God would condemn people to hell."

      Thank you for standing for the truth, Brother Andrew.

    2. Amen! Thank you, Brother Keith. To God be the Glory. As always, I am thankful for your measured, mature commentary and Blogs. God bless you and yours.

  3. There was no need for a long winded answer. The word in Genesis 6:6 is 'repent', but it is an ANTHROPOPATHISM - i.e. God using the character and emotions of man to explain His policy. (you might want to look up ANTHROPOMORPHISM as well while you're at it.) Just like God saying 'I love Jacob, but hate Esau' - God does not hate (that is a sin) but you cannot twist scripture to say the word 'hate' means something else. But God is saying (in Gen. 6:6) that man screwed up, and in the case of Esau, it was Esau who rejected God's grace, so God has to reject Esau, as he did not attain the perfect righteousness as required/given by faith in Christ.

    1. What??? I've posted your misguided, mangled, painful comment to prove what happens when someone - such as you - uses philosophical (man's wisdom vs God's as given in scripture) - babbling in subjective (ideas that have NO ROOT in actual truth but only in one's own faculty of perception) rambling... It is rare I'm able to read so many words to tell us what God is really saying, even though the Bible says what God said.. sawok, wake up!


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