Saudi Arabia - Iran in agreement - The end of this age Look Up Saints

Why is this a big deal? These events will take place after the Rapture of the Church in the Tribulation, specifically at the End of the Tribulation during the BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON When we the Saints will return with Jesus Christ in Revelation 19. 


End Time TimeLine

Psalm 83 War after the Tribulation: The Inner Ring are Israel's neighbors - bordering. Israel with divine intervention will greatly expand her borders and achieve PEACE and Safety by signing the covenant of Death with the Antichrist Daniel Chapter 9.

 After the Outer Ring of Israel's enemies

Ezekiel 38 - 39 Wars  (39 End of Tribulation - 38 End of Millennial Kingdom after Satan is let out of his prison.)

Gog - The Leader of the Coalition

  •  Iran
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Ethiopia - Sudan
  • Egypt
  • Turkey
  • Russia
  • Southern Russia regions into Afghanistan 
  • Libya 

The Rapture of the Bride of Christ - The Church is imminent.  All the Saints are excited and looking Up.   Even mainstream news sites, YouTube talking heads in the secular world are quoting scripture and are puzzled.  But they all know this is big.

Saudi Arabia reportedly suspends peace talks with Israel in the wake of war with Hamas


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